
Fallout system in the multiverse

Will be cross posting to scribble hub under loskro as well for pc users. Alastair Williams was an avid gamer at the age of 20 having played all manner of video games by this point. one stormy day alastair had finally finished fallout three with one hundred percent completion and went to grab another game from his collection called dragon quest 11 when a bolt of struck him out of nowhere killing him instantly. this is the story of how he was reborn in the world of dragon quest 11 with a system remarkably similar to in fallout. This story will follow the story of dragon quest eleven before reaching into various other worlds such as one piece , bleach , marvel , dc , and maybe others. i only own my ocs and all credit for everything else goes to its respective owners.

loskro · วิดีโอเกม
123 Chs

Omniverse theory

"Oh , right before i forget you should know that while none of us are on the ship it has defenses that activate instantaneously that turn trespassers into red paint. so unless you would like to see your friends die maybe inform them not to attempt it , not even the flash could escape it since there is no time delay." alastair informed superman who froze and paled since that was likely exactly what was going to happen. superman informed the rest of the justice league not to risk it since it wasn't worth it. "you seem awfully casual with killing someone else." superman tried to pry out information.

Alastair shrugged " i don't believe in half measures against enemies." he said calmly. with a wave of his hand alastair opened a portal to the watchtower. "whelp , best not to keep the league waiting eternity is on a rather tight deadline after all." alastair said with a chuckle before walking through the portal as a show of good faith. the watchtowers atrium was a huge area with dull metal walls and various panels and technologies all around. alastair felt something trying to scan he the moment he entered the watchtower but he shut that down immediately.

"didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to peep , bruce?" alastair turned to the frowning costumed man nearby. batman didn't even try to defend himself and alastair summoned a solid barrier right next to him that the flash slammed into before stopping to hold his broken nose. "you know i'm getting the distinct impression you guys seem to hostile for know good reason." alastair said casually. the rest of alastair group walked through the portal along with superman who looked confused at the smooth transition. the man of steel noticed the flash holding his face with blood pouring out of his nose and looked at batman serious faced.

"What happened?" he asked the caped crusader sternly. "ah well first he tried to secretly scan me with the watchtowers tech , then after that tried to use the flashes speed to capture me at which point the speedster ran face first into a summoned barrier breaking his nose in the process." alastair said casually. "a demigod huh , thought i was the last one left." wonder woman says while eyeing alastair curiously. "perhaps in this universe you are but then again i'm not from here." alastair said honestly.

"oh? and where are you from then?" she pressed calmly. alastair laughed "well at least one of you is trying to maintain civility , even if you are fishing for information." he pointed out with a smirk. "that said prying isn't necessary since i intended to to explain my origin to begin with. tell me how familiar are you lot with multiverse theory?" alastair asked calmly. "the theory that every possible choice has its own universe in a cumulative infinite change?" batman asked sternly. alastair nodded ignoring the more justice league members who keep showing up as he summoned chairs for his group and sat down.

"What most don't realize is that the way the multiverse actually works is that there is a single point where the changes originate , a sort of prime dimension if you will. now another thing that most don't know is that there is actually multiple multiverses , each with its own unique theme if you would. and all of these multiverses are contained in what is known as an omniverse that is entirely unfathomable in scope. i along with the rest of my group are omniversal travelers were we hop from one multiverse to another randomly , your multiverse is simply the latest we arrived in." alastair explained calmly.

The justice league members all looked astonished at the information even batman who was among the few to realize the implications this information had. "how did you manage to travel across multiverses?" batman asked seriously. "oh i created a spell that allows travel between multiverses , no need to worry the magic needed to replicate this feat can't be taught since it is an innate attribute of my original multiverse." alastair explained. "why did you leave your original world if you don't mind me asking." martian manhunter asked curiously.

Alastair shrugged "two reasons really , limitations and fate. you see in my world i was born with the fate of needing to save the entire world from the dark one , a sort of world ending evil if you would. i struck him down too and saved the world but i was still bound by the strings of fate , so i sought out a way to free myself. i found it when i left my original world the first time. omniversal travel severs the strings of fate for whatever world you are in until the world you end up in adjust to your presence and sticks more strings on you. i grew stronger in these various worlds while leaving before fate could adjust and now i am here." alastair explained seriously.

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loskrocreators' thoughts