
Fanfiction Different Sex Story

(Not Only FanFiction Novel) In this entire book, you will find different kinds of stories, and sometimes you will find extreme stories like. Ntr, Underage, •Massage To The Arthur• I give credit to the original author in every story, first and last chapter. If any author wants to delete their story, they can reach out to me via message. abubokker85@mbox.re Discord: @abubokker READ THIS::: I'll upload a story that I find interesting. In case you are the author of any story. If you want to delete this story, you can reach out to me. I still haven't read some of the story. I'm uncertain about whether the story will be posted on Extreme or NTR. Feel free to leave a comment on the title to let others know. HOW CHECK ARTHUR OFFICIAL PAGE And If people wanted to search original link You can search like this you will get result. On GOOGLE Search Type first website name Then novel name ( literotica Brain Control Enterprises ) Done Tags. Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Cheating, MILFs, Underage Sex, Casual Sex, Incest, Cosplay, Orgy, Free-Use, Public Sex, Female Submissive, Hypnosis, Incest, Male Dominant, Mind Control, Oral, piss drinking, Bestiality, Angels, Rough Sex, Deepthroating, Beating, Face Slapping, Spanking, Incest, Mother, Teacher, Humiliation, Marriage, Master/Slave, Pregnant Sex, Aunt, human toilet, Image Credits: Calibrer •••Important Message To Readers••• 1. The act of uploading a novel from the original Arthur and pretending to be its original novel is called a copycat. Ans. I give credit to the original author and also inform others that it is not my own work. So It's possible for people to check out the original story of Arthur. For instance, a large number of people in the webnovel app upload without giving credit. And I also mention the original website. 2. You make lots of money by uploading novel? Ans.: I do not earn money from uploading this. The reason I uploaded this story is because I like this type of story. And I give original credit to Arthur because if people want to give money or something they can just message on their Patreon. So if Arthur want to delete their story they can reach out to me. 3. Why do I upload paid content for free on Webnovel? Ans. All the stories that I upload are available for free. Arthur makes money from their Patreon account.

Axon46 · คนดัง
233 Chs

Chapter 107. Lalisa Manoban (Various Females X Reader)

Written by FriedaIsBestGirl

On: archiveofourown.org

Summary: Various Females x Male Reader

Tags: Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Porn, Reader-Insert, reader - Freeform, male reader - Freeform, Original Character(s), Threesome, Fivesome, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Mirror Sex, Bathroom Sex, Impregnation, Breeding, Cheating

Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.





( Y/N ) Meaning Is (You)

All Character Image Available On Comment

February, 2022

The shuttering of hundreds of cameras, accompanied by the flashing lights that could partially blind the intolerable eye with the brightness and sheer repetitiveness of the lights combined with the light snowfall that came down on the city in late February could only mean one thing.

It was fashion week in Paris.

A semiannual event where some of the biggest names in the fashion industry would design the most outrageous clothing they could get away with sticking on a model while they walked down a runway lined with celebrities from California to Korea, from Brazil to Australia, and from England to Japan, while anyone else rich enough and lucky enough to get a ticket would watch from further back, owing to their much lesser celebrity status.

Or at least, that's how Y/N saw it before he had been invited to attend one of the shows on a freezing Sunday night. In years gone by, an event like this would've went mostly under the radar for him. He would've seen something about it on Instagram or Twitter, liked some photos of people that he followed or thought looked nice and that would've been the end of it.

However, being up close and seeing the intricate designs of the clothes being wheeled passed before the models put them on was definitely something else, especially when said pieces of clothing had these huge bows or obnoxiously large add ons just hanging there, while the people and celebrities invited wore clothes that were much less out there, well at least some of them did.

Once passed the initial red carpet area where the celebrities would arrive, get about a million photos taken by actual fashion journalists, while the paparazzi vultures were kept at arms reach by security, often screaming obscenities at people who were deliberately blocking their shots of famous people, there was this huge marble lobby where members of staff were taking jackets and coats and waiting staff carried trays of champagne for anyone that wanted just after the security post where they asked for your ID and Invitation while belongings went through the x-ray machine while the huge security members used the handheld metal detectors to make sure nothing dangerous was brought onto the premises.

Waiting just passed that point was Y/N, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for his friend Georginio, or Gini as everyone called him to get back from the bathroom and washing his hands or whatever it was that he was doing in there.

Although all of a sudden, Y/N was suddenly encompassed by the coats of two women that brisked by in a group of four, leaving him stranded in the middle of the room holding coats that were probably worth thousands because they'd already gone by without giving him a chance to explain that he wasn't part of the staff.

"Y/N, I leave you alone for two minutes and you're already crumbling under the pressure man." Gini grins as he speaks, a certain amusement to his young friends struggles. "How did you even manage to end up like this?" He gestures to the coats he was holding above the ground.

"I don't know, I was standing here waiting for you, then I get these shoved into my possession." He shrugged. "I told you I'd do something embarrassing if you invited me."

"Don't worry about it, you can give them back inside." Gini laughed it off. "I did tell you to wear something nice didn't I? You stand out like a sore thumb man."

"I am." Y/N protested, gesturing to the black shirt and suit he had on, minus the tie, although the trainers did kinda scupper the outfit. "This is the nicest suit I have that doesn't have the club badge on it."

"Maybe if you were still going to school it would look nice." Gini teased him. "This is what happens when you buy your clothes at the same place you buy your food. We're in Paris, all you need to do is step outside and you can practically see a tailor who can make you a suit."

"Yeah, yeah." Y/N shrugged off Gini's insistence on him going to a tailor. "Can we go inside before more people think I'm part of the staff?"

Inside the main hall, the huge runway was in the middle of all the seats that looked less than comfortable to say the least, especially for a multi-million dollar event, but the main thing was that the lights in the room were all still on so he could see properly.

"I'll go get our seats." Gini told Y/N. "You go give those back without picking up anymore."

"You're never gonna let this go, are you?" Gini only smiled in response before finding their seats while Y/N sorted through the barely three seconds of memory he had from the short encounter to find the women who had handed him their coats.

It took him a few minutes to actually wander around as people were sitting down, passing and occasionally bumping into people who were much more famous than him. Although he believed that he had found the women who had thrust their belongings upon him, mainly because nobody else with long blonde hair was sitting with anyone else with a pinkish bob-cut.

"Excuse me." Y/N stepped in front of the four women who were conversing with each other. "I know my suit isn't expensive, but I am not part of the staff here." The four of them just looked at each other rather awkwardly for a moment. "I have your coats though." He held them out for the one with the pink bob-cut and the one with silky smooth black hair to collect. "I didn't know what to do, so I came looking for you to give them back."

The two women on the left suddenly burst out laughing as the four of them realised the mistake that two of them had made. "I am so sorry about them." The blonde one spoke with an Australian or New Zealand accent, sincere with her words.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Y/N shrugged the attempted apologies off while the pink haired and black haired girl hid their faces in embarrassment, hearing the other two giggling as he left the four of them to go and take his seat next to Gini.

After maybe an hour or so into the actual show when the models were taking a break backstage which allowed people to go and get drinks, Y/N was tapped on his shoulder from behind while conversing with Gini about the show so far.

"Hi." It was the woman with the pink hair, a very pretty asian woman with her pink hair framing her face beautifully. "Would you mind if we could talk for a minute?"

"Sure." He stood up from his seat, telling Gini he'd be back soon, following her to the side of the huge hall where a bar spanning the whole hall stood, with more than twenty staffing the drinks.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier with the jackets." She attempted to apologise herself this time. "You were standing yourself, so I just assumed you were part of the staff, and Jisoo just did the same as me."

"It's fine, really." Y/N tried to reassure the stunning woman stood in front of him. "I've been told before to buy nicer suits, this is probably the time to if famous people can see the cheapness of my clothes."

"I didn't mean it like that." She tried to protest what he was saying. "You look nice in the suit, it fits you well, and the shoes, well... they're nice too."

"I know the shoes don't go with the outfit at all, but I don't like wearing the pointy shoes. They used to hurt my feet when I was younger." He told her. "You know what, you've apologised on behalf of your friend Jisoo, but I never got your name."

"Lalisa." She held her hand out for him to shake, which he did, exchanging his own first name in return. "You can just call me Lisa though."

"Pretty name." He complimented. "You want something to drink?"

The topic of conversation was then steered to the fact that she couldn't drink, not because she was underage of anything like that, it was because she wasn't allowed to without permission. Lisa then had to explain what she did to Y/N, and she had his full attention while she did so, explaining that she was part of a Korean girl group signed to a label that enforced some pretty strict rules upon them to keep themselves and the girls protected from any possible bad press or controversy.

She told him that they needed permission to drink alcohol, smoking was a big no no, same with going to clubs without permission, and even when they had been allowed into a club and allowed to drink for the first time, they were still supervised by the label about how long they were there for and how much they had to drink.

He was also made aware that they needed permission for romantic relationships, because of the damage to the brand the timing and whoever the person was could do, especially if they brought the girls into something controversial.

"Have you ever thought about breaking the rules? Or even just bending them a little bit?" Y/N allowed his morbid curiosity to take over for a moment. "Surely there's some things you could get away with."

"Me and Jennie like to bend the rules every now and again." Lisa admitted to him in a much more hushed tone. "Jisoo follows the rules almost perfectly, but Rosie is a bit more wild than the rest of us." She informed him. "We don't tell on her, but I've seen her drunk a few times after daytime drinking on her day off. I'm telling you, she is crazy, and that's just the stuff I know about."

"What about you?" Lisa then turned the tables onto him. "I told you what I do. What about you? What do you do?"

"I umm, well... I'm an athlete." He told her after a little hesitation, he didn't really like telling people what he did, he was still super awkward when it came to that.

"Really?" Lisa seemed really interested now, like her curiosity had been piqued. "I can see it now. What kind of athletics, track or field?"

"Eh, well, football... or soccer." He informed her. "I don't know how you recognise it in Korea."

"Oh, I think they call it football in Korea, but in Thailand where I'm from, we call it football, but with a U." She explained to him. "Actually, now that I think about it, Jisoo likes football a lot more than the rest of us. I wonder if she knows you? What team is it that you play for?"

"I play here, in Paris." He told her truthfully. "Paris Saint-Germain, or PSG for short."

"Oh, that must be so great to play football in Paris, getting to live here as well." She gushed, feeling a little jealous of him being able to live in this beautiful city. "I'm sorry to ask, but are you and the team any good?"

"Well, we are top of the league right now, I think it's sixteen points between us and second place right now." He informed her. "As for me, I like to think I'm good, but Lionel Messi is my teammate, and he's the best to ever play the game."

"The best ever? Like in the whole of history?" She asked, getting a nod from Y/N in return. "Wow, that must be great to work with someone like that."

"It is." He murmured. "When I first joined the team in the summer from America, he had only been there for two weeks, but he was one of the first ones to come and say hello to me, it was a lot easier once he found out I spoke Spanish though." He glanced over to Lisa, who had her head resting on her hand with her elbow on the bar counter, but she looked enthralled with his words for the moment.

"They were all super nice to me, it made it a lot easier to settle in here after moving from California to come here, but it was definitely easier because I speak French as well."

"You speak Spanish and French?" Lisa looked impressed by that.

"Italian too." He added in.

"But you are American, right?"

"Well, technically yes, I was born there, and my passport is an American one, but my mum is from England, my grandparents on her side are from Scotland, but my dad is French, his mum is Italian, and his dad is Spanish." Y/N tried to explain it as easily as he could. "So I could get citizenship from any of those countries, and before you ask, it was difficult learning four languages at the same time, but it was worth it."

"Well, you beat me in fluent languages. Thai, Korean and English for me, but I do speak basic Japanese and Chinese, so I've got you there." She joked. "I'm pretty sure Thailand sucks at football, how did you pick which country to play for."

"I didn't, or haven't yet." He responded with. "Back when I was playing in the MLS in America, I was called up to play for the National team when I was seventeen, but I didn't think it was because I had impressed them after a month, I thought it was so they could play me for a minute to stop any other nations from calling me up in the future, so I said no, and they blocked me from playing matches after internationals."

"The club wouldn't do anything because they had very close ties to the US Soccer Federation and the National Team, but when I moved here to Paris in the summer, they tried to do it again, but the club fought them tooth and nail for me, so I could play after internationals." He told her with a faint smile on his face. "I can choose to play for six countries, but only one of them ever tried to stop me from playing, and it left a very sour taste in my mouth. I considered renouncing my citizenship to get them to stop, but my mum talked me out of it."

Lisa felt sorry for him in the moment, because he'd had to deal with others trying to take advantage of him when he was young. Hesitantly, she reached for his hand, timing it perfectly with the lights dimming outside the stage once more, leaving the darkness mostly hiding the fact that she was holding his hand reassuringly, and also hiding any semblance of blushes on either of their faces.

"Now that I think about it, you're the first person I've ever told about that besides my mum." He smiled as he spoke, finding reassurance in the way she was currently holding his hand. "Thank you for listening."

"Thank you for telling me." Lisa gave his hand yet another squeeze. "I know we only met tonight, but I feel like I know you so well already."

"Well I did give you a brief rundown on my life experiences since turning sixteen four years ago." He joked.

Lisa looked at him, contemplating saying something, softly biting her lower lip as she did so, eventually leaning in closer so that their faces were much closer than before. "I told you that I'd never broken any serious rules that our label has, but that's mainly because I never found someone that relates to me well enough. I moved to South Korea when I was fourteen to become a singer and Idol, and you're the first person I've met since then who shares that similarity, even if you were a little older than me when it happened."

"Right, um... well that's nice to know I guess." Y/N began stammering out his responses, which only served to put another soft smile on her face.

"Y/N, do you want to break some rules with me?" She whispered gently, her hot breath hitting his face.

He had never been so thankful that he lived down the street and around the corner in his life. After telling Gini that he had to leave early and somehow getting passed all the cameras without them noticing and snapping a million pictures of the two of them, the moment that they stepped inside his apartment and the door was shut behind them, they were all over each other.

Hot, wet and steamy kisses were exchanged at the door, followed by his shoes and her heels being hastily removed along with his suit jacket being practically ripped off and thrown to the floor without their lips breaking contact. Knowing the apartment like the back of his hand, he began backing her up through the hall and into the open kitchen, where she hit the countertop and was graciously hoisted to sit on the edge as Y/N slotted in between her thighs while their hot and wet kisses continued, neither of them being able to control themselves and reign it in at the moment.

"You're so pretty." Y/N spoke to her as he moved his lips across her face to her cheek, trailing down to her jawline where he began peppering her with soft kisses.

"Mmm..." Lisa let out a soft groan as his lips began attacking her neck, kissing from one side to the other, across her throat as well while she tried to make quick work of his shirt, fiddling with the buttons individually, struggling to open them fast enough to her liking, and she let out a huge gasp midway through one button as he started sucking on the base of her neck.

Deciding to be quick instead of careful, Lisa decided to just rip the shirt open, sending a few buttons flying with each rip of the shirt until it was open and discarded on the kitchen counter. Underneath his shirt, she understood why he was an athlete, he was so lean, but there was muscle everywhere, on his abdomen to his forearms. "And you called me pretty." She remarked after getting a good look at him without a shirt.

"Not to ruin the mood, but isn't someone going to notice that you're gone." Y/N sounded worried for her.

"How sweet, I'm sure they'll call soon enough." She used a single index finger to tilt his chin upwards, their lips barely an inch apart. "I'll make you a deal. If you can make me cum, I don't know... twice, I'll stay the night with you. If you're lucky, I'll wake you up early for some more rule breaking."

"God you're so fucking hot." He breathed out right before melding their lips together once again, reaching for the back of her dress, only to find that the zipper wasn't there, or anywhere to be found. Lisa giggled at his attempts to undress her, and guided his hands to the side where the zipper was hidden beneath part of the dress.

"Be careful, it's expensive." She warned him as she raised herself up a little as the dress came off her so easily, with the dress being thrown onto the sofa that was behind Y/N as Lisa was left with only her underwear on, a matching set of a black bra and panties. "Your turn." She egged him on to lose the trousers, which he did in record time, even with the bulging erection he was sporting inside his boxers.

"So fucking pretty." He complimented her again as he dived in for another kiss, this time making sure that the strap for the bra was on the back as that piece of clothing was swiftly removed. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in closer, her breasts squishing against his chest while his bulge ground against her, leaving nothing to the imagination except for how it would feel inside of her.

"What are you going to do to me?" She whispered into his ear, breathing onto it to make him shiver in excitement.

"Firstly I'm going to make you cum twice." He told her as he slipped two fingers under her panties, his palm rubbing against her clit while his fingers penetrated her, feeling around for that piece of flesh that would...

"Fuck..." Lisa arched her back all of a sudden, meaning that he had found it and he continued to motion his fingers against her insides, moving them up and down, rubbing in circular motions while she used her hands to balance herself and throw her head back.

"After that, I just want you to enjoy breaking your rules with me." Y/N began kissing at the front of her throat once more, gently sucking on the flesh as he trailed his way down to the base of her neck, moving to her collar bones, his fingers constantly moving inside of her, keeping her right on the brink of orgasm with each movement he made.

His lips trailed down her chest to where her nude breasts sat, wasting no time in wrapping his lips around one of her hardened nipples and using his free hand on the other, and within seconds, Lalisa, the Thai rapper was a moaning mess on his kitchen countertop. Her mouth wide open as she yelled expletives and praise for him all at the same time.

He switched his mouth to the other nipple that had been between his fingers, sucking on it, rolling his tongue over the surface, even taking it between his teeth like he had done with the other one mere moments before.

"F-Fuck..." Lisa then started speaking in Thai, or Korean, he didn't really know to be honest, but one of her hands shot out to grab him by the hair, pulling his head in and smashing their lips together, her nails digging into his scalp while she thrust her hips against his slow moving fingers. Getting the message, he upped his speed significantly, fingering her at an incredible speed while she fucked herself on his fingers.

She moaned desperately into his mouth as her body shuddered, letting loose a storm of built up energy with her first orgasm of the night, her entire body tightening in place as she rode out the length of her orgasm in full before her body relaxed afterwards.

Removing his fingers from her, he gave them a lick, relishing the surprisingly sweet taste of her insides. "Sweet as honey." He remarked, using her relaxed state to remove her panties down her legs with no resistance.

She tried to sit up fully, but he pushed her back down, so she was flat on her back with her legs dangling over the edge, with Y/N wasting no tine in lowering himself onto his knees, his head now at the perfect height to get that taste he now so desperately craved.

Gripping her thighs and pulling her closer, he wasted no time in diving in to get a much better taste of her sweet juices, still fresh and wet from her orgasm, his tongue slid right into her insides, roaming around her wet cavern, tasting every surface he could reach.

"That's not fair!" Lisa complained to him, but she didn't use the hands wrapped in his hair to rip him away, she used them to pull him in deeper, closing her thighs around his head, desperately trying to use his mouth and tongue to make her cum for a second time. "Fuck me, you're so good at this." For someone so young, several years younger than her, he was incredible at pleasuring her, using every trick in the unwritten book, paying attention to what made her gasp and moan, and using that to make her feel like her insides were burning. If he was half as good with his dick as he was with his mouth, she'd be seeing stars after half an hour.

Because she'd just came down from an orgasm, she was built up to the verge of another one very quickly, gasping and moaning out his name as his tongue penetrated her insides, licking up every drop of juice that she was producing, not letting a drop spill onto the counter or the floor.

Lisa began shouting in what he was sure was Thai this time as her whole body shuddered once more, pulling hard on his hair and locking her thighs around his head as she fucked his face with her hips, wildly bucking across his lips, nose and chin until she was satisfied enough to relax.

"That's two." Y/N grinned as he stood up once again, leaning over Lisa's body to make sure that she was still conscious, licking his swollen lips as he did so.

"Bedroom. Now."

"Fuck..." Y/N groaned out as he slid his throbbing cock inside of Lisa for the first time, the beautiful Thai woman on her hands and knees on his bed, her face scrunching up as she felt his hot cock even through the condom he insisted on wearing. "God, you're so tight Lisa."

"You're the first guy I've let properly fuck me." She informed him as she helped him slide all the way in this time, moving her ass back to meet him halfway, feeling him stretching her insides as his pelvis met her ass cheeks. "You're the first guy I've ever connected this well with." She turned her head to look him in the eye. "Now go ahead and fuck me stupid."

When she told him to fuck her stupid, she thought it was just one of those English figure of speeches that meant hard, she didn't realise that it would make him try his absolute hardest to ruin her the first night they had met.

She didn't believe that sex could be this gratifying, which is why when Y/N had taken an iron grip of her hips and began absolutely laying into her without mercy or regret, she found that the truth about sex was that if your partner wanted you to feel good, you would feel good.

Her moans were almost being drowned out by the clapping of skin that his hips and her ass were producing, with his cock spearing in and out of her, she felt like he was splitting her in half with each and every thrust that he made in quick succession.

Lisa's mind was already beginning to go numb as she had no way of responding to the proper hard fucking she was receiving, her fists balling up the bedsheets, desperate for any sort of physical release from the pressure that she was feeling, but instead all she got was her abdomen burning up a fire of pleasure inside of her and the feeling of Y/N's cock splitting her in two and punching a hole in her womb with each thrust.

She was desperate to cum, whether it lasted one minute or one second, but the way that Y/N was thrusting into her denied her the release she craved. She wouldn't ask him to stop though, instead she continued to receive and contribute what little she could, in the form of moaning his name, asking for more or throwing her ass back with what little force she could generate.

After several more minutes of willingly having her pussy nigh on violated by a rock hard cock, her arms gave way, her upper body falling onto the bed while her ass remained in the air. Though her ass soon followed as Y/N pushed her ass down using his hips, cock still buried deep inside of her, leaning down and pressing kisses to her back, shoulders and neck, firstly making sure she was okay to continue before doing anything else.

After making sure she was fine, he rose into the plank position, before thrusting his hips straight down, his cock hitting all sorts of new places inside of her from this angle as he began laying pipe yet again, this time his pace was far less erratic and more controlled, but Lisa continued to feel his cock ravaging her insides.

Only this time, it felt like he was carving a path through her, shoving all her organs out the way from behind and above as he penetrated her with reckless abandon, feeling her guts being rearranged with each thrust he was giving her.

He moved up ever so slightly to be able to kiss her neck again, and when he thrust downwards into her, his cock ran straight down her incredibly sensitive g-spot, causing her to gasp and melt into his grasp even more, but when he pulled out, his cock dragged back along the spot, sending her eyes into the back of her head, and when he thrust back down to meet her ass with his hips, she lost all the composure she was holding onto.

"Y/N, please don't stop that, don't you dare stop that." She begged him with a squeal to go with the next set of thrusts into her tight and wet pussy, her body beginning to shake and her mind beginning to crumble from the ploughing she was taking.

He didn't dare stop or even adjust position in the slightest, instead focusing only on not cumming to early and giving her powerful thrusts each time he moved up and down.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Lisa let out a series of desperate moans, before turning her head to face him. "Y/N, make me cum, please make me cum." The look in her eyes was so desperate it almost made him cum just by looking at her, but he just about managed to steel himself, thrusting down into her without any sense of control, giving her literally everything he had.

"Y/N! Fuuuuuuck!" Lisa's orgasm ripped straight through her body from head to toe, but it didn't stop, because Y/N continued to pound away at her, feeling her squeeze the life out of him, even with the condom on, yet he continued to make her scream his name uncontrollably as he fucked her straight through her orgasm into another one that made her legs weak and lit her body on fire.

Y/N gave her several more thrusts right onto her g-spot before he physically couldn't handle it anymore as he groaned right into her ear as he filled up the condom, shooting several loads that nearly caused an overflow while his body collapsed on top of hers.

He removed himself to get rid of the condom and to make sure no more would come out in the bathroom before joining Lisa on the bed, who had conveniently moved herself underneath the covers already, leaving plenty of space for him to join her.

When he did join her under the covers, he was slightly taken aback when she turned her body and kissed him, this one much softer than the others. "Thank you." She spoke sincerely before turning around facing away from him.

Though when he didn't move closer to her, Lisa took matters into her own hands, shuffling back into being the little spoon, even pulling his arm around her stomach to keep her close to his body during the night as the two of them fell asleep together.

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