

"Your virginity has always been mine to take," he said while his fingers gripped the neckline of her gown ready to rip it off. Her teary eyes widened in shock at his declaration, and she forgot to breathe. All the colours drained from her face as she froze frightened. She was meant to be his forever, but his one mistake turned her love into hatred. He was her Prince Charming, but her hatred turned him into a heartless Villain. Mistakes and misunderstandings led to heartbreaks. She doesn't want to be with him anymore, but he doesn't want to let her go, ever. A Love-Hate relationship between childhood Sweethearts who turned into archenemies by the time they reached adulthood. Read on to know more about their journey into the roller-coaster ride of LOVE. PS. The male protagonist comes with a bit of negative shade. My characters are immature reckless teenagers, and they act impulsively. They make mistakes and wrongs, but eventually, they'll learn from their wrongdoings. Don't be too quick to judge them unless and until you read till the end.

Shonihn · วัยรุ่น
298 Chs

[Bonus chapter] What Great Timing!

Michael clutched the nape of his neck with his hand and felt the dampness the blood caused. He groaned as the sharp pain shot through his neck. His eyes instantly darted towards Bianca, worrying about her safety. He couldn't afford to pass out before getting her out of that place. 

Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed before the door hit the wall with a bang. "Ah, what great timing! Fucking finally," Michael muttered as Hunter, Eric and Danny barged into the house. 

Hunter and Danny charged at Nathan and his friends without wasting another second. 

Meanwhile, Eric rushed to Bianca's side. "Hey, look at me, Captain," Eric said, patting Bianca's cheek softly. "She's drugged," Michael supplied when Bianca struggled to speak. She was hardly awake. "And what happened to you? Are you hurt?" Eric asked, noticing the blood on Michael's hand.