


Benjamin's POV.

I knew every time she's nice she wants something in return.

/"Okay./" I agreed only because Anna already bought her a phone. /"You can make as much calls as you want but I want the phone back after dinner./"

/"Thank you so much./" She grabbed the phone Anna brought for her from me and quickly ran upstairs.

I took my phone out and quickly called Jailson.

/"Hey./" I greeted. /"My cameras are still working right?/"

/"That's why you called?/" He asked.

/"Honestly, yes I did. Is that a baby crying at the back?/" I asked after hearing the sound of a baby cry.

Why is everyone surrounding me hiding their babies from me?

/"He's not mine but I still can't believe you have a heir and you didn't tell me./"

/"I only found out a few months ago so please do me a favor and tell Jacob about Elijah than ask him to make an announcement about my son./"