
The day i broke

No. You first love is the person you care for like family the one you would spend the rest of your life with. It's about commitment to a person. You can have that without dating. Attraction/ infatuation doesn't last. But choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone because you feel or know they complement you and your life in some way that it would be worth doing anything for them. That is love, and arguably that is your first "True" love.

I found my first true love at the age of 18, almost 19. I was a freshman in college, and we were amazing friends at first, but then I started developing feelings for her late second semester. When I told her she pushed me away completely and indefinitely. I still love her to this day, and it still hurts, missing her and not being able to be there for her. But I also just ran Into an old childhood friend, and it's too soon to tell but she might be my second love, but so could somebody I've never met 3 years from now. The moral is true love comes in all shapes and sizes. Coworkers, Friends, and Spouses, random strangers too. It takes different shapes, and can be anywhere at anytime.