
Chapter 35

I have got to get a plane ticket to get of here. These bags are so heavy. An idea popped up in my head. Yea right. My real mother Mrs. Richards. Now, i have to take a cab.

" Emily darling, you didn' t tell us you were coming", Mrs. Richards said smiling. " I' m so sorry, i forgot; but i really just came by to say hi", i said." Oh, well in that case, where are you gonna sleep or stay?", she asked. " Ah...", i said. " here of course mom", Brianna said. " oh" , she said. " That won' t be a problem", she said smiling. " But, there' s one thing though, i have to keave tommorrow morning; early flight?", i said. They looked at me confused. " ok",  she said in a confused voice.

" Ah Brianna, i have a problem", i said looking at her. " What is it?, are you pregnant?.", she asked frightened. " oh. God no", i said . Then what could it possible be?", she asked laughing. " I need um... money?", i said. " Are you asking me, or are you telling me?", she asked. I got up walking around in her room. " I' m asking", i said desperately. " ok", she said." Really?", i asked her. " Yeah, you're my only sister", she said. And as soon as she said that i thought of Zaya. I can' t believe i have another sister and so does Brianna. " Are you here with me?", she asked. " Ah yea of course", i said. I might just go ahead and ask her. " Am i the only sister that you know of?", i asked. " well . of course not. I have an older sister. Her name is Zaya, but we don' t really talk much", she said. " oh", i replied frightened. " Maybe someday you' ll be able to meet her. She must be living her life now.Maybe married?. ", she asked. You mean engaged?. " Ah yea", i said. " But really and truely you are my only sister. I mean as far as i know, the only convo that Zaya and i has ever had is hi and bye", she said. " But you and i have real convo' s", she said. I shook my head. She smiled. Great. So many untold secrets.

So i was back in America in the evening. About 3 pm. I swear i had jet legs. My mind was all over the place. I needed a break from everything.

I arrived home in a couple of minutes. Let' s just sum up everything. My family members were completely shocked that i returned so soon; nkt even a day in Switzerland. And to top that off; i think Matthew was still mad at me. Did i mention that this Saturday is my birthday?. Yep. I' m finally gonna be 19. I should have been a graduate by now; but because of dad; i' ve been moving from school to school. But sometimes it' s kinda good for me, because i don' t have to study the same damn thing over and over and ovwr again. Now, i was in my room thinking or resting you could say.

The next day

I swear i couldn' t move. I definately couldn't go to school. I had jet legs. It was 9 in the morning and i wasn' t at school. I wonder why my mom hasn' t come up here yet. It was Friday. The last day of school. Thank God. I closed my eyes thinking of all the things that happened this month. Cabello is engaged to my older sister. I now have what?. 3 siblings by blood and 3 that are not. Wow....my dad is alive. And shit. I forgot. I have 2 step dad' s and one step mom and a niece that is not my niece. Wow..How life treats you. And how can i forget friends. I have friends that i don' t even negotiate with anymore. And non..none of them has even called me to ask. Emily darling, why aren't you at school?. And finally, Cody. Wow Cody. I thought he cared for me. I can' t believe. Not one person called. You know what screw them all.