
Chapter 32

Third Person P.O.V

"He's dead. That animalistic bastard died six years ago"

Daniel was the first person to catch himself after Stella uttered those words.

All of a sudden Hendricks maniac laugh sounded through the room.

"No, he's not. He gave me that money out of his own hands."

"You saw wrong" Daniel coldly replied to him.

"Or maybe you saw wrong and thought he was dead but unfortunately, he isn't."

Alesso's chuckle silenced all speech and laughter in the room.

"I am just about tired of this going and coming bullshit. Visnad is dead, how do we know this? Because we were all there when his son put a bullet through his head. Daniel got a call from the hospital when we were in high school because his mother was in the ICU after Visnad bashed her head in. So we all paid him a visit and put a bullet through his head while he was high on heroine. So enough of this shit."