
Baptized In Blood

Hiding behind a large rock with his crew Harkon looks at his pipe gun and trys to jam a bullet into it to reload it as for some reason it was a single action gun and at this moment he is really pissed that he wasn't given a regular semi automatic pistol.

Finally jamming the bullet in Harkon looks over the cover and aims his gun waiting to see if one of the caravan guards or whoever shows themselves, which he doesn't have to wait long as a rough dirty looking man wearing a cowboy hat jumps out of cover and is making a run for it while shooting his caravan shotgun behind him.

Going back into cover to avoid getting sprayed in the face with shotgun pellets or whatever it's called he waits until the second shot and then jumps out of cover and aims at him, fumbling a bit as this is his first time actually handling a gun it takes a few seconds to line up his site but once he got him in it he pulls the trigger and the bullet rips into his side dropping him a couple of feet away.

" Way to go Harkon but get the fuck back in cover as there maybe some left" Nosferatu said through his gas mask which made Harkon jump back into cover as he was right. " Drop your weapons and we'll promise not to kill whats left of you" Dracula yells out half to say that to anybody that was still left and half to see if there was anybody still left.

A few seconds go by and for a second they all think that was the last of them but that thought is completely shut down when a young female voice yells back " fuck you murderers, I'm going to skin you alive for killing my pa".

As each one of Harkons crew looks at each other they understand that she's the last one left but don't wanna risk getting shot if she does have a gun so they whisper some plans on what to do and thinking for a moment Harkon whispers " you guys just talk to her and I don't know just keep her distracted and I'll sneak over".

Everyone just nods as they didn't want to risk there necks for something risky and Harkon being the newest member had to earn his place amongst them, so they all started throwing insult and jabs at the female person which is met by her making threats and insults back.

Harkon using the chance gets really low to the ground and starts to slowly crouch walk with one hand on the ground to make sure he didn't somehow fall over, he does this for about a minute across the road from his rock cover and to the side of the caravan brahmin pulled vehicle, once he was there he to a deep breath and slowly looked over to the other side of the caravan.

Peeking over he sees a girl about the age of sixteen holding a 10 mm continuing her shouting match with his crew and seeing the opportunity he aims his gun and pulls the trigger but nothing happens as forgot to load another bullet into it and hearing the sound of him dry firing her the girl looks over to see him.

Harkon jumps back into cover of his side of the caravan vehicle as the sound of two shots head in his direction or at least where he was formerly at. " I'm going to kill your fucking buddy and then I'm going to kill the rest of you" she shouts and hearing the sounds of her walking over Harkon just stands up, grabs his gun and when she turns the corner he pistol whips her in the face knocking her out.

Standing there for a second he just stands there relieved that he didn't died, but he jumps as on the other side his three friends come rushing to his rescue only to stop and see he handled it himself which makes them cheer and laugh as they grab him and take him to the front of the vehicle which luckily had the brahmin still there and unshot which was amazing as we could take everything easily to the raider city.

Harkon for a moment thought about whether he should kill the girl or let them know that she was still alive but he decided against it as he remember killing those people a few days ago in the arena and he still regretted that so he just went over and grabbed her gun and toss his old one with two bullets besides her and went to grab the rest of the weapons from the dead people

Gathering all of that up he threw everything but the 10 mm in the back of the vehicle and got in while whistling to the others that he was inside, Dracula then says " I think I figured out how to drive this brahmin" and with a sound of a kick the brahmin starts to move and quickly the other two jump on as they throw the loot they gather on.

" Good job everybody, especially you Harkon... I think we are going to all make a great team if things keep on working out like this" he happily says and the other two mumble in agreement as they lay back tired. Harkon does the same and slowly falls asleep.

( should I do a time skip or should I do some more of the current time and with the vamp crew at this point of time?)