
Fallen God: Evolved from a dual-cultivation ogre into a titan giant

In a world where a game universe replaces reality, Alexander, out of curiosity, transforms into an ogre with dual cultivation talent. The ogre tribe has beautiful slaves, and these female slaves have many ways of pleasing him, but should he settle for mere pleasure? No! This barren desert is not his destiny. What exactly is his identity? He is a descendant of the Titans! He is the king of the ogres! He is the only ogre with dual cultivation talent! He intends to build the most powerful ogre empire. His ogre empire is not only home to clever and powerful ogre warriors, but also to the Red Dragon Queen, the Succubus Queen, the Medusa Queen, the Elf Queen and more. Capable of instilling fear in countless organisms, these queens behave like gentle kittens in Alexander's presence.

RedBull · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

I plan to go to the Succubi clan and propose a marriage to their royal family on your behalf

Alexander arrived at James' hut for an informal meeting, making the atmosphere between them quite casual.

"How about it, Alexander, any girls in the tribe you fancy?" James asked.

Alexander shook his head; the appearance of these female ogres was too ugly, even less attractive than that of the orc.

James frowned, feeling a bit awkward. Logically, after becoming a Bloodline Warrior, Alexander should have had female ogres showing affection towards him. But, as an orphan, no one really took the initiative to manage such matters for him.

As a result, there were no women in Alexander's dwelling.

After a moment of thought, James suggested, "How about I take charge and arrange for you to meet some of the most beautiful female ogres in the tribe? Their muscles are well-developed, and their tusks sharp, making them especially charming!"

James waved his hand, and soon a burly female ogre approached Alexander. Alexander only took one glance and absurdly thought that she must have very regular periods, and quite heavy ones at that.

Alexander quickly waved off the idea, saying, "Better not, I actually prefer the aesthetics of humans."

"Oh, your poor taste," James said hesitantly. "Alexander, should I lead a team to the neighboring territory of the Succubi and seek a marriage alliance for you?"

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly at the suggestion, not immediately refusing.

"How about it, the enchanting Succubi, do they meet your standards?" James asked, winking at Alexander as if inquiring about his virility.

"I certainly don't have a problem with that! But preferably someone a bit larger in size," Alexander said with a laugh.

James chuckled, "We live on the Titan Continent, here most creatures are enormous. You don't have to worry about size. And I'll find you a Succubus with a purer bloodline; they are extremely flexible and enduring, so you won't have any concerns!"

The succubi, a race with contradictory traits, were naturally lascivious with strong sexual desires. But if conquered, they would become incredibly loyal.

For Alexander, conquering a succubus was a simple task. His dual cultivation talent required numerous women, especially those of high bloodline, crucial for his strength enhancement.

Observing the ogre tribe, Alexander noted that the number of women was a symbol of honor and power.

As a member of the ogre tribe, having women was essential for Alexander to gain higher status and more prestige.

"Ha ha ha... Then it's settled. I'll lead the next hunt to the Succubi and discuss this with them!" Alexander agreed, not dwelling further on the topic but shifting focus to the more pressing matter of the Abyss Cave.

"Brother James, I heard from Sam about the Abyss Cave. When will it open?"

"In three days," James replied seriously.

Upon discussing serious matters, James' expression turned stern, and he spoke with a grave tone. "Alexander, the Abyss Cave is extremely dangerous. As a Bloodline Warrior, you don't have to risk entering the Abyss Cave!"

Alexander gazed at James intently and said earnestly, "Brother James, like you, I too have the heart of a strong warrior! I must go there; it's the only way to rapidly increase my combat abilities!"

James, looking at Alexander, was surprised by the young ogre's ambitious spirit. "Good, very good! You truly are my brother, Alexander, I support you!"

After learning the exact time the Abyss Cave would open, Alexander did not stay long in James' hut.

Walking through the valley for a while, he then returned to his own dwelling.

Now in autumn, with winter approaching and daylight hours diminishing day by day, Alexander knew he had to quicken his pace of growth.

At night, Alexander took out the bottle of Bloodline Touch Water and drank it without hesitation.

Initially, there was no change after consuming the potion. But soon, the liquid seemed to transform into a flame, coursing through Alexander's body and burning him.

Unable to bear the burning sensation, Alexander activated his bloodline skill, doubling his physical attributes, which eased the pain.

Alexander then fell asleep.

The next day, the lively ogres were already sparring with each other in the valley early in the morning.

The loud shouts woke Alexander up. He didn't immediately get up but took a moment to feel his body. When he saw his attribute data, a smile appeared on his face.

[Strength: 98/100 (Can be increased)]

[Agility: 86/100 (Can be increased)]

[Intelligence: 95/100 (Can be increased)]

[Constitution: 100/100 (Maximum)]

[Talent: Dual Cultivation]

[Ogre's Wrath (rank:2): A bloodline skill of the Ogre race. Upon transforming into an ancient ogre, all attributes are tripled, and the transformation effect lasts until physical strength is exhausted. Roar, Ogre!!]

[Mind Bond Technique (Rare Skill): After learning this skill, one receives a mental blessing and can form a bond with a mind partner. A strong mind partner can reciprocate to the host, further increasing all attributes.]

Alexander's heart cheered; he hadn't expected such a significant enhancement from taking the inexpensive Bloodline Touch Water.

Moreover, what surprised him was the growth potential of his awakened bloodline skill. As it leveled up, the benefits it provided would increase even further.

Feeling great, Alexander left the hut and headed towards the lively battleground.

On the flat ground of the battleground, Bloodline Warrior Cain and a member of the hunting team were locked in an intense battle, evenly matched for the moment.

"Nice going!" 

"Cain, beat him..."

"Dodge... Lift your leg, kick... spinning slash..."

Alexander, caught up in the excitement, joined the surrounding ogres in cheering for one of the bloodline warriors.

However, at that moment, an ogre approached Alexander from behind and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Alexander, the chief needs to see you!" 

Turning around, Alexander saw James' subordinate Shaka, also a bloodline warrior.

"What's the matter?" Alexander asked with some curiosity, having just seen James the day before.

"I don't know!" 

Shaka shook his head, saying he was only sent by the chief to fetch Alexander.

Nodding, Alexander turned back towards the battleground where Cain was fighting.

"Cain, don't be soft like a woman, finish him off!" Alexander shouted, calming the blood boiling inside him with the roar.

"Let's go!" 

Deep within Greystone Valley, in the chief's hut, Alexander not only saw James but also the tribe's great elder, a middle-aged ogre warrior named Ferrer.

"Alexander, come here, sit next to me!" Before James could speak, Ferrer warmly beckoned Alexander to sit beside him.

Seeing this, James simply smiled and made no comment.

Once Alexander was seated and had downed a few large bowls of fruit wine, James finally spoke: "Alexander, we called you here today to inquire about your bloodline skill."

"I've heard your bloodline is top-notch. Can you transform for us to see?"

Alexander nodded without questioning and instantly activated the Ogre's Wrath state. His entire body turned blood-red, his eyes filled with rage, bloodlust, and a thirst for slaughter.

James and Ferrer both stood up and came beside Alexander, carefully examining him.

"Indeed, it's pure ogre bloodline, extremely refined!"

"See, I wasn't wrong. That's why Alexander was the only one to walk out of the trial grounds the other day!" James said, tapping Alexander's chest with his fist. "Deactivate your transformation."

Alexander nodded, and his vitality subsided, returning to his normal state.

James looked at Alexander, deep in thought.

After a long pause, James finally spoke.

"Alexander, ordinary Succubi are no longer a match for your bloodline. Next hunt, I plan to go to the Succubi clan and propose a marriage to their royal family on your behalf. What do you think?"