
Falling For My CEO

“Good morning sir,” she bowed and then looked up, his eyes widening in horror the moment their eyes met. “I'm Emily Davis……” He was the city's most renowned and desired billionaire. Who wouldn't like Alexander Knight? He was simply every girl's dream except hers, Emily Davis who would gladly pick the latest car over him. What happens when she is forced to work for him? Will this be the beginning of a love story or the beginning of her doom?

Tirzah20 · วัยรุ่น
39 Chs



"Shouldn't you both be working right now?" Leona frowned, watching us and I shrugged. 

"Well, slacking a little bit wouldn't hurt would it?"

"You're only bold enough to say this because for some weird reasons Alexander likes you," Leona rolled her eyes, returning back to the counter to respond to her customers. 

"You really think Alexander likes me?" I huffed in disbelief not agreeing with her. 

"Trust me if he didn't he would have fired you already."

I frowned, knowing she was right. I've never really acted like a good secretary since he employed me. I simply did whatever I wanted, said whatever came to my mind without thinking it through and to be honest, I was not secretary material.

"What's this Alexander like?" Reily asked, looking all curious.

"For one, he doesn't like people touching him aside Emily," Leona cut into our conversation, joining us again at our table.