

William, cold hearted person marries Marie an orphan raised by her uncle . He married her only due to an agreement between his father and her uncle but he always consider marriage as a nuisance. He thought Marie like a toy spinning in his house. So he never cared for the rumours or about her feelings. Marie who was a die heart fan of romantic drama,dreamed of having of having a lovely life filled with romance with her perfect husband , but was left with a broken heart in end . She forced herself to run away while pregnant only to keep her baby safe . It was the child of the person whom she loves so much . So she can never withstand her baby's loss. Side characters: Tom, classmate of Marie and collgemate of William, now his subordinate was suspected to have feelings for Marie. Sara , a model ,on the other hand was a rumoured girlfriend of William . She even threatened Marie once . Marie's uncle , Albert , a suspicious and quick witted person who loves Marie like his own . So when Marie finally decides to leave William after she found herself pregnant, how it will affect their lives?? Will William ever get to know his true feelings? What is the real identity of Tom? Why Uncle Albert made such agreement? To know these answers please read my book....

Zarabriarr · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 3: Start from the end.

The cold wind from the South also carried dark clouds with it. It was around 2 o clock in the afternoon but the sun hid itself already.

The shopkeepers were busy with the shuttering. The students were busy running along the streets . A flock of birds were flying through the dark clouds looking like a beautiful necklace embedded in clouds.

Marie was busy with her thoughts while closing the windows.

"There has been a low pressure recorded in the area. Please stay at your homes " the news reporter was busy in forecasting the weather.

'Oh no , it feels like I have to stay inside today.'

She sat beside the window allowing a small gap in them . Cold breeze was coming through it . She started to feel and was humming some romantic songs .

She glanced at the TV .

'Hmm there is still time ' and again moved her eyes outside. There was hustle and bustle everywhere. It gave a feelings of deja vu of her wedding day .

Whenever she sees the school students, it always reminds of her path to church on the marriage day . She tries to not think about it but fails .

'It has been a week since I left. Maybe he is happy now and focusing more in his office.

Sara might be there for him. He really used to care about her...'

The thought was interrupted by a small pain in her abdomen. It was as if the baby inside was forcing her not to think about the past .

'Don't worry my baby , mommy will surely make you happy ' a drop flowed down from her eye.

"Oh it's almost time."

She went near the TV and turned it on . After various random channels she finally stopped at a channel showing a movie.

"Oh I missed the intro. "

She was watching " Care for love " , a romantic comedy movie starred by her favourite artist Kevin Macharty, though a newbie but a perfect definition of hot and handsome male actor.

Kevin even won several awards and is in the top among handsome male actors. Marie became a die heart fan of Kevin after his first movie " Finding my lost love."

She always wish to meet him once . She had once seen several photos of him with her husband .

'William can smile like this? But he had never ever smiled to me. Maybe Kevin and Sara had done some good deeds in their past life. But I am happy as long as I can stay beside him .'

The movie ended with a sad note that the female lead died and the male lead who actually loves her followed the same step by killing himself.

' It made my day . Let me check about tomorrow's broadcast.'

The only timepass that Marie had currently was watching various movies. She picked up the newspaper and the front page of it announced the return of Kevin Macharty in the country. He came back to country after 6 years .

'So he finally came back. Maybe one day I will get a chance to meet him . But will he ever come here . He will surely never going to leave the capital.'

Yes she ran away from her husband's home located in the capital but now she is far from the capital, much rural.

She had asked several times about the relationship that Kevin and William shared , but she never got a reply .

William used to turned him down everytime and with a cold voice ask to stip nagging.

" Well there is no one to nagg you know, happy?"

Whenever she thinks about him , she feels herself pathetic - for falling in love , getting deceived by him, hope to receive a small attention. She never knew it was so hard to give up on one sided unrequited love .

A small sigh came out . No this is her newlife . She will utilise it . Maybe he can't love her but she can't just cry over it . She is not pathetic anymore .

Just because she has someone to protect, much precious than her own .

The rain had already stopped outside.

The doorbell rang ....

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