


Sofia's POV.

/"What do you mean it worked?/" I asked wiping my tears away.

/"If I tell you, you promise you won't get angry./" Benjamin uttered and I shook my head angry. I'm two seconds away from killing him and yet his asking me not to get angry after everything he has done to me.

/"It was Carlos idea, it worked for him so I thought I would use it on you to see if he wasn't lying./" He bit his button lip and ran his hand through his hair.

/"You were experimenting something on me?/" I shouted and he quickly shook his head.

/"I would never risk your life Sofia. I changed your pills, I swear I didn't do anything else./"

/"You changed my pills./" I closed my eyes angry. /"Benjamin how could you? You know Elijah doesn't want a brother or a sister yet and I thought we agreed we would wait until Elijah is ready to accept a brother or a sister in his life./"