

Five hundred years have passed since humans and dragons ended their war, the dragons were the winners but for some reason, they decided to declare a truce. The dragons had made a promise that they would not influence their politics and would coexist with people in peace, they kept to their promise with which they even began to teach people science and magic. The best of the men trained by them were called Familiar, such people had tremendous power and strength and were a bridge between humans and dragons, but it wasn't that simple. I'm getting ahead of myself, let me tell you a story about a girl who got into a not so pleasant situation.

Adam_AD · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


There was silence in the room. Some time has passed but after coming back from her reflection, Yunisia continued the story.

- That night I could not sleep, I could still hear my father's loud argument with my grandfather and my mother's crying in my head. I have never seen them like that, even during the war. - Yuna spoke calmly and who would say aloof, but a tear flowing down her face betrayed her true feelings. - But not only that kept me awake, thoughts about what will happen to me in the future also haunted me, after all, the dragon or rather Mr. Tetroirian decided to buy me. He said: «I'll take her with me by noon tomorrow, get her ready with whatever she might need, he continued on to explain that In the future she will be educated and depending on her skills and knowledge she will be given a job on which she will fulfill your debt. This concludes our conversation, I will see you tomorrow». His words made me realize and accept what will happen to me in the future, I will literally become their slave and our family has a big debt which I will pay for the rest of my life. I kept thinking how to resolve this situation, how to not become a slave, I thought throughout the night, I went to the library to find any information about dragons and people that serve them. Before that I had never encountered dragons and did not know anything about them except that they were very powerful and dangerous. After many hours of reading under the dim candlelight, I managed to find a way not to become a slave. - Yuna chuckled as if she was about to tell a joke. - The only way I found and it was to become a Dragon Familiar.

- I'm afraid you're right, Miss Takenhard. - Yusen said after a short silence. - But I want to tell you that everything is not as bad as you think. - He smiled at Yuna.

- Thanks. - She smiled back. - Well, I will continue the story. I don't remember what happened the next morning, for me everything was like in fog. I only remember how the servants ran around the house like crazy trying to get me and my things ready for the arrival of the dragon. I also remember my parents and my brother who tried to comfort me, although it was more like they were comforting themselves. I only regained consciousness when it was time for the dragon to arrive. They took me out to our courtyard, where my suitcases, my parents, my brother, and Duke Takenhard were already waiting. Suddenly a gust of wind blew that nearly knocked me off my feet, for a moment everything sank into shadow as something covered the sun. Looking up, we saw him, we saw the dragon. I have never liked reptiles, quite frankly snakes, lizards, frogs, they all always disgusted me. But when I saw this dragon, I did not feel any disgust, on the contrary, he seemed graceful to me as he landed very softly, it even amused me how elegant he was despite his size. This dragon was huge, his elephant-colored scales shimmery with gold and his grayish-green eyes radiating his wisdom, looked straight at me.

- My name is Taras Valondo ace Tetroirian, I am glad to meet those whom I have never seen before and I am glad to see those whom I already know. - Said the dragon slowly approaching us slightly bowing his head in greeting. - Duke Takenhard I'm in a hurry, so I'd like to get down to business right away.

- As you wish, lord Tetroirian. - Bowing said the Duke. The dragon came up to me, from the tension my heart almost stopped, its strength was beyond my understanding. I was mesmerized by him and at the same time I wanted to flee from fear. I still I was able to overcome myself, I bowed and greeted him as I should.

- My name is Yunisia Takenhard and it is a pleasure for me to meet you Lord Tetroirian. - The dragon, satisfied with her greeting, nodded slightly in return.

- Is Miss Takenhard's baggage ready to move? - He asked the duke.

- Yes lord Tetroirian. - The duke answered.

- Good, then Miss Takenhard you have fifteen minutes to say goodbye to your family, as I said, I'm in a hurry. - The dragon turned and walked away from the Takenhard Family. Suddenly, the ground under his feet began to glow and then magic symbols began to appear, forming a circle. As Yuna guessed, it was a teleportation spell.

- The farewell was short-lived but emotional. My parents' eyes were full of tears and my brother burst into tears and to be honest, I too. - Yuna told Yusen. - Only the Duke showed no emotion but I still managed to see the bitterness in his eyes. - A sad smile appeared on Yunisia's face but it quickly faded into confusion. She clutched her head moaning in pain. - What's happening? Why am I telling you this? I said too much.

- Don't blame yourself Miss Takenhard, it's not your fault. - Yusen smiled. Yuna looked at Yusen, her face contorted with anger.

- What have you done to me!? - She hissed, to which Yusen answered in his old voice.

- The chair you are sitting on is enchanted, it's purpose is to make the person sitting on it become ... more talkative. But since you understand what it does, I think now the effect from it will not be so strong. - Yusen snorted. - I think now it's my turn to talk. Let's start with where you are now. This place is called Vasil Academy which is intended for training future dragon servants, workers and Familiars and you can get access to learn in this Academy only in two ways. First way is with help or because of money. In fact, getting to this school is very easy if you have a sufficient amount of gold, you can simply pay for tuition here, of course, if only after that you agree to serve the dragons and only them for the rest of your life. Also, you could have been taken here for training because of an unpaid debt, as in your case Mrs Takenhard. After training, looking at your knowledge and skills, dragons will give you a job through which you will pay off your debt, of course, in order to feed yourself and pay for housing and you will have to work several jobs at once. The second way to get here is to get the dragon's attention. If a person with outstanding talents and committed certain deeds could get the dragons' interest, then the dragons sent him here. Such people have the greatest chance of becoming Dragon Familiar. Do you know who Familiars is, Mrs Takenhard? - Yuna didn't reply as she was still angry about the chair trick. - Alright i will explain. - Yusen said calmly. - Familiars are people who the dragons considered worthy to be adopted into their families. Such people must be talented, have good physical fitness, high intelligence and knowledge of magic. It is practically impossible to become a Familiar without the necessary knowledge, skills and resources. The main task of this academy is to produce Familiar and all the others who did not fit the title of Familiar are sent to consumables. Familiar tasks can be very different, but the most important purpose of Familiar is to unite humans and dragons so that they can coexist. Well, I have explained who the Familiars are, now about this Academy and its rules. I warn you right away, no one forces you to study in this academy. There are no teachers in this academy as such, of course, from time to time, already established Familiars come to the Academy and give lectures, or if you will ask them very well they can give individual lessons, but this does not happen as often as we would like. Your teachers will often be books, your own experience, and other students. Furthermore, in this school students are divided into two levels, the first is an ordinary student and the second is a candidate for the title of Familiar. If your physical fitness, intelligence, and understanding of magic reach a certain level, you are called a Candidate, but becoming a Candidate does not mean becoming a Dragon Familiar. Once you become a candidate you will at some point be put up for auction where dragons can fight to buy you or not buy you at all. The academy receives sixty percent of the amount for which you were bought but you receive the remaining forty percent. Familiars are bought for tens of thousands of gold draco coins so even that forty percent is a lot of money. - After the last few sentences, Yusen noticed that Yunisia's mood had changed, her look became more confident with which she even smiled slightly. Indeed, from his words she was finally convinced of what she needed to do, she had a goal.

- "I will not be a slave." - She thought to herself. She decided that she would become a Familiar.

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