
Chapter -4 Stupidity

I opened my eyes and found myself on my bed. Suddenly ,I remembered everything what happened last night. Was it a dream or did it really happened ? It has to be a dream or I am gonna kill myself. I ran to my bedroom door to check the lock. I checked the door and found out that it was locked. A sudden rush of relief overwhelmed me and I started laughing like crazy but then a tinge of sadness came to me. Why am I being foolish. Being with a vampire is like walking on egg shells. You may never know when they are gonna go savage. Even the one you think are never gonna hurt you, may desire to kill you. You can never trust them . Plus, I don't wanna die doing that with a vampire. Then, I looked at the clock and realized it was 10a.m. F*ck that lady is going to kill me.

I freshened up and packed and ran to the dining table where I saw Silver. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. Everything that happened last night came striking back to me. Ohhh wait, It was just dream. I laughed at myself. Ohh ,silly me. I will only be with a vampire when he gives me 10000$ per day. I started walking down the stairs with my head up and feeling proud of myself. I saw Silver sitting in his casual clothes on the dining table probably looking at me , who knows when he wearing those glasses but he was smiling. God is really unfair. Why give so sexy lips to a vampire but then I realized they were not made by God , they were a result of an experiment but why was he smiling. This person is super annoying.

" Una, today is Sunday. You don't need to go to school on Sunday ." my father said to me laughing.

Embarrassment gulfed me. This was not the first time that I forgot it is Sunday but yes it is the first time in front of stranger who is trying to hide his smile and looks like blind person but isn't and on the top of that he is a vampire that means he can push me on bed very easily .What the hell. That was just a dream why would I go to a person's room just to see his eyes. Obviously, it was a dream but why is my heart denying this fact but again trust I think heart even trust people it should not.

" Yaa , I know, don't laugh at me." I frowned at my father who laughed in return.

"So Silver, did you sleep well yesterday?" ,my father asked Silver.

Although, vampires are night creature but to run the government they have adjusted to humans and werewolves. I mean a school cannot be run both at morning and at night, let us be real.

" Uhmm, it was fine" he answered sounding rather sad .He is just a guest of two days. After two days I will all alone again with my father and servants whom I don't talk to because they just keep talking about how unlucky I was blah blah. One will find this types of talkative people everywhere who like to gossip about others a lot an now they kind of hate me cause I don't like there gossiping. Bunch of bitches and dogs barking together.

I finished my lunch and went to my room. The effect of sleeping pills was still on me. I was going to sleep but someone knocked on my door. Damn, why id this world so against me sleeping.

"Come in " I said angrily and didn't even bother to sit up.

" Hello,uhmm,ohh you are sleeping. Sorry to disturb you"

" You have already disturbed me Mr. Marsha. Tell me what can I help you with?"