
My life full of troubles

Myself Anwar Hussain from india kargil ladakh

My life is full of troubles I feel when I was dropped from a engineering college for not attending college after that my life changes tok much I tried to hang myself but in my religion it's (haram) means we can't kill ourselves or we can't do sucide it's like a stupid step in my religion so I stopped to do sucide.

From the beginning I was a good student in my school life upto 10 class I passed 10 board exam with good marks my parents where happy but I was not happy coz my parents want me to take admission away from my hometown I visited in different state for my higher secondary education I found some good friends there it was a life full of enjoyment I thought this is the perfect life we need to enjoy every moment but after passing 12th class board exams with low marks I was told to go to tuitions to prepare for my engineering between my college studies I dropped from college then I use to ggo tuition after cracking the engineer exam it was time to take admission in engineering college I was happy I thought it's a good stream and easy stream but when I used to attend the class I feel so bored becoz my higher secondary friend's we absent they where not anywhere with me I feel too much alone then after sometimes I was not able to attend the regular classes so I was not able to give my 1st semester exams