Before Harkon could look back at the raider he was talking to he was already across the room and about to open another door which with it being open slightly has a flood of light pierce through the room that he is in.
" You fuckers come with or do you wanna stay and have a more meaner member of our thriving community come by and decide that one of you look pretty" the raider says and harkon with the rest of the kids yelp together and run to get outside and follow him.
Harkon is the first one out and almost instantly gets blind by the sun making him wish that he took his time getting out. " ahh my eyes" he groans while rubbing his eyes.
"Enjoy the fresh air kiddos as this is a start to your new lives, now do you all see the huge gate over there?" he points at a huge makeshift gate that leads into a open area that he can't tell but seems to have various stains on the ground.
" Well thats the arena and that's where your going to be recruited at by the gangs so run ahead and stand at the center, things will quickly started so for all your sakes don't make them wait" as he finishes what he says harkon gets pushed to the side as everyone of the kids run desperately to the arena hoping to not to cause trouble for themselves and he thought of doing the same but just stands back up and looks at the raider
" ... What's your name and i mean your real name, also do you know who was the one that personally brought me here?" the raider just looks at him and for the first time he really sees what he looks like in the like and while not a ugly man his face had been cut and beaten so bad that his either made you feel sympathy or horror.
The raider just chuckles and thinks for a moment before saying " you know kid to be honest I forgotten my name a long time ago ... maybe it was something normal or stupid but for the life of me I just can't remember it ... but as I said my current name is just smasher. The answer to your other question though Is a really interesting question as the man who brought you in is a really important man in this coalition but told me not to tell you who he is, I don't know why but he said that when you find him that you can get your switchblade back" Harkon unsatisfied is about to ask another question before being pushed forward by smasher who says " enough chat idiot, we can talk more once you join the coalition, also if you join the cyberpunks then let me know and I'll supply you with some sweet gear" Harkon just nods and runs to the arena and starts to think what his next move should be.
" well shit I guess things have gotten complicated for my sorry self ... well lets see if these fuckers are worth joining anyway "