


/"The next morning I was ready. I dressed both my children up and we were all ready to leave. Benjamin never came home last night but he send me a text telling me he will sleep somewhere else and of course I didn't ask him where because he is a free man.

Stella, Tucker and everyone else came to say goodbye expect Benjamin but it was fine, not like it's his fault.

/"Elijah are you sure we not forgetting something?/" I asked and he nodded his head. /"So you ready to leave this house?/" I asked and once again he nodded his head smiling.

/"Mommy where is daddy?/" He asked

/"You will see daddy whenever you want./" I told him and he smiled. /"Now let's go before anyone tries to stop us./" He laughed and we got in the cab Anna called for us.

We both watched the streets of New York as we passed by. I'll never forget everything I have been through in this city. I'll miss it so much but I guess this is goodbye.