
Falling for bad

Leah Reed, abandoned by her mother. Left alone with her younger brother and an abusive father. She is left to tend for everyone and her scars until she bumped into the schools bad boy, Axel Black. Axel Black, the jock, the schools bad boy. What happens when he bumps into a scarred Leah? Will he be nice enough to help her or will he be her worst nightmare?

ifeoma_medo · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

Chapter 6

Leah's pov

The moment Zen woke up, he said he was hungry.

I had to look for something he would eat. I scavenged through the trashcan until I saw a perfectly wrapped burger. I brought it out and gave it him.

"What about you Leah.?" He asked sadly.

"I'm fine Zen, you just eat to your fill, okay?" I said in assurance.

He nooded but that didn't stop him from leaving half of it for me. Sometimes I hate that he is smart, it meant he could understand situations like thus and I don't like the fact that he is going through this situation fully aware of what is happening.

"Come, let's try to get me a job." I lifted him up .

We dusted ourselves and headed out in to the street.

We went to some shops, they declined because I wasn't meeting their requirements and some others because I had a kid with me.

I was able to work some odd jobs, like help arrange the library, the kind old lady paid measurements a thank you. I helped a man wash his car.

With part of the little money I had, I took Zen and I to a motel. It wasn't fancy but it was something. I couldn't let Zen sleep behind a trashcan again. Then I got us dinner, nothing much, just ordered a box of pizza.

Axel's pov

I waited and waited by Lisa's daycare, she never showed up to drop Zen. I decided to go to school, maybe Zen wasn't feeling well and that's why my friends saw her on the road. She was taking him to a hospital. I tried to feed myself with what ifs to calm my myself from the raging madness rumbling within me.

I drove off after saying bye to Lisa. I headed to school. I hoped I'd see her, I really wanted to know what is going on.

I waited but she never showed. She didnt show up to drop Zen and she didn't come into school. I didn't know when drove out of school. In search of Leah, I went to her house, the door was opened "Leah!" I yelled for her. It was until I saw the blood stain in the floor that I knew that she couldn't be inside. I then headed towards where the guys last saw her. I started on foot from there.

I was scared. What was with the blood on the floor, it looked dried. Like it has been there for a while. I went into the local pub to ask around, nothing. I grew even more worried. Anything could happen to her out here in this neighborhood. I stayed there for a while trying to see if she'll come around the area.

Nothing, six hours later and still nothing. I was panicking. But there was nothing I could do sitting here waiting on a miracle. I told myself I'd come back the next day. The moment i stepped out of the pub I heard screaming, the familiar voice made me caught my attention quick. Leah? I asked myself, but then again I probably drank too much I'm hearning things.

"Help!!!!!!!" I heard it again

Leah's pov

I had to go get pain relievers for Zen, he complained of a headache. He didn't want to say in alone so he followed me.

Getting back from the pharmacy, we bumped into a drunk man. He was whistling at me. Calling me all sorts of crude names.

"Come on baby, I know what you like. I'll give it to you." He followed behind us.

I pulled Zen and I, running to nowhere in particular. I found myself and Zen in the alley we were in yesterday. We his behind the trashcan. The man stumbled into the alley.

"Come on out, bitch." He grunted."I know you're here."

We remained as quiet as possible. The trashcan was thrown away and right in front of us stood the drunk man.

I started yelling for help, twice now. Why am I so unfortunate? I asked myself as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

Zen tried fighting the man off me, but he was thrown back. He hit the wall so hard, I prayed so hard that he was okay.

The fact that Zen was hurt made me yell louder.

"Leah?" Axel? "Get away from her!" He yelled at the man.

"And who the fuck are you?" He asked aggressively.

"Step away from her." Axel repeated his self.

"I saw her first, go get your own slut." He sounded very pissed off.

"Please, help." I pleaded looking Into Axels eyes.

The man hit me so hard across the face I saw black dots forming in my vision. Everywhere was spinning and things were going black.

I heard Axel shout my name the bottle breaking and then a thud before I finally gave out.

Axel's pov

He was trying..... I couldn't think bout it. I didn't want to. I had called my friends after knocking the man unconscious with the bottle. Luca helped me carry Zen, while I lifted Leah in my arms. She looked drained.

"What happened?" Mum asked the moment I walked in to the house with an unconscious Leah and Zen.

"I found her at an alley. A man was trying to take advantage of her." I explained what I knew.

"Why was she there in the first place?" Mum asked.

"I don't know mum" I sighed taking Leah to one of the empty rooms.

I took off her hoodie, it was dirty and stained with blood. Was it the blood from her house or was she injured by that man, I had no idea.

Mum came into the room, "Those marks.... She has been going through abuse." She was shocked.

I lifted the singlet she was wearing underneath to reveal more injuries on her torso. What has she been through? I left the room so that my mum could change her.

I got downstairs to see that the guys were still waiting.

"So what's up?" Jace asked

"We'll try to find out what happened when she wakes up." I tell them. She's been through a lot. There are marks all over her body. "Thanks guys." I tell them as they filenout of the house.

"Anytime. Don't worrworry dude, she'll be okay." Jayden assures me.

I nod in agreement even if I was having doubts.

"Axey, what happened?." I heard Lisa's small voice. Why does Zen and Leah look like that? Are they okay?" She asks.

"They will be. I promise. Now come on, it's late, let's get to bed." I carry her and place her on my hips.

"But im not sleepy, I want to see Zen." She pouts.

"And you will, tomorrow. Don't you want him to rest?" I asked.

She nodded." So you'll have to give him time to recover and you'll play all you want when he's awake." I said and she smiled.

I sang to Lisa till she fell asleep. Then I went to check on Leah. Mum had changed her to one of my large boxers and a vest that I also own. I went closer to see how peaceful she looked. She was indeed beautiful. Her ginger hair fanned the pillow. She was a beauty. I decided tonleave her to rest.

Just as I was about to leave the room, she whimpered. I quickly turned to face her. She tossed and turned on the bed.

"Please, stop." She said. Her voice shaking with emotion. "Please, leave me alone."

She was having a nightmare and I could not do anything about it. Then she started screaming.

I quickly went to hold her. "Shh....I'm here." I tried to assure her that she's safe.

She started huttinfmg at my chest. "Leave me, please." She struggled with me.

At that moment mum came into the room." What happened?" She questioned.

"She's having a nightmare." I said.

Mum sighed. I understand that she feels affected, she and Leah are close.

Leah continued to struggle against me, but the thing was that she was unconscious still. Not long after she held unto me. Clung unto me shirt, not letting me go. "Axel." She let out a breathe of relief.

I held her tight in my arms. "It's okay mum, you can go to bed. I'll handle it from here." I said to her.

"OK, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call me." She said looking at Leah one last time before leaving the room.

"Axel, promise me you will not leave me." She said. Even though she was unconscious I still did. She's been through a lot and I can't afford to leave her at thus point in time. I'm going to find out what happened to her and I'm going to help her recover from thus situation. She deserves the world.

Just when I thought she had calmed down because she wasn't clinging to me anymore. I decided to leave but she didn't let me. She held on tighter. "No, please don't leave me." She pleaded.

I then decided to lay her down and lay beside her. She cuddled into me. Tomorrow I promise to find out as much information as I can