

In a society where power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. Since the moment of his birth, Theo has been the target of betrayal and manipulation by those seeking to maintain their position of authority. He was raised in isolation and abandoned because he was seen as a threat to the old hierarchies. Theo's strength increases with time, driven by the very rejection that was supposed to shatter him. The world's attempt to change his destiny gives him strength and power, making him a formidable opponent. Together with a group of allies who understand his potential for good, Theo begins a journey of self-discovery, overcoming countless difficulties and tribulations. He gains power and influence more and more as the world tries to stop him. The world sees a change as Theo overcomes the betrayals and challenges that stand in his way. His might causes the very power structures that had previously rejected him to collapse, and he becomes a ray of hope for those who had also been cast aside.en cast aside.

Anjaan9 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The lost relic of prophecy

In the realm of Eldoria, a kingdom of unparalleled wealth and power stood as a bastion of prosperity. Renowned for its vast resources, formidable army, and a cadre of mages and swordsmen whose skills were unmatched. Eldoria had thrived through the ages, its influence extending far beyond its fortified borders.

The capital city is impressive, full of tall towers and fancy palaces, showing off the best in architecture and magic. Eldoria Is like a shining example of being rich, where magic and war skills coexisted happily.

Yet, on this auspicious day, the usually serene atmosphere within the kingdom was disturbed. King Aric, ruler of Eldoria, sat upon his majestic throne, exuded an air of restlessness and unease. It felt like he was waiting impatiently for something really important, something that was more important than his own life. 

In the height of King Aric's nervous anticipation, a palpable hush fell over the resplendent throne room. Erick Silverthorn, the royal knight and heir to a prestigious dukedom, entered with a large build and a muscle-bound physique. His face, devoid of any facial hair, exuded a youthful but dangerous aura. Strands of silver hair framed his sharp features, and his eyes, like liquid silver, glowed with a power and ambition that set him apart. The room seemed to be bathed in the ethereal glow emanating from his silver eyes.

Erick's identity was known to all as the elder son of House Silverthorn, renowned as one of the best swordmaster in the world. The legacy of his family, coupled with his own formidable skills, made him a figure of reverence not only acknowledged by the king but also by the entire kingdom. His bravery, innate powers, masterful swordsmanship, and unwavering loyalty had earned him the admiration of Eldoria.

Approaching with a dignified stride, Erick Silverthorn traversed the throne room with an air of confidence and purpose. The polished armor adorned with the emblem of Eldoria showcased his allegiance to the kingdom. As he neared the throne, the weight of expectation hung in the air, and the courtiers watched in awe as this young, handsome knight took his place before the sovereign.

"Long live the sun of Eldoria," Erick greeted as he knelt before the king.

The king's eyes, filled with a mix of anxiety and hope, met those of Erick. With a reassuring nod, King Aric gestured for him to rise. The royal knight, his demeanor unwavering, stood and faced the king. 

In a voice laden with anticipation, King Aric asked, "Have you succeeded in your mission?"

Erick, bearing a scroll that spoke of a long and arduous journey, responded with respect, "The lost relic has been found."

The appearance of scroll in Erick hand told a tale of a long and arduous journey, fraught with challenges and trials. Erick unfurled the ancient document, revealing inscriptions that revel the location of a lost relic buried within the depths of time. King Aric's gaze shifted from the scroll to the Erick, their eyes locking in a silent exchange. The sign of relief that escaped the king's lips was almost imperceptible, yet it resonated throughout the grand hall.

King Aric felt a mix of emotions. He was happy that they found this important thing, but it also meant he had a big job to do. The relic was something special, and it could either save Eldoria or make things really hard. The relic, enshrined in the echoes of ancient prophecies, cradled within its sacred confines a weapon that bore a solemn promise of dominion. It held the key to unparalleled power, an extraordinary gift that granted its possessor the authority to rule over the vast expanse of the universe or plunge the world into chaos. 

After a moment of contemplation, King Aric leaned forward on his majestic throne and addressed his loyal knight. "Tell me, who else knows about the relic?" he inquired with a sense of urgency.

Erick nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Your Majesty, there are two other kingdoms aware of the relic, but their capabilities are not formidable enough to pose a significant threat."

A flicker of relief crossed the Aric's face at this revelation. However, before he could fully relax, the knight continued, "There is one more, my liege. 

King Aric's expression turned somber as he absorbed this unsettling information. "Who?" he asked.

The knight replied with a tone of caution, "Shadow Enclave".

The king's eyes widened in both astonishment and fear. The Shadow Enclave, a notorious organization immersed in the forbidden arts of dark magic. Their malevolent intentions and the insidious goal of sowing chaos struck fear into the hearts of those who had heard whispers of their existence. However, what made them truly formidable was the enigmatic and immortal figure at their helm. The leader of the Shadow Enclave, a shadowy presence shrouded in mystery, had achieved a nightmarish form of immortality through the very dark magic he practiced. The whispers spoke of rituals and forbidden incantations that had bestowed upon them an unnerving longevity, defying the natural order of life and death. The notion of his goal of unleash the god of death upon the world sent shivers down his spine.

King Aric, gripped by the gravity of the situation, rose swiftly from his throne. The regal aura that usually surrounded him was now replaced by an unmistakable sense of urgency. With a resolute expression, he addressed Erick, "We cannot allow such power to fall into his hands", the king declared, his voice carrying a weight of determination. "Call everyone urgently for a meeting. We must retrieve the weapon before the Shadow Enclave does."

The young knight, recognizing the gravity of the situation, bowed deeply and hurriedly left the throne room to carry out the king's command. The fate of Eldoria now hung in the balance, and the king knew that decisive action was necessary to thwart the nefarious plans of the Shadow Enclave and safeguard the kingdom from the impending chaos.

If you happen to read the chapters of my first story, I would appreciate your assistance. I would be grateful if you add the story to your library, a comment, or your wisdom as they would help me improve and reach my full potential.

I appreciate you coming along on this literary journey with me. Let our mutual love of storytelling bring us together in this imaginary world.


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