
Kiss Me (Supercorp One shot)

Lena sat at her desk staring forward blankly. She was so tired and drained and confused. The green eyed woman had been at war with herself ever since Supergirl had saved her from being pushed of her balcony. Something about the hero seemed so..familiar. Maybe it was the scent of flowers and peaches.. Or how she stumbled over her words when explaining how she only knew about her danger through Kara. ..Kara.

Now really and truly thinking about it, Kara had resembled Supergirl a lot. And both Kara and the Kryptonian had seemed quite protective over her. At her gala, Kara left and Supergirl showed up as she was out of sight. As soon as Supergirl left.. Kara returned.

"Kara is.." Lena gasped not able to finish however.

"Kara is what?" A voice none other than the blonde hero's questioned as she entered the office, her red cape flowing behind her.

"Nothing. Nothing. To what do I owe the pleasure K-Supergirl?" The CEO bit her tongue trying to prevent a spill of words. She was curious to see if Kara would tell her herself, or continue to lie.

"Hm. Well, speaking of Kara, she asked me to tell you something." Supergirl rocked on her heels as she smiled at the ground. The moment her eyes locked with Lena's they'd both lost their breath.

"What did she want you to tell me?" Lena asked curiously as she bit her lower lip. Her eyes dropped down to Supergirl's short maroon skirt and quickly bounced back up to her blue eyes.

"She wanted to tell you, that she was supposed to have sister night with Alex, t, Alex had plans with Maggie tonight, so she wanted to see if you'd do her the honor of spending the evening with her." She finished confidently with a bright smile. However, her smile faltered and she spun around to face the window. "But, she'd understand if you were too busy or just.. Didn't want to go." Kara slightly mumbled.

"No!" Lena said maybe a little too loudly. "I mean, no. I'd love to. I actually need to speak with Kara about some things anyways."



"Like what?" The hero bit her lip in thought as she turned to face the beautiful woman.

"I'm afraid that only Kara and I's business." Lena smirked. "You know, just some things." She added causing Kara to blush furiously and choke on her words.

"Intimate?" She squeaked while rubbing the back of her neck.

"I mean, of course her consent would be neede- Supergirl... What do you think I mean by intimate?" Lena raised her eyebrows now aware of why she was so flustered. Her own cheeks burned as well at thought of being intimate with Kara Danvers.

"Uh.. N-nothing like that I promise Lena. Just I didn't think you'd ever be that close with Kara. I mean she's kind of.. Quirky?" Supergirl said.

Lena knew Kara and Supergirl were the same person but she still immediately got defensive of her best- if not only, friend. "She's not quirky at all! And even if she is, it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. And I would love to be that close with Kara because honestly I care a lot about her." Lena's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as Kara stared at the CEO speechless.

"Um.. Okay. I didn't mean to insult Kara and get you mad.. I just.. I'll go let Kara know you said yes." Supergirl stumbled over her words.

"Supergirl, I need advice on something before you go." Lena said quickly. This was her chance to tell her about her feelings and seeing how she reacts before The alien stayed quiet but showed she was listening. "There's this person. That I've grown to like a lot. I'm constantly at war with myself over it. I'm scared that my feelings will scare off the only friend I have. I am afraid of so many things. But I just can't lose them. I want to tell them, but I don't know how." The emerald eyed beauty sighed and sat on the couch in her office while staring at the floor sadly.

"Look, Lena. You are such an amazing and good person. So beautiful and caring and smart and funny and good. Anyone who'd run away from that, is a complete fool. To lose someone like you would be horrible. Anyone would be lucky to have caught the attention of you in that way. To have your heart, be the reason behind your smile, the reason your breathe catches in your throat and you laugh nervously. Who gives you butterflies and makes your head spin. I don't see why anyone wouldn't adore you back."

Kara stared at Lena with adoring eyes, smiling soft at the young woman with dark hair and beautiful eyes. Lena didn't know how to react. She didn't want to think Kara/Supergirl felt the same in case she was wrong, but it seemed like she was kite fond of her.

"I need to get ready for Kara's." Lena said quickly while wearing a smile.

"Have fun!" The Kryptonian returned her smile and walked towards her balcony launching off.

||Kara's Apt.||

Kara flew back to her apartment and quickly changed into a pair of grey skinny jeans, a flowery blouse and a pastel pink cardigan to top it off. She pulled her  blonde locks back into a pony tail and put on her glasses. She paced around her apartment for a while reliving everything that just happened between Lena and her.

The woman she had an impossible and crazy infatuation liked her. It was still foreign to Kara, having never really been interested in someone of the same sex before but it wasn't at all unwelcome. She liked the way Lena made her feel, she never hurt Kara like James. And while it wasn't intentional from him, it still hurt her.

Kara could hear muttering from the hall thanks to her heightened hearing, and heard Lena chastising herself about tonight. Telling herself not to slip up, not mess this up. The blonde reporter frowned when she heard that, it hurt her to think that Lena would think Kara would leave her.

Finally, the young Luthor knocked and the the alien jogged over to answer the door wearing her happiest smile when Lena's green eyes meet hers. "Lena!" She exclaims throwing her arms around the other woman. She stiffens front the sudden action, but quickly wraps her arms around Kara as well taking in her inviting scent of peaches and flowers. She smiled into Kara's shoulder.

The two stand there, hugging like that for several moments before pulling apart. They stare at each other, both blushing profusely. Their eyes stay locked, telling each other something neither can really make out before they laugh awkwardly and head to the living room and seating themselves on the couch.

"So, what are the plans for this evening?" Lena asked smiling.

"Well, we have a couple options. We can go out and do something like normal people," both women laughed cheerfully. "Or, we can stay here and do other stuff."

"Other stuff?" Lena cocked an eyebrow, her green eyes burning into Kara's blue ones.

"Like talk. Or watch a movie." Kara shrugged.

"Or knowing you, stuff our faces." Lena teased. Kara smiled at the ground and readjusted her glasses as she did when flustered. "Cute." Lena mumbled while she watched Kara with loving eyes.

"What's cute?" Kara questioned.

"Uh.. Well, you Ms. Danvers. When you fix your glasses without an actual need because someone complimented you or other." She took a deep breath in and sighed, her smile faltering as her gaze dropped to the floor.

Kara immediately noticed. "Lena, what's wrong?"

"You and Supergirl."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you ever planning on telling me?" Lena met Kara with sad eyes.

"Rao.. How did you even-"

"You both smell like flowers and peaches, you have the same goofy smile, you're both very protective of me, you both constantly tell me how I'm a good person. I'm not stupid Kara." Her emerald eyes returned to the floor. 

"Yes. I did plan on telling you. I was thinking about doing it tonight. But, it goes a lot deeper than just my wanting to tell you Lena. It could put you in danger, could reveal my identity, the decision lies in Alex and the DEO's hands as well. Lying to you, has honestly been killing me. Wait.. You paid attention to all those things about me?" Kara replied.

"Yeah." Lena admitted looking to the beautiful blonde. "Kara, is there anything e you want to tell me maybe?" She asked hopefully as she ran a hand through her dark hair.

"Nope." The Kryptonian hero replied too quickly. She'd recalled that Lena liked her and bit her tongue. She needed to tell Lena she felt the same."Actually, yes." She breathed out scooting closer to Lena. She rested her hand on the Luthor's thigh and bit her lip.

"Kara." Lena whispered.

"Yes Lena?" The blonde whispered back smiling.

"Just kiss me already."

Kara happily obliged to her demand as she leaned in and connected their lips. Lena's heart pounded against her rib cage as Kara's hand came to rest on her hip and her other hand on the back of Lena's neck deepening their kiss. Using some of her super strength, she pushed Lena to lie on the couch and straddled her waist.

"I like you." Kara admitted softly.

"Oh, really?" Lena asked wearing a playful smirk on her lips.

"Yes." The blue eyed woman replied a bit huskily. Lena felt something spark inside of her when hearing Kara's voice like that. "This what you had in mind when you said intimate?"

Lena physically couldn't speak. She was so intoxicated from Kara's scent and dizzy she couldn't function.  She just hugged Kara tightly.

"No. This is."