

It was exactly the same as in the games it was light blue and had a picture of a baby vault boy in a child carriage holding a book and giving a thumbs up. I slowly reached out to touch the book.

A bright green panel popped up in front of my face. I couldn't believe It I had hoped that since I had reincarnated if I could get some kind of cool ability or system but, I never actually thought it would happen.

Registration Form

Name: Daniel Young

Strength: -(1)+

Perception: -(1)+

Endurance: -(1)+

Charisma: -(1)+

Intelligence: -(1)+

Agility: -(1)+

Luck: -(1)+

Points Available


Tell us about yourself! Vault Tec needs to know what kind of citizen you are to ensure your future happiness.

I started wondering where I should place my stat points. If I distributed them equally I could get every stat up to 5 which would make me average all around. I tried to decide which stat was the most.

I ended up choosing Intelligence I remembered from the game that Intelligence boosted gained experience by 3% for each point put into it. I knew I needed to get stronger as soon as possible to survive in this world. Even though I was living quite comfortably in a Vault and an extremely good on at that, I knew from experience that the Vaults rarely had happy ending and that nowhere was safe.

I quickly added 9 points into my Intelligence stat bringing it up to 10.

Registration Form

Name: Daniel Young

Strength: -(1)+

Perception: -(1)+

Endurance: -(1)+

Charisma: -(1)+

Intelligence: -(10)+

Agility: -(1)+

Luck: -(1)+

Points Available


Tell us about yourself! Vault Tec needs to know what kind of citizen you are to ensure your future happiness.

With that ten in Intelligence I would get an additional 30% exp that would be a huge help towards letting me level up quicker. I still had 19 stats left and was considering choosing a dump stat to just leave at 1 but, quickly decided against it all of the stats are important and I would need them all.

Eventually I decided to just distribute the rest equally and put 3 points into the rest of my stats and bring them all up to an even 4. After that I still had one stat point left and just threw it into Charisma since even if my life might turn into a game. The rest of the world isn't one and being able to find people to rely on is important especially in an apocalypse.

So my stats ended up looking like this

Registration Form

Name: Daniel Young

Strength: -(4)+

Perception: -(4)+

Endurance: -(4)+

Charisma: -(5)+

Intelligence: -(10)+

Agility: -(4)+

Luck: -(4)+

Points Available


Tell us about yourself! Vault Tec needs to know what kind of citizen you are to ensure your future happiness.

Once I was satisfied with my choices and clicked enter. For a moment my head was dizzy and I felt like I was going to pass out. It quickly passed and the first thing that I noticed was that the world seemed slightly less distinct like there was a thin layer of plastic between me and the rest of the world blurring it out.

It must be a side effect of having a less than average Perception of 4 I thought. Curious I decided to do a little exercise to see if I could feel any changes in my body.

After a couple of minutes of moving around and trying to walk again I sat down a little out of breath. It was small but, I could definitely feel it my body was weak, slower, and was harder to control. I frowned I knew there would be consequences of having lower than average stats I just didn't think I would be able to feel its effects so soon.

I forced myself to calm down since I had already made my decision I had to learn to life with it. That's when I remembered my other three stats Charisma, Intelligence, and Luck.

My Charisma was at 5 so I should be completely average in that area not to mention I couldn't think of a way to accurately measure that so I decided to start with my Luck. I went over to my toy box and pull out a large plastic dice my mother had bought me and decided to try some tests.

Since a Dice has six sides if I roll there should be around a 16.5 percent chance of each face landing up. So if I roll it 1,000 times it should roll a six about 165 times give or take.

I started rolling the dice and made a mental note of every time I rolled a six. It took almost half an hour before I finished the thousandth roll. I ended up rolling the number six 135 times. Which I found interesting since it was almost exactly 20%. Even though that seemed like a lot 1,000 wasn't a very large sample sized.

I ended up wondering about the amount of times I rolled the other numbers and to my astonishment I could perfectly remember that exact number that was rolled for every one of the 1,000 times. Even more shocking to me though was the number of times I rolled the rest of the numbers.

I rolled each of the other numbers exactly 173 times. For all the numbers to be that exact I basically confirmed that my stats actually affected my Luck. It seemed that for each point of luck I had it gave me a 20% chance of getting the result I wanted. Since I only had 4 in Luck the number of times I rolled a six was around 20% lower that what it should have been with pure probability.

Aside from my Luck I realized that my Intelligence was definitely changed too I now had near photographic memory and could quick find the answer to math problems. It seemed like from now on I might be more of a game character than a man.

Thanks For reading.

What do you guys think about how I distributed his stats?

9Lightningcreators' thoughts