
Falling for a Ferocious Beast

The princess of the Zenira Dynasty, love-blinded, fails to recognize the hidden beast within a person and falls in love with a werewolf. The person himself, being unaware, returns the same affection towards her and promises to support her in every decision she makes. Over time, he discovers the terrifying truth dwelling inside him about an untamed, ferocious beast. In order to protect her from himself, with a heavy heart he decides to sacrifice his love and stay away from her. Evelyn, heartbroken by the sudden change in his behaviour towards her, decides to look into the matter. Accepting his beast side, she found out that he wasn't a normal werewolf. A cursed werewolf who wasn't aware how many lives were taken by him and who was proclaimed to be the murderer of her father. Will she accept the beast who was the reason behind her loss? Or his truth will become a barrier to their love? Being entangled in her own dilemma, will she overlook the black clouds hovering over her empire? Or will acknowledge them at the right time and fight back against the darkness, protecting the imperials? ***** "You waited so long for me?" She asked, leaning away from the cuddle to face him. Her blue eyes gazed curiously at the earthy-hue eyes, seeking for answers.   The light from the full moon fell on her face enhancing the features, making the moon envious of her.  The man nodded, stroking a strand of her silky hair behind her ear.  "How did you know I will fall for you?" She asked in her soft voice. He chuckled at her innocence.  "Just one of those feelings," he replied.  A smile appeared on her face listening to his words and she let her fall into his brown eyes, again.  He leaned closer to her gorgeous face, gleaming under the moonlight and whispered, "Let the two swans mate beneath starry night, let the feelings overwhelm us in delight, let me make you mine forever…in this blue light." With that he pulled her closer to him and marked on her neck, making her as his forever. ~~~~~ The cover is not mine and the rights belong to its truthful owner. [Note: Distinct from the normal werewolf stories]

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215 Chs

Isabel firm

"Earl, I now know how to help them," Evelyn said excitedly, leaning forward. Her eyes twinkled as she said those words. 

"How?" He asked curiously. He was curious how she was going to help as it wasn't a question of one person. Many people might be suffering due to a lack of employment. 

"Will tell once we reach the palace," she said, grinning. 


When they reached, she quickly inquired about her father to a maid. 

In a huge study room, sat a man on the chair, reading a book. He heard a knock on his door and saw Evelyn entering followed by Earl. Looking at the wide smile on her face, he understood she found an answer to her questions and the last question being, he smiled as he thought about it. 

"So Eve, what is the way?" 

Evelyn stopped in her tracks and looked at her father in surprise. She wondered how he always guessed what she was about to speak. Anyways, she began, 

"Father, we will start a small clothing firm to help. Some tailors can't afford to have the raw materials and employees. We can employ them and supply the required materials. The clothes which they stitch will be sold out to the shops.

This way from supplying the raw materials to selling the end product, the people will benefit from the firm." 

"This is a great idea Ev- I mean my lady," Earl quickly corrected himself and smiled nervously. He found no issues with her suggestion. 

"Hmm, I guess you can carry on with it," he approved.  

"Thanks, father," 

"But I caution you that this ain't going to be easy to handle people," he warned. 

"I will take help from Earl, father. You don't have to worry much about me," she replied and glanced at Earl who nodded her. 

"Well then, no worries. Begin the firm on your mother's name," he suggested with a hint of authority. Nevertheless, she liked the suggestion as she was going to do the same hence nodded to him quickly. 

She planned everything about how she was going to execute it. Manor named after her mother was turned into a firm hub. The place was renovated accordingly and sewing machines were placed. She personally spoke with a few retailers and convinced them for the deal. 

Few days later, the tailor arrived at the palace with the stitched clothes. The maid took the clothes from him and went towards Evelyn's room to inform her. 

The tailor, Averet Hamon, glanced around the palace as he waited for the payment for his work. He was too tired as he walked all the way to the palace to save the journey fare. 

He looked around for someone to ask for some water, but no maid or servant was in sight. He sighed in exhaustion and closed his eyes. Soon he heard footsteps approaching towards him.

He lifted his head to see the princess walk down the stairs towards him. She smiled at him welcomingly. 

"Apologies for the wait. Please have a seat," she said humbly as she sat down on the couch. 

He looked at her in confusion. All his life he had heard how richness lowers the politeness in people. He looked around to make sure if the princess was speaking to him. 

"Please have the seat, Mr Hamon," he heard her addressing him. He was surprised by the respect she was giving him. He smiled nervously and sat at the far end of the couch. 

Evelyn saw him gulping and touching his throat. She understood he was thirsty. Therefore asked a maid to get the water. The maid approached him with a tray and small bowl containing jaggery. 

"Having jaggery after coming from outside is good. Please have it," Evelyn said, smiling humbly at him. 

When she had come to stitch the clothes, she was polite but all elites act polite when in public. The real face is known when they are at their place so the tailor had not noticed anything unnatural. 

But after coming here, his thoughts and respect for the lady in front of him changed for the better. He took a glass of water and a piece of jaggery to fulfil his thirst. 

Evelyn waited patiently before conversing with him about her plan. She saw Earl approaching her and smiled at him. As she knew he can explain practical things in terms of businesses better than her. 

Hours passed. It took them exactly three hours to explain to him. In the end, it was his decision to accept it or not. 

"We ain't forcing you, Mr Hamon. Final decision is yours. You can take your time," she said to the tailor. 

Averet thought for a while and nodded his head in agreement. He knew the offer was too good to be rejected. At least now he will have fixed monthly wages. He thought about how his wife and children can now have a better life. 

Evelyn thanked him and explained to him what he needed to do. After a while, the tailor left to complete the work she gave. 

"Congrats Eve," Earl said. 

"Thanks, Earl. It wouldn't have been successful if you weren't present here today," she said, remembering how he aided her when she got stuck at the time where Mr Hamon was enquiring about the process. 

"Will be always there for you," he said with a promising smile. 

"Me as well," she replied, smiling back at him. 

"Hope everything goes well," she said tensely, looking at the back of the tailor, who waited for a public carriage to arrive at the main entrance of the palace. She was scared a little as now few lives rely upon the success of the firm.

"It will be Eve. Don't worry," Earl said, looking at her eyes that displayed mixed emotions at the moment. She was excited about the firm, was concerned about its success and scared about the failure.