

In a society where power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. Since the moment of his birth, Theo has been the target of betrayal and manipulation by those seeking to maintain their position of authority. He was raised in isolation and abandoned because he was seen as a threat to the old hierarchies. Theo's strength increases with time, driven by the very rejection that was supposed to shatter him. The world's attempt to change his destiny gives him strength and power, making him a formidable opponent. Together with a group of allies who understand his potential for good, Theo begins a journey of self-discovery, overcoming countless difficulties and tribulations. He gains power and influence more and more as the world tries to stop him. The world sees a change as Theo overcomes the betrayals and challenges that stand in his way. His might causes the very power structures that had previously rejected him to collapse, and he becomes a ray of hope for those who had also been cast aside.en cast aside.

Anjaan9 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Uninvited guest


As the echoes of the king's departure lingered in the air, all eyes turned towards Erick, the newly appointed leader tasked with leading the expedition and shaping the future of their kingdom. The room hushed in anticipation, and Erick, sensing the weight of the responsibility placed on him, took a deep breath to address the assembly.

However, before he could speak, a commanding voice cut through the silence. "Give me a reason why you should lead this mission." Everyone's gaze swiftly shifted towards the source of the voice, revealing Countess Seraphina, a seven-circle mage.

Erick turned his gaze towards Countess Seraphina, asserting with confidence, "Countess Seraphina, I may not be the most experienced among you, but I have devoted the past five years to an intensive study of the relic. I have diligently pursued every lead, unveiling its secrets and pinpointing its elusive location. The depth of my knowledge regarding the relic positions me as the most fitting choice to lead this crucial mission." Countess Seraphina gave a nod of satisfaction, acknowledging the validity of Erick's claim.

Erick, after receiving Countess Seraphina's appraising nod,, proceeded to address the assembly: "Before delving further into the details about the relic, it's crucial for you all to understand why we must retrieve this weapon." He paused before revealing the dire situation. "The shield that the great seven kingdoms cast to stop the god of death has begun to weaken and will completely vanish in the next twenty years."

A collective gasp echoed in the silent hall as everyone absorbed the situation. The weakening shield not only jeopardizes Eldoria but also puts all of universe at risk. The three-dimensional gates pose a threat that extends beyond the borders. Now the quest for the relic was not only about safeguarding their kingdom but also about preserving the delicate balance that protected their universe from impending doom.

A mage in the assembly spoke up: "That's why the dimensional gates are appearing more frequently."

Erick shifted his attention towards the mage and addressed the assembly with solemnity, "We can no longer rely on the shield. As it fades away, the god of death will seize the opportunity to open the dimensional gate and unleash chaos upon our world. The only means to avert this impending doom is by obtaining the ancient weapon, the sole key capable of eliminating the god of death. Our mission is clear: retrieve the weapon before any other kingdom or shadow enclave does, and secure the continued prosperity and invincibility of our kingdom."

The room descended into silence once again. The weight of the future and the impending threat were palpable in everyone's eyes. The gravity of their quest hung in the air as each member of the assembly contemplated the magnitude of their responsibility and the crucial role they played in the destiny of their world.

Erick explains further, "The weakening of the shield served as the catalyst for King Aric's directive to ensure me with the investigation about the rumored prophecy. Embarking on a journey, I traversed all seven great kingdoms, tirelessly gathering fragments of information about the prophecy from each realm. These carefully amassed hidden pieces now stand as integral components in our quest to unveil the ancient truth."

Erick unfolded the scrolls he had retrieved, revealing intricate markings and symbols that represented the gathered knowledge. "The prophecy speaks of a relic hidden in a realm between dimensions, accessible only through a specific gateway that lies in the center of a dark forest."

Gasps escaped the lips of the assembly members. The mention of the dark forest sent shivers through the assembly, as it is known to be the most dangerous and unsafe place in the world. The dark forest is a realm where nature itself is warped and the boundaries between reality and the arcane are blurred. The natural world's laws do not apply to the mutated and unidentified magical monsters who prowl its depths. Moreover, the trees in this ominous realm are not passive observers. Each possesses a consciousness, and ancient whispers rustle through their twisted branches. Legends speak of trees that harbor secrets as old as time itself, repositories of ancient knowledge concealed within their gnarled forms.

Yet, the dark forest is not only a realm of arcane wonders; it is a place where the very fabric of reality seems to play tricks on those who dare to enter. Unpredictable weather patterns shift with capricious intent, shrouding the forest in an ever-changing cloak of mist, rain, and shadows. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth, and the haunting calls of unseen creatures echo through the dense foliage.

Navigating this labyrinthine expanse becomes a perilous task as the trees themselves, imbued with an ancient sense, subtly rearrange their positions. The path that was clear one moment may vanish into an impenetrable thicket the next. Travelers find themselves at the mercy of a living maze, where each step can lead to an unexpected destination. The disorienting dance of the trees challenges even the most seasoned explorers, as the forest itself seems to conspire against those who seek to unveil its secrets.

A voice of fear cut through the tension as a boy spoke, "Isn't it a suicide mission?"

Erick turned his gaze toward the speaker, revealing it to be Derik. A smirk played on Erick's lips as he replied, "It is, but don't panic. I've already found a way." Erick's reassurance brought a momentary relief to the assembly, yet an air of uncertainty lingered.

Erick pressed on, addressing a crucial aspect of their quest. "Only those with the blood of the seven kingdoms are able to wield the weapon. That means only royal members of the great seven kingdoms can unleash its power." As he spoke, Erick deliberately looked towards Lord, a warning embedded in his gaze, signaling the potential consequences of betrayal. Despite this information, Lord appeared relieved, and Erick couldn't help but feel puzzled by the calmness in his demeanor.

Erick had anticipated a reaction from Lord, expecting unease or concern. However, the absence of any visible distress from the Lord sent a cold shiver down Erick's spine. Unable to comprehend the Lord's behavior, Erick decided to focus on delivering his speech to the assembly: "Our journey is twofold: to retrieve the relic hidden between dimensions and to ensure everyone's safety, as we will be facing not only the party of the kingdom of Frostholm and Emberfall but also the shadow enclave, known for their sinister intentions and cunning tactics. Each of us, whether a mage or a swordsman, plays a crucial role in this mission."

Erick took a moment to brief the selected individuals on the specific roles they would play in the mission. He proceeded to name ten high mages, ten swordmasters, and five high healers, assigning each of them the responsibility to bring a young heir or their disciple along.

The mages were tasked with enhancing the group's magical defenses and unraveling any arcane barriers they might encounter. The swordmasters were designated as the frontline defenders, their expertise crucial in facing the unpredictable and formidable creatures that lurked within the dark forest. Erick's attention then turned to the five high healers, who stressed the importance of their role in ensuring the physical well-being of the expedition. Their skills would be essential in mending injuries sustained during encounters with the mystical denizens of the forest or any unforeseen challenges along the way.

He handed the prepared list to the Lord, instructing him to provide magical items tailored to each individual's abilities. These items, enchanted to enhance their wielders' strengths, would prove invaluable in the treacherous journey that lay ahead.

With a final call for unity and cooperation, Erick asked everyone to convene in front of the capital gate within an hour. Little did they know, an uninvited guest was clandestinely observing their meeting—an unforeseen presence skilled enough to elude the swordmasters and high-ranking mages.

If you happen to read the chapters of my first story, I would appreciate your assistance. I would be grateful for a like, a comment, or your wisdom as they would help me improve and reach my full potential.

I appreciate you coming along on this literary journey with me. Let our mutual love of storytelling bring us together in this imaginary world.

PS: like story? Add to the library!


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