
Fake Rich Daughter Is A Scientist From The Future

The technology fanatic Huo Tian from the future world died because of a research accident and transmigrated into the body of a fake rich daughter from a wealthy family. Before the real daughter of the family came back, she was the treasure of the family, and everyone treated her like a princess. After the real daughter returned, her status plummeted, and they treated her as an outsider. Living in a wealthy family that valued blood relations the most, Huo Tian, an unrelated outsider, was given a hard time. Everyone hated and despised her. Leaving behind a letter of severance, Huo Tian left the Huo Family on her own accord without any lingering reluctance for her once luxurious life. She started a new life with the original Huo Tian's biological mother and uncle, who had been abandoned by the Huo Family's real rich daughter. She started a business from scratch. With her understanding of the future world and her grasp of futuristic technology, Huo Tian quickly became famous in the business circle and established a research company that was renowned throughout the country. All the researches from her company were ten years more advanced than everywhere else in the world. With every research published, the whole world would be taken aback and impressed by how miraculous it was. As time passed, Huo Tian became increasingly successful. Just as she was getting used to being called a fake rich daughter, the secret that her biological mother hid was out of the bag—Huo Tian's biological father was the head of the noblest and the most powerful wealthy family at an international level, the Xi Family. Compared to the Xi Family, the Huo Family was nothing but insignificant. The fake rich daughter in everyone's eyes and the joke among the wealthy circle suddenly became a real rich daughter of the most influential family. Moreover, the head of the Xi Family seemed to be spoiling his long-lost daughter to the heavens...

JQK · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
408 Chs

Give Her a Chance

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

After seeing Si Huan's PowerPoint presentation, everyone was deeply shocked. They remained speechless for a long time.

After a long while, Zhao Feng, who had the liveliest personality among the student union members, broke the silence with a sigh. "Damn, these pictures must have been photoshopped, right? I don't believe that technology has developed to such a level!"

Everyone's attitude was the same. After the initial shock, they started to feel suspicious.

The principal's attitude towards Si Huan was no longer as friendly as before. "Student Si Huan, today is the school administration meeting. It's not an occasion for you to joke around."

Si Huan, who was being questioned, didn't feel nervous at all. He closed the PowerPoint presentation and opened a video file. "Since no one believes me, let's find out the truth of my words through the video."

In the video, Huo Tian helped the crippled boy put on his robotic prosthetics. The prosthetics were like the steel armor of superheroes that automatically buckled onto his broken legs. At first, the crippled boy was a little careful, but later on, he started to follow the voice notifications to slowly make walking and jumping movements…

The existence of this video completely exceeded everyone's understanding. It was not that they had never seen prosthetic limbs before, but they had definitely never seen prosthetic limbs that would activate automatic protection function when the owner was about to fall.

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Si Huan said slowly, "I know the school's management and students are still feeling suspicious. Of course, there is a possibility that the video could have been made with special effects. I will not guarantee the authenticity of the video now. As long as we give Huo Tian a chance, I believe she will personally prove her capabilities to everyone."

The school's management discussed in soft voices. Finally, the principal made the call. "If Huo Tian has such talent in mechanical manufacturing, then our school must not miss out on a genius no matter what. However, because the authenticity of Si Huan's PowerPoint presentation and video are questionable, the school's management has decided to let Huo Tian take a test after school starts. If Huo Tian's results reach the admission criteria, then the school will not only retain her student status but also give her the treatment for students who came in on special admission."

Si Huan sat down in satisfaction. "I believe that Huo Tian will not disappoint the teachers."

After the school administration meeting ended, the vice-principal, who was responsible for contacting the school's sponsors, called out to the principal. "Principal, I know you value talent, but the Huo Family has already informed the school that they clearly don't want Huo Tian to continue to stay in the school."

The principal opened his vacuum and took a sip of wolfberry tea, saying slowly, "Doesn't the Huo Family's daughter have very good grades? They don't need to pay the school a huge sponsorship fee next year. Why are they still interfering with the student status of an ordinary student in our school?"

The vice-principal thought about it and felt that it made sense. He chuckled and said, "In the past, we'd flatter the Huo Family a little because of the huge sponsorship fee they give us. If Huo Tian was really such a genius, our school would treat her like a treasure. How would it be possible for us to expel her?"

The principal squinted his eyes happily. "Two geniuses, our school is going to be famous all over the country!"

Si Huan gave Huo Tian a call and told her that after school started, she needed to do a test. Only after passing the test could she continue to study at Qingli High School.

Huo Tian replied 'en en en', nodding to agree. However, she forgot about this matter later on. She never liked to remember things that had nothing to do with her research. Her life was so muddled that it made people feel helpless.

Si Huan more or less understood Huo Tian's personality, so he called Ding Rong and asked her to remind Huo Tian when school was starting and what were the things she needed to take note of.

"Auntie, it's easy for Huo Tian to forget about food and sleep when she focuses on her research. I'm afraid that she won't even remember the start of the school term. You'll have to put more attention to this and don't let her miss the start of the school term test. This is her only chance to continue staying at Qingli High School."

Of course, Ding Rong was very concerned about Huo Tian's studies. She nervously wrote down all the things that Si Huan had reminded her to take note of for the start of the school term. "I'll remember them. I'll get Ding Chen to send Huo Tian and Bi Ying to report together."

Si Huan was relieved. "With your reminder, Huo Tian will definitely not miss the start of school."

It turned out that Si Huan had foresight. On the morning of the start of school, Ding Rong spent a lot of effort dragging Huo Tian out of bed.

"Mom…" Huo Tian sat by the bed and hugged her mother's waist as she whined, "I only slept for two hours. I don't want to get up…"

Ding Rong's heart melted from his daughter's twisting, but she still mercilessly covered her face with a wet towel and forcefully rubbed her face.

"Today is the day you report to school. You mustn't sleep in!" Ding Rong said as she helped Huo Tian to change her clothes. "Si Huan told me that you have to take the test after you arrive at school, so you have to wake up!"

Huo Tian's brain slowly processed the information in Ding Rong's words. She let out a cry and jumped up in shock. "What? There's a test?"