
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Chatper 12

Two hours later,

( Luis ) Hey mom, I'm heading out for a bit, don't wait up.

Luis heads out to meet Yaus.

(Me) * Should I go to his room?" * I mean, I'm not against it, but why is he asking me to meet him so late at night?

*What a coincidence that we both happen to be here at the same time. Not to mention how awkward it was to see him at the spa. However, at the same time, I was happy to see him.

As Luis was walking up to the door, he heard a loud noise coming from the room.

( ? ) What the f*** Yaus you let him leave. What kind of nonsense is this?

( Yaus ) I want us to be able to work together again.

( Luis ) Maybe I should leave. It doesn't seem like the right time.

( ? ) FUCK this

( ? ) You need to calm down.

As Luis was about to turn around and head back, the room door opened.

( ? ) Who are you and why are you just waiting at the door?

(Luis) I-I-I'm Luis. * Why does he look like he just got into a fight?

(Yaus) Send Luis in, and you're free to go.

( ? ) who the fuck is this little boy? I thought we were heading out.

( Yaus ) I didn't say I was coming, and that little boy is my lover.

This little boy is hilarious.

( Luis ) I can come back later

( Yaus ) No

( ? ) whatever bye

Luis walks into the room.


( Yaus ) Sam, you may depart.

( Sam ) I have to leave because he's here? Are you serious? When are you going to stop playing with this little boy? I can make you happier. I'm sure he can't even please you as I can.

( Yaus ) Do I need to repeat myself again?

( Sam ) No

( Yaus ) Then leave, and you come in.

( Luis ) * why do I have to run into her and on top of that what was up with that other guy. *

( Yaus ) Now my adorable kitten isn't trying to run away.

( Luis ) n-no

( Yaus ) - walks over to Luis -

( Luis ) u-umm

( Yaus ) - Yaus picks up Luis and sits him on the bed -

( Luis ) You don't have to keep picking me up like this.


( Luis ) * Why do I always get so nervous around Yaus, and on top of that, he's still shirtless? He has a nice body*

( Yaus ) lol, Thank you.

( Luis ) * Did I just say it out loud *-face turns red

( Yaus ) No, you didn't.

(Luis) What does that mean? * Did he just hear my thoughts?

( Yaus ) Yes, I did.

(Luis) WHAT? You've been reading my mind the whole time?

Yaus walks closer to Luis

( Yaus ) It's the power of a vampire king.

pinning Luis against the wall until he was unable to move.

I've always been able to hear everything you've been thinking. That's how I know you truly love me.

Grabbing Luis's chain and pushing his lips against Luis

Mhhmh.... Mhhmh

Yaus then picks up Luis and lays him on the bed.

( Luis ) mhhhmhh…. * My body is getting hotter every time he kisses me.

Luis is lost in the moment and forgets that Yaus can hear all his thoughts.

( Luis ) "It's like I don't want him to stop." Hmm hmm

( Yaus)-with a big smile on his face -

Then rips off Luis's shirt.

( Luis ) w..wai….t unable to barely speak.

As Yaus removes Luis's pants, he slowly moves his hand down Luis's leg until he reaches his boxers, where he starts rubbing Luis Dick.

( Luis ) awhaa….. W….w…wait for a minute. ahhhahh

( Yaus ) Your body is telling me a different story.

- Yaus whispers in Luis' ear.

Daddy can't wait any longer. I'm about to eat you up.

Yaus removes his towel.

( Luis ) * He's so handsome *

Yaus then picks up Luis and puts him on his lap and continues to kiss Luis as he rubs his nipples.

( Luis ) awhaa…ahh... I c..can't take this any longer. Ahh aww... …ger

( Yaus ) Are you ready then?

Luis looks at Yasu

( Luis ) I've never done this before and I'm a bit nervous.

( Yaus ) I will be gentle.

Knock knock

Outside the door ( ? ) Master I do apologize for interrupting, but we have an emergency.

Yau's eyes then became a dark deep red... In a very cold voice,

Did I say specifically I didn't want to be bothered?

Yes, Sir, and I apologize for the inconvenience, but this needs your immediate attention...

( Yaus ) - In a very cold voice, - If this isn't extremely critical, I will devour you until there isn't even a drop of blood left."

( ? ) - barely able to speak - y….yes sir

( Luis ) Do you have to leave?

( Yaus ) I'm sorry, I'm sweet Luis, Please rest and stay here till I get back.

( Luis ) o.. okay. * I wish you didn't have to leave.

( Yaus ) I will be back soon.

( Luis ) I forgot you could read my mine. Wait, you heard everything I said earlier-blush-

( Yaus ) Lol - Yaus walked away.

( Luis ) hmmm I wish you would stay out of my head

Once Yaus left to take care of some unknown business, Luis showed up and retired to bed, waiting for Yaus to return.

( Luis ) I can't stop thinking about earlier. * I was so close to allowing him to - Blush - It's already 3 am. I wonder if everything is okay.

As he drifts off to sleep,

Next day,

( Luis ) where am I * Wait Yaus

( Yaus ) Good Morning

( Luis ) Good Morning!!... When did you get back?

( Yaus ) Not too long ago,

( Luis ) Well, welcome back. I hope everything worked out okay. You should get some rest.

( Yaus ) - Smiles - Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?

As Luis stayed with Yaus until he fell asleep, he could sense something was off but didn't want to ask what was bothering him.

After Yaus fell asleep, Luis left, heading out to spend the day with his mom, sight-seeing and eating some delicious food.

After returning to the hotel, Luis decided to check on Yaus, but when he reached his room, he found Yaus nowhere to be found...

( Luis ) I wonder where Yaus is.

Luis decides to just return to his room, but someone ends up stopping him on his way back.

(?) Sir,This note was left for you.


My Dear, Little Kitten

Please accept my apologies, but I will not be returning home for a while. It will be impossible for me to contact you from where I'm traveling. Know that I love you and will return to you as soon as possible.

Love Yaus

Is there a time frame before I am unable to contact him? How long until he is not able to contact me? Is he heading somewhere that he won't be able to text me or even call me?

My chest hurts reading this note and not even being able to say goodbye... Maybe I can at least try to contact him now.

Luis took out his phone and tried to reach Yaus several times, but he was unable to get a hold of
