
falling for you wasn't planned

she came at awrong time but met a right person with bad intentions so pure for him he could hurt her he just wanted to protect her from himself

sophiabliss · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs


after classes Maisie and Madeline walked home

" wel if your not going am am not going " Maisie said looking at her beautiful bestie who was in loss of words never has maddie been this quite except when she mad at you

" no, Maisie you have to go I will be fine don't worry about me " maddie said

reaching home

am back how are you mother she said placing a kiss on her mother's cheek " how was school dear" Gertrude asked her daughter

" fine " was all maddie said never has she expressed her feelings like that she knew her daughter was sad because she wasn't going to that camping thing she was so excited about

she entered her room and immediately sat on her bed she was really upset because she was the only person in the entire school who wasn't going " why don't you live without telling them , they would know were you are and wont be that worried " she read a text message from Clara she really wanted to go but not terrify her old parents she knew her mother's health placing the phone down she walked towards the shower so she could calm down her thoughts

* door bell*

" princess... I bought you your favourite icecream " said Steven who was holding alot of stuff

" she's in asleep " Gertrude said to her husband

" at this hour its 8: 30 " steven stared at the wall clock

" let me put the icecream in the freezer before it melts " Gertrude said taking the bags of groceries from her husband and off to the kitchen

maddie didn't even have dinner with the family

it crashed both the parents hearts

entering their daughter's room there she was lying face up with books surrounding her

tacking her into bed they left

" hate the feeling that we are the ones crashing our daughter's heart " said Gertrude

" she will come around " Steven said comforting his wife

" no, she has never given me a cold shoulder , I hate that "

" and I have never seen her this excited for anything " Steven said

" I think that we should let her go " Gertrude said" she's alittle clumsy but she's responsible in her own way" Gertrude added

" are you sure you want our little miss wonderland to go " Steven said chuckling

" mmmh well if you put it that way , but I hate fighting with her " Gertrude said

" your right , this house is awfully quite with all the silence " Steven agreed

Gertrude and her husband were letting Madeline go

" icecream " came a scream of joy from the kitchen

" good morning , mum , dad " maddie greeted her parents

" what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at school " Steven said

" today is the they are going camping remember " maddie said

" yeah we know but aren't you going " Gertrude added to what her daughter said

" but you told me am not......" came a sudden silence " so you mean your letting me go " maddie said with a smile reaching her eyes

" yes , now you better get ready before they live you " her mum added

" thank you mum ,dad " she ran off up stairs

haaaa she was absolutely everything to her parents

" Maisie " maddie called out to her bestie

" yes what's up you seem happy " maise said on the other end of the call

" are you already at school " maddie asked

" no , why" Maisie said confused

" omg auntie and uncle allowed you to come " Maisie said

and them happy squeals came after

gimme 30minutes I be there to pick you up

30minutes later

* ding ...dong*

came the door bell it was Maisie

" Maisie what a wonderful surprise aren't you going camping " asked Gertrude

" yes I am going am just here to pick up maddie " said Maisie

" let's go maisie we are going to be late " said maddie who was dragging down he bag

" lets go" maddie said excitedly

putting her bag inside Maisie's car " Maisie come let's go " maddie couldn't wait

" okay ...geeessh , I better go before she makes tantrums " Maisie said and quickly left

"you didn't even say goodbye to auntie " said Maisie who got it to the car

" mummy , bye am gonna miss you but I know you will miss me more " maddie said and quickly ran back to the car and it drove off