
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

Hamady · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 43 Water sprites

Python shark, demon beast realm - water - shark race, race level for the high servant level, and hunting sharks, these python sharks inhabited in the far sea, specializing in groups to hunt some relatively large creatures, often also attack some ships, from the fleet to get a variety of food.

Will be in the python shark to attack the ship, generally are growing to a certain extent, so the attack on the ship's python shark is also mostly into the second form or more, and did not appear what the first form of several stages of the small juvenile shark.

Spirit Beasts above the second stage, and still high level, are simply not something that the young Spirit Beasts masters can deal with.

Cao Yi still has to rely on Chu Mo, the new members from the Nightmare Palace, so naturally he can't let anything happen to them.

"All of you get your asses in the cabin!" Cao Yi bellowed at everyone!

"Wow. !!!!!!"

The words just fell, ten-meter-high waves rolled up, the white waves, a behemoth creature more than ten meters long, actually leapt up directly from the center of the ship and tumbled over, the water crazy slapped in the face of the crew!

"Snap !!!!!!"

Terrifying water snake tail swept through, immediately like an ancient wood ten meters high flagpole should break, fell heavily and crushed the deck!!!

"Abominable beast!" Cao Yi is obviously angry, surprisingly in that more than ten meters elongated python shark skimmed, fiercely grabbed the python shark's tail, together with planted into the water!

After the python shark fell into the water, the water splashed again, wetting the crew of the boat!!!

"Rumble Rumble Rumble ~~~~~~~"

The sea continued to roll over, and the young Spirit Beasts division were hiding in the cabin, watching with some horror the sea where Cao Yi had jumped.

"Gollum ~~~~"

The sea is boiling, suddenly a loud rumble, the seawater exploded, a backwards and upward vortex appeared, the seawater constantly rotating ...

Rotating backward vortex gradually emerged from a dark blue as water shaped special creature, this creature has a dark blue water form of the torso, with a human-like but very different water shaped head, arms are two winding water whips, the lower body is a semi-void state of water mist.

"Water Sprites!!!" The Spirit Beasts Masters who were hidden in the cabin watching the battle revealed their surprise when they saw this particular Spirit Beasts appear!

Water elves are Elemental Realm - Water - Elf - High Slave level.

Water elves are arguably the most typical creatures of the elemental world, and numerous Spirit Beasts masters who deal with water will almost always use water elves as their first choice for their water-based Spirit Beasts!

The water sprite that appeared in front of the crowd had a deep blue body and had obviously gotten rid of the initial transparent color of the young stage, a Spirit Beasts that had reached the third stage form, according to Chu Mo's understanding of the water sprite, the water sprite that Cao Yi summoned should specifically be the third stage of the eighth rank.

"Cao Yi's Spirit Beasts are almost all above the third stage form, not his opponent in a short time ..." Chu Mo thought to himself.

Mo Xie has only just entered the second stage form, the racial level is still with Cao Yi's Spirit Beasts some Cao Yi, if not mutation, even if Mo Xie also reached the fourth stage, I'm afraid it is not the opponent of Cao Yi Spirit Beasts.

But think about it, Cao Yi is already a middle-aged man in his forties, Chu Mo is now only fifteen years old, the gap of more than twenty years, to close in a short time, is not very easy.

"Hmph, something that doesn't know what to do, daring to come to trouble with my ship!" Cao Yi stood beside the water sprite, and a special water vortex appeared under his feet, which kept him from sinking into the seawater.

"Kill it!" Cao Yi gave an order to his water sprite.

The water sprite eyes relentless, it raised the water whip-like arm high, openly slapped into the sea water, immediately the water appeared a serious sinking, sinking position is exactly where the python shark swimming!

"Want to run?" Cao Yi's gaze was cold as he suddenly recited an incantation, and a snow-white light flooded between him, quickly condensing into a light that quickly shot into the seawater!

That python shark realized the power of the water element and wanted to swim into the deep sea, but the water beneath its waters suddenly began to condense and quickly turned into a hard wall of ice!

"Boom!!!" The python shark impacted on the unbelievably strong ice wall and its body appeared to shake significantly ...


Seeing Cao Yi once again cast out his soul technique, Chu Mo's brow furrowed as well.

The Spirit skill that Cao Yi cast is obviously an ice Spirit skill. Most Spirit Beasts masters use their own Spirit Beasts as their main means of attack, but of course if a certain Spirit Beasts master is able to control a certain skill even better than their own Spirit Beasts, it can be extremely dangerous.

For example, Chu Mo's soul skill - Familiars and Sorcery, Familiars and Sorcery is a Spirit Beasts master by establishing a spiritual connection with his own Spirit Beasts, anthropomorphizing Spirit Beasts skills, with his own soul power Performed.

Chu Mo used the soul skill Familiars and Sorcery to mimic Mo Xie's skill Charm, as a soul warrior, Chu Mo performed a much stronger effect than Mo Xie, who was only at the ninth level, not only made Spirit Beasts unconscious, but even Tang Xian, who was standing far away, was also swayed by this spirit skill.

Charm is not a very dangerous skill, and still Moonlight Fox's basic skills, if Chu Mo has a more advanced Spirit Beasts, held some more terrifying skills, Chu Mo with their own soul power to cast, then the power will be quite terrifying, at least Chu Mo is now confident to use Familiars At least Chu Mo is now confident that using Familiars and Sorcery to cast Flame Mane, the power can be more than three times stronger than Mo Xie cast!

Spirit Beasts master let Spirit Beasts constantly fighting, so that they continue to grow and metamorphosis, Spirit Beasts master himself also, constantly improve the numinous soul, so that their own become more powerful.


Cao Yi's water sprite is obviously much stronger than that empty huge size of the python shark, the battle did not last long, the seawater tumbled with a sweet red liquid.

The python shark that Cao Yi killed was obviously the leader of the python sharks, and after its death, other python sharks of lower stages naturally did not dare to look for trouble with the ship.

"Lord Cao is really powerful, this water sprite of yours is really getting stronger and stronger, as expected of having a level six water talent." When the deacon saw Cao Yi return to the ship with his powerful water sprite, he immediately greeted him and flattered and praised him!

Cao Yi floated a smile, although his water sprite is only a high servant level, but the ability to control the water system is stronger than many more advanced Spirit Beasts, can be considered one of Cao Yi's more proud of Spirit Beasts.
