

Luckson had no sooner finished speaking than he regretted having said anything at all. Seeing the sad expressions on the faces of his new friends, he could not put his finger at exactly which point the atmosphere in the room had suddenly changed. The tell tale silence that engulfed the room and held it in a vice like grip, laid bare the unpalatable truth, like a rotten egg on his face.

He wished he had not said anything but it was too late, words carelessly spoken like newbreaking wind in public once released could never be taken back. He would just have to let the impact of what had been spoken without thinking, run it's course. Somehow eventually his listeners would gradually make peace with he had said.

The drastic change in was too much to bear and

Luckson felt the wisest course of action for him was to quietly leave the room and just allow for the matter to settle.

Stepping out into the late afternoon sunshine, Luckson took a leisurely stroll along the scenic garden path which was littered with falling leaves, marking the advent of autumn.

Taking his time to appreciate the beautiful stone masonry of the cathedral, Luckstone proceeded to the staircase at the at front of the building.

He had not been able to see much on the night when he arrived with Father Michael. The alter boys had taken it upon themselves to show him around. He had come to love this place, the beauty of it, the peacefulness. There was a solitude there in which he could be alone with his thought. An inner strength as Father Michael taught him to recognize as faith. A strong conviction from deep within him by which he settle have issues even before there was any physical proof to that desired end. By that conviction he could look forward to the future with a renewed sense of peace.

Father Michael, Luckson smiled as he thought of the priest with his gentle smile at life. Father Michael had completely changed Luckson 's outlook on life. Where he had felt conflicted before, he now felt only peace. It was as though he had become a brand new person. Just as Father Michael had taught him to him during one of their regular talks, 'the old self had gone,the new was come'.

Luckson had come to enjoy the heart to heart talks with the priest. He had grown fond of this jolly fat man as he had initially thought of the priest, the first time when Father Michael had walked into the juvenile detention cell. That day when he had held out the chance that was to completely turn Luckson's life around.

It was the same Father Michael who seemed not have a worry in the world. Father Michael who did not seem to have an enemy in the world and everywhere they went he was greeted with open smiles.

Luckson could not even imagine anyone hating or being angry with this gentle soul who seemed to face the world with a smile. Father Michael with whom there seemed to be no sorrow, no weeping, sobbing or crying only a lasting impression of peace, peace and joy.

While Luckson set on the staircase at the front of the case, enjoying the solitude, Father Michael who had quietly retreated to the privacy of his office, was even then wiping away at the tears in his eyes with a handkerchief.

He was deep in thought, contemplating what to do about Luckson's situation. He was on his knees seeking for inspiration, praying for an answer to the boy's need to serve in church. Yes the boy needed something to do that would distract him from the misfortunes of his past. Serving in the church would do him a world of good. It would certainly give him direction in life. But as to what that answer was, was the question that confronted him.

The alter boys were in their rooms, Father Michael was praying in his office.

When the most beautiful sound broke through the silence. It was the melodious noise of singing but unlike anything they had ever heard before. This was the melting glaciers of the heart, the thawing hardened emotions. Like the breaking of dawn after the night.

Speaking to the setting aside of enmities and the restoration of friendships.

In that one moment of unparalleled beauty in which they were all bathed in a glorious light. The beauty of which seemed to touch to the heart and mind, tearing the individual from troubled contemplation and taking them to a space of unimaginable beauty.

Altogether as though with one mind the boys rushed across the garden path to the front of the cathedral. Father Michael was also making his way there.

Arriving at the same time at the front of the cathedral, they all cast their eyes at the short flight of steps where the singing was coming from.

There he was sitting calmly midway on the stair case. The singing seemed to come from deep within him. As he sang he was someone different from the broken little boy, whom Father Michael had brought out from juvenile detention. He was not the same boy whom Luke remembered being introduced to by Father Michael.

He was suddenly transformed into a god of creation, bringing to life a something so beautiful, so unique.

Seeing the attention his singing had unintentionally drawn in the form of Father Michael and the alter boys stood enthralled in the setting late afternoon sunlight watching him. Realizing that his singing had attracted attention quickly got to his feet. He wanted to explain, that singing was a hobby of his which he indulged in from time to time. He wanted to apologize for having unintentionally disturbed them but never got the chance. The moment he stopped singing he was met with thunderous applause from his small audience.The appreciation from Father Michael and the alter boys assured him that it was alright, he did not need to explain himself.

All at once overwhelmed by the occasion, Luckson was overcome with a deep sense of gratitude and stood on the stair case with a wide grin playing on his face as he basked in the moment.

"That's it!", Father Michael suddenly like a mad man while making a loud clicking sound between his fingers, disrupting the cheerful atmosphere in the process and causing everyone to stare at him in surprise.

"I was in my office praying for something, for a break through for Luckson to be able to serve at service".

"Then when I came here just now and saw him sing...", proceeded Father Michael excitedly.

"Off course, he can sing during church service!", added Tatenda excitedly, quickly catching on to Father Michael's train of thought.

"We have heard an idea of having a choir to sing at intervals during service", Luke explained to Luckson. We had everything else, including the name, All Saints Boys Choir..."

"We only lacked someone who could sing to lead. That is until now", Father Michael could not help but quote from scripture, the rejected brick became the cornerstone. You are that brick upon which All Saints Boys Choir shall be hinged, upon that amazing voice of yours".

"Yes!", chanted the alter boys excitedly in agreement.

That evening there was excitement in the boys room. The uneasiness of earlier in the day was put behind the m as they talked way into the night, discussing plans for their choir's first performance during church service. They were particularly proud of their newly discovered singing sensation. None was more proud of him than Father Michael, who looking beyond one church service was seeing the bigger of how Luckson's amazing vocal talent was going to have in transforming his young life. But at that moment he was content to let the boy enjoy the moment with his friends and just look to that initial performance at the upcoming Sunday's church service.

He proceeded to his own room leaving the boys talking excitedly

The excitement in the boys room was infectious and while the boys talked and planned, Father Michael went down on his knees that night in the privacy of his room gave thanks that his prayers had been answered. He was happy that the choir was finally going to have their first performance that Sunday. He was especially happy for Luckson for the great future full of limitless opportunities that lay ahead of him thanks to his amazing voice.

Early on a crispy Sunday morning a light wind gently blowing through the trees loosening dead leaves and sending the falling to the ground. Father Michael as was his habit was standing at the head of the staircase greeting congregants as they came into church, while the choir boys rushed about making last minute preparations for the church service. One little boy lingering in the background was especially excited.

He could not remember a time when he had felt that happy or at peace, ever since his parents had perished on that fateful day.