
Sanctuary Hills

Is I stepped into the elevator I half expect another screen to pop up, asking me if I wanted to change my appearance or Special.

But, that would be stu- never mind.

I choose to leave my Special as is and I didn't want to go anywhere near that damn appearance menu. So I clicked exit Vault 111 and finally began my adventure into the wasteland.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Stupid, bullshit cliche" I cursed as I was blinded by the sun. "It's only 9 in the morning and not even that bright out, why is this happening?"

The pain in my eyes faded after a moment but, I was still annoyed.

As I wiped the tears from my eyes I got my first real look at the wasteland and honestly. It was amazing, the Vault 111 entrance was at the top of a cliff overlooking Sanctuary Hills. Only in real life the cliff was at least 4 times taller, I could see for miles.

Another thing that wasn't like the I immediately noticed were the plants. In game there were maybe a dozen different types of plants with a couple different textures each. Here though every thing was lush and green and unique.

It made sense when I thought about it, Chernobyl the worst nuclear disaster in my old worlds history that completely destroyed a city still had tons of life living in it. There were even catfish living in the canals that fed into the Reactor. And that was my boring former world.

To say nothing of this one where chameleons are the deadliest creatures on the planet and radiation can make you immortal.

Down below me I could see Sanctuary and it was alot bigger than I expected. The area directly beneath me was almost a carbon copy of the game. But, the neighborhood extended out way further to the north.

I just took a moment to enjoy the view. I felt a cool breeze in the air and just relaxed.

My peace didn't last long though as the sound of a gunshot exploded out. It was feint and far away but, it was definitely there.

I sighed as the cold reality of situation set in again. As much as I was enjoying this it wasn't a game. It was a war out there who knows what that gunshot was.

It could have been a scavenger being betrayed by someone they trusted or maybe they were attacked by a ghoul an only managed to get off a single shot before it got them.

Shaking my head I got to work.

There was all kinds of old construction equipment in the area around 111 but, they weren't what I wanted. I walked inside the small control room they set up next to the elevator.

All the controls it had though was just a single red button on a podium. "Vault Tec must have 'really' trusted their employees I laughed to myself.

Pressing the button I sent the elevator back down for Nora and moved to get what I came for. I took the two Stimpaks from the First Aid Kit hanging on the wall and a Radaway from a wooden crate on floor. Then head over to the trailer on the other end of the construction site.

All I took from there was a box of 10mm ammo and a can of cream. The hoarder in me had to resist taking all of the ceramic mugs and the desktop fan.

My carry weight was only 230, that might seem like alot. But, if I pick up every little thing I see it'll fill up fast. Especially when I have carry around all my food and water with me.

From what I could remember there was no more loot up here. Of course now that this was real life there were probably tons of useful stuff around. But, I didn't have the time to spare right now.

My first priority was to set up a base of operations so I'm not brutally murdered on my first night by a random mongrel.

So I made my way down the dirt trail and into Sanctuary.

The small 3 or 4 foot wide stream you had to cross was now at least 20 and there were even small fish swimming inside.

Sanctuary was far different too, there were far more houses and the road was actually wide enough for two cars to drive past each other. Looking to my left down the street I could actually see Codsworth hovering just outside his house. He was keeping an eye on me, probably ready kill me if tried anything.

As much as I wanted to go talk to the awesome british robot. I had already thought of a plan to get the most out of Sanctuary with crossing him. And that plan involved seeing him last.

So I went to the first house on my right.

There should be two Radroaches in there but, I couldn't be sure. The ones in 111 in were in slightly different places and that was probably true here as well. After all they weren't lifeless code any more, they were living breathing animals that could do whatever they wanted. Which was kind of a terrifying thought because it meant there was nothing stopping a Deathclaw from just waltzing over here right now.

So I really couldn't trust my memories of enemy spawn locations and had to be alert at all times. Except for robots they're probably exactly the same.

Weather there were Roaches in there or not I readied the Cryolater just in case.

And almost as soon as I walked inside two Radroach jump out from under what used to be a table and attacked me. I put the down with a couple of quick bursts to avoid wasting ammo.

The house was mostly empty but, I scavenged what I could. There was a Nuka-cherry in the broken fridge as well as another First Aid Kit with a Stimpak and purified water in it. Before I finish scavenging the house however I came across my first real obstacle a locked briefcase. Unfortunately because it was technically a container I couldn't put it in my Pipboy. However I had a backup plan prepared for just such an occasion.

I . . picked it up . . with my hands.

I know, I know revolutionary right? Haha take that game.

I swapped out the Cryolater for a 10mm pistol because it was a two handed weapon and I use it and carry the suitcase. Plus I need to get some practice in with a real gun.

There were no enemies in the next but, it was the one with the booby-trapped safe. There was much else inside except for a bit of Med-X.

I easily disarmed the bomb, I thought it would be harder but, it really was just a makeshift one. All I had to do was disconnect a couple wires and it was useless.

With that done I hacked into the computer which was a little annoying because I couldn't just enter and exit it to reset. And actually had to play the little worm mini game.

After unlocking the Computer I didn't open the safe yet I wanted to pick it to get a bit more exp.

So I moved on, the next house was completely collapsed but, a Radroach scurried out from the rubble and managed to kill it with a point black shot.

Now I was at the entrance to Sanctuary the river was now WAY bigger and the bridge matched. I could only barely make out the tip of the Red Rocket in the distance. I wondered if Dogmeat was there, probably not.

I crossed the road and took the Frag Grenade from the trashcan and killed the Radroach instead the house with the camp fire.

As it splattered across the floor I finally heard the music I had been yearning for, I leveled up.

I found a spot on the couch and willed the level up menu to pop up. And I wasn't disappointed the familiar panel with all 70 perks appeared before me.

I was a bit conflicted on which to get. Rifleman and Sneak were tempting but, I didn't have a rifle yet so Rifleman was useless and I was planning on getting sneak a little later after I upgraded my damage output a little. I could get Gunslinger to up my pistol damage but, that seemed like a waste seeing as I wasn't going to use them all that much.

In the end I got the first level of Locksmith there was an Advanced lock in Sanctuary and a couple more in the surrounding area. Locked containers normally have decent loot in them plus, it irritates me to no end when there's something locked in front of me and I can't open it.

Speaking of which.

A went to the bathroom of the house and saw that this one finally had a mirror. The Mirror clicked open revealing a small cabinet behind it. And after moving aside all the pill bottles and other junk I finally found what I was looking for. A box of Bobby Pins.

I could finally unlock the stupid suitcase I've been carrying around. But, . . . I just realized I don't have a screwdriver. Where does the player even get that thin-, never mind it just appeared in my hand.

I love video game magic.

Inside was a clean black suit and a couple shotgun shells. The black suit was awesome because it gave +2 Charisma I was definitely keeping that.

With that done it was time to start making my way back to Codsworth.

I stopped back at the booby-trapped safe and opened it and got some 10mm and .38 ammo. There was also some prewar money and a pipe pistol inside but, those a basically crap.

The next house was also scrapped so I just moved passed and ended up at the house opposite Nora's. The one with all the work stations.

There wasn't much inside except for a single Bobby Pin, a Brahmin skull (that I didn't take), and a Ponpadour wig of all things (Which I also didn't take even though it boosted Charisma by it was just too stupid looking).

As I left the house I took a look at the Workshop bench. It had all kinds of tools and whatnot in it but, no matter how hard I willed or what I did to it I couldn't get the settlement menu to open. I probably needed to completely clear the area first.

Ignoring Codsworth again I moved on.

The next house was also collapsed and I remember the one after that had Bloatflies in it.

I know I said that they probably wouldn't be in their in game locations but, most of the Radroaches I've seen so far were in relatively the same places. So maybe it was their nest and that's why they were there.

Either way I readied my pistol. Now that I was listening for it I could actually hear them flapping around inside.

I saw one fly past a window and took a chance and fired. The bullet hit it dead on and its body exploded into mush, thank you 7 Agility.

The other Bloatflies must have heard the gunshot because they came flying out a moment later.

Now while the Radroach were gross they still just looked like normal insects. Bloatflies on the other hand were disgusting mutated fly that actually shot their babies at you.

I did my best to stay calm and aim properly. My first shot strayed a little but, my second managed to explode one of them. Unfortunately that took long enough for the Other Bloatfly to launch a maggot at me.

I tried to dodge it but, I was too slow and I could feel it clamp down on my arm. I disappeared my gun to reach up and rip it off while running behind cover. I really had to pull to get it off and when it did come off it took a quarter sized chunk of flesh with it.

I threw it to the ground and squished it beneath my foot. And let me tell you it made the single grossest sound I have ever heard. But, I didn't have time to think about that because I could hear the Bloatfly coming for me.

My wound hurt like a bitch and I didn't trust myself to be able to accurately hit it from this distance. So I did something completely idiotic. I ran towards it.

Bloatflies only attack is throwing their maggots, so there really isn't any danger if I get beside it.

The Bloatfly came around the corner right as I started to run. It clearly didn't expect me to do this because it immediately tried to back off but, it was too slow I grabbed it by the head and forced it to the ground. Making sure it couldn't fire any maggots in my direction.

It's wing buzzed in panic and it struggled in my grip. And to its credit I almost lost my grip on it a couple times, 3 Strength really is too low.

Before it could escape I resummoned my gun and brought the pistol to its body and pulled the trigger. It exploded covering me in goo.

I spat because some of it got in my mouth. I laid down on my back and felt the pain in my arm. This really isn't a game is it, that was just a wimpy Bloatfly and it already had me on the ropes.

I really need to get stronger.

Forcing myself back up called a Stimpak from my Pipboy.

"Time to see if these things actually work."

The needle was incredibly long and intimidating but, the pain in my arm screamed at me to just do it. I stabbed it directly into my wound thinking that the pain already there would stop me from feeling the needle.

I was wrong.

All it did was irritate the wound making me feel even more pain. I grit my teeth as tears streamed from my eyes, I couldn't help but, think that I was being such a baby. But, then I remembered I only have 3 Endurance. I probably do actually feel more pain than other people.

"Yep, that's it" I thought to myself "It's definitely not me just being a big baby.

I laid there as the pain slowly faded and when I went to check my arm the wound was completely gone. Stimpaks are freaking magic! No wonder people dare to go out exploring in this world. As long as you don't die just pop a few Stimpaks and you're back on your feet.

I stood back up and felt the goo from the Bloatfly squish into my suit. I shivered, I really need a change of clothes. Not just because of the mess but, also because a bright blue Vault Tec jumpsuit is too conspicuous.

Not just because it makes it harder to hide. It would also give The Institute a reason to pay attention to me. After all their leader Shaun was taken from their as a baby, plus his mom is literally still frozen in there. So if one of his Synths saw someone walking around in a 111 jumpsuit it wouldn't end well.

I actually need new clothes first. I wasn't going to wear the black suit because that was for special occasions so I need something else.

I looted the Bloatfly house and found some more Bobby Pins, a Radaway, and a couple more .38 ammo in a safe under a crib.

The next house had nothing special in it besides some more 10mm ammo and a pair of sunglasses.

Why are there so many bullets everywhere anyway? It's like people were preparing for a war. . . never mind answered my own question.

In the next house I could hear my new least favorite sound the buzzing of Bloatfly wings. This time I didn't bother with the pistol, I took out the good old Cryolater. Doing my best to learn from my mistakes I snuck inside the house and moved close to the hallway where I could hear them all buzzing around.

I jumped out and rushed them spraying with the Cryolater to try and catch them off guard. It worked to in front of me three dead Bloatflies were laying life on the ground.

Once my Adrenaline came back down I searched the house and by this point I was getting pretty good at it.

And I hit the motherlode I found another Stimpak behind the mirror as well as 10mm ammo, Med-X, Mentats, and a couple of Rad-X in a safe. But, they weren't what I was excited about that would be the Dirty Military Fatigues.

They don't sound that great but, they're one of the best clothing options in the game. Aside from the fact that they give +2 Agility and that they can be upgraded with the Kevlar Weave which is pretty much the best thing in the game. They also don't take up any armor slots meaning you can wear even more Armor over them.

I wanted to go the creak and clean myself off but, I had one more thing to do first.

The collapsed house I just passed actually has a secret. It has a Root Cellar whatever that is completely filled with loot!

Inside I found all kinds of different food along with purified water. There was also some .45 ammo, RadAway, and three entire bars of gold!

Those were all just appetizers though what I was really after was the Advanced locked safe. The loot was randomized in game so I had no Idea what expect but, I got lucky. Shotgun shells, .38 ammo, and a Heavy 10mm pistol.

With that I had everything I wanted from Sanctuary all that I had left to do was talk to Codsworth. I sniffed my arm, after I take a quick bath in the river.