
Family Of Ghosts

After a car accident, Cen Pan lost every loved one aside from her younger brother, who was lying in the ICU. Feeling that she was on the verge of suffocating from the burden of medical fees right after graduation, she was visited by her grandmother in her dream. "Darling, I had a friend who really loves the clothes you design. Would you burn one of them for him? He will pay you handsomely." Cen Pan simply found it surreal, but did so anyway so that she could be at ease. The next night, her grandmother gave her an address and a password in her dream. "Here, this is the password of the safe, and his payment is in there." Skeptical, Cen Pan looked for the safe at the address, and found a diamond worth a hundred grand in the safe! After that, her deceased family members kept appearing in her dreams. "Darling, it's going to rain tomorrow—so bring an umbrella." "Darling, I met a hacker who had been dead for a hundred years, and he’s asking if you want to inherit his lost art." "Darling, do you have a boyfriend? I just made a friend who really wants you to marry his grandson!" Marry? Cen Pan immediately shook her head, but was stunned when her grandfather showed the grandson's photo. Why did he resemble her new boss so much?!

Wishes Come True · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
140 Chs

He Will Die Without Medicine

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

City Hospital, ICU ward.

Cen Pan looked at her pale younger brother, Cen Ming, who was lying on the bed. She frantically grabbed the doctor. "Can you make an exception for the medical fees for two more days?"

"He's only five years old. His life has just begun! Please help him. Don't stop the treatment!"

"He will die if you stop the medicine!"

The doctor slapped her hand away harshly and said sarcastically, "Why should I if I don't get paid? Anyway, he might not wake up. Give up early so that he doesn't occupy my bed!"

The doctor even instructed the security guards, "If these two don't pay tomorrow, throw them out."

Cen Pan's heart felt like it had been punched and she could barely breathe.

The car accident a year ago had killed almost all of her relatives.

If not for the fact that she had to take care of her brother, who had suffered a severe brain injury and was in a deep coma, she would have committed suicide.

In order to pay for her brother's treatment, she sold her house and car.

She spent most of her senior year working hard to earn her living expenses.

It wasn't easy for Cen Pan to graduate and enter the biggest corporation in City A. She had a high income.

However, her brother's condition suddenly worsened and he entered the ICU.

Ten thousand yuan a day for treatment had emptied her savings.

Even if she had to get another night shift, she could not hold on anymore.

Cen Pan gritted her teeth and stared at the doctor's back until he disappeared at the end of the corridor. Then, she slumped against the wall like a deflated ball.

Cen Pan buried her head in her arms and allowed her tears to fall.

Exhaustion and helplessness overwhelmed her. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, a gentle call sounded.

"Pan Pan, don't cry. Grandma is here." There seemed to be a warm embrace wrapping around her cold body from behind her.

Cen Pan looked up with teary eyes and saw that familiar loving face. She hesitated and said, "Grandma, aren't you…"

Did she also die in a car accident a year ago…

"Pan Pan, Grandma has a friend who likes the clothes you designed and is willing to buy them at a high price. Can you burn them for him?"

Grandma handed over a piece of paper with the words "Shan Nan Cemetery, Row 15, No. 3."

Before Cen Pan could ask what was going on, Grandma's body suddenly turned transparent.

"Grandmother, don't go!" She swung her arms in front of her, but missed and fell to the ground. The real pain told her that everything that had happened was just a dream.

However, just as she was about to stand up, she realized that there was a note in her palm.

Although it was blank, the address that appeared in the dream could not be erased from her mind.

That dream was so real.

Cen Pan was a little uneasy. Thinking that it was not difficult to burn a piece of clothing, she did as she was told. She found the suit, and the strangest thing was that after searching the map of City A, she found that there was really a cemetery called Shan Nan Cemetery.

When she arrived at the cemetery, she really found the 15th and 3rd row…

Cen Pan burned her clothes to ashes in front of that person's tombstone.

Just as she was about to leave, her phone vibrated twice.

It was an anonymous message.

[HSBC safe, Chen Jia, password 31214]

Cen Pan's heart thumped loudly as if it wanted to give an answer to all these magical turns of events.

She quickly went to the bank and got a 100,000 gemstone! There was also a note inside: This is payment for your suit.