
Faith/The Great Doctor (Book 2)

This is Book 2 a Continuation of the story from Book 1

State · ย้อนยุค
12 Chs

Chapter 9 King, there is no one.

It was long before that Taiwan arrived at Zhenyi City, he kept in mind Choi Young's words to not say anything to people.

So, he hid in the herb garden of the main house without being noticed by people. He knows where Uiseon's tools were wrapped in white cotton cloth, she used to save the Queen's and the captain's life which were located in Uiseon's room.

The moment he entered the back of the herb garden in the yard, his senses of the animalistic nature had suddenly become tense as he sensed another person's presence.

He holds his breath and concentrates where was the other person, who he could not find their existence.

The level of this person is like an expert and makes him want to fight, but he knows he needs to run away.

Taiwan makes his decisions quickly, to remain hidden in the valley of the roof and watched the area below.

It was two people that he had seen in close proximity of Ki-Cheol which meant that they were trusted among the group which seem to be following Choi Young's movements from the beginning been tracking from Deokseong Buwongun's house.

When Taiwan had left the Choi Young and Uiseon he had also broken away from the group that followed them to be the one who followed Taiwan.

Yangsa was one of the pair, that had entered the herb garden, before he left Choi Young and Uiseon.

He had made sure it seems like someone had made sure to send a message to contact Buwongun to let them know the what the instructions given to him as to what to bring.

Yangsa still had not decided what to do with this child it made him wonder, 'Can he be killed? Or should he be captured alive?'

He initially planned to follow him until he received different instructions, but at the moment, the kid quickly jumped up and ran sideways, to disappear ffrom sight.

In an instant, the speed of that kid was so fast it was amount of effort that he puts into moving from tall roof to tall roof.

He is moving so fast and quietly that even while running, you can barely hear the feet as stepping on the roof tiles. When Taiwan climbed over another wall, Yangsa flew from the roof, his wife blocked his path.

Taiwan instantly turned around, looked back, and but before knew it, Yangsa flew over Taiwan's head to block his way again.

Taiwan reflexively took a few steps back and covered his chest to keep what he has put in his outer cloak from falling out.

Yangsa looks at where the kids' hands clutch at his chest which seems to have something that is bulging and protruding with something quite bulky and larger then normal, knowing he needed to take it away.

Yangsa weighs up wonder, 'Do I have to kill myself to do it? Should I save it and ask what it is?' Either way, you will have to decide quickly the exhibition is inside the palace in the inner building.

Yangsa became annoyed when a golden soldier notices and ran towards him, while Taiwan crouches down and places both hands on the ground.

Yangsa had seen this guy fight with the captain, and he cannot win, but if Yangsa show him his back to run away he will die immediately.

A growl rings out throughout the air that has come from deep in Taiwan's throat. Yangsa knows without a doubt that he will fight and win against Taiwan after all there is no such thing as good luck.

Taiwan on the other hand is determined to complete the captain who told me to bring Uiseon's things, all he needs to just find a way to keep what he has retrieved.

At that moment, Taiwan leaped forward and attacked Yangsa, which he met and struck the sword out of the hand that held it and Taiwan lost the power of the initial attack.

He quickly uses somersaults and aims for Yangsa's legs, to make him jump to avoid it and grins, before he sets of running, something he is good at.

Yangsa is surprised at how sharply he took off running he had thought that child who looked like a wild animal was an errand boy.

Taiwan bounces back and instead of avoiding what is coming, stands tall and holds the daegeum in a straight line stands prepared for the fresh attack.

Yangsa uses his Daegeum to strike Taiwan's two-handed sword to cut both arms that left him wide open for Yangsa to hit him directly in the solar plexus, which results in Taiwan bending forwards as he moves back making a gagging sound.

Taiwan is gasping for breath as he falls to the ground panting. Yangsa puts in his belt to quickly pull his sword out.

Seoninjiro (仙人指), a hermit points the way as there is no time for more pranks, as Taiwan grabs the sword that had fallen to the ground, bring it forward in preparation at the same time the sword is pointed at him.

Taiwan rushed forward at full speed, while two hands of Yangsa draws a large circle with his sword to stop Taiwan's sword, which is cut in knife.

The action makes Taiwan, rush forward running as he grabs a rock to throw away, making Yangsa hurriedly struck it away. Taiwan keeps running to then throw two stones that hit him.

Taiwan did not rush at Yangsa as Nira another Woodalchi passed him to jump onto the wall.

Taiwan's stone slinging skills were recognized by all the Woodalchis, as a well honed skill that he honed was young and living in the mountains.

Taiwan had used to hunt with slings, even fish swimming in the water can be hit with stones. The accuracy and strength of Taiwan's slings are scary who were truly remarkable.

It is not just about standing up and throwing, it's about running and throwing freely with such accuracy it could be thrown at any opponent and target without missing.

The stones are collected to be used in specific ways that their use is correct in the way they flew in how they aim at Yangsa, to hit him in vital spots.

Yangsa's pursuit of Taiwan was delayed as he had to remove stones, that it allows Taiwan to suddenly jump onto the roof and was able to use pieces of tile instead of stones that are sent flying at his target.

Taiwan who has gained confidence to make Yangsa retreat, is now two roofs away as he crosses the bay where there is a guard post where gold soldiers are gathered. He pauses as someone else enters the yard below.

It was Dougie being dragged in by the other solider to stand next to Yangsa, there is a momentary pause as the distance between Yangsa narrows as he attacks Taiwan's ankles.

Taiwan barely managed to avoid it by jumping, but the attack from the Yangsa spreads like a shower that suddenly pours.

In the end, Taiwan could not hold on, to slip and fall off roof dropping the broken tiles that hit the ground loudly.

Taiwan has already lost the momentum of the attack as the only friend he has is Dougie from the herb garden who is being held hostage.

The captain was the captain, and the Woodalchi members were the captains, as well as his friend Dougie.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Taiwan he rushed towards Yangsa, who caught him who mutters under his breath, "Oh my, this guy."

Both companies are surprised by Taiwan's unexpected attack. Taipei who has moved Dougie out of the way, to run away, to hide behind Taiwan.

However, Yangsa gracefully walked in front of them, as they try to exit a few steps away to block her exit.

Taipei asks him, "What do you want me to do?" Yangsa answers, "He told me to find out what the child's purpose is. The purpose is being held in the child's arms."

Taiwan's breath is heard as it becomes more troubled due to his panic as he pulls Dougie to keep her close behind his back, while trying to keep Uiseon's tools.

Taiwan knows he needs to protect himself, and what Choi Young has trusted him to carry out and run away to leave Dougie alone is something he cannot go.

Yangsa holds out both his hands, "Give me what is in your arms." Taiwan pushes Dougie back and takes a step back.

Yangsa has a look of annoyance on his face as he threatens, "Do you really have to kill me to search?"

The two men are approaching one step or two, but their hands are in their sleeves as they approach slowly, their movements make Taiwan suddenly nervous.

Dougie pulled Taiwan from behind like crazy, which makes him wonder what she is trying to tell him.

Yangsa jumps forward to close the distance between them, when suddenly Yangsa pulls out a small porcelain bottle from out of the sleeve.

Dougie makes a sound like an animal howling, while she pulled at Taiwan, as green smoke leaked from the bottles of both men.

It was almost at the same time the smoke hits both Dougie and Taiwan, who was prepared to hit back if it was reflex the smoke makes them flinch and makes his breath catch in his throat.

He grabs at his own neck without realizing I, but paralysis started from the fingertips as Taiwan is collapsing with Dougie hugs him as she started coughing suffocatingly.

Yangsa, clicked his tongue, approached Taiwan as he struggled with bubbles leaking out of his mouth, as he looks vacantly into the sky above.

He then looks at the object hidden in the kids outerwear to remove it, to look at it and then show Taipei what he had been after, to say, "This must be the one."

Taipei nods and turns to walk away. Yangsa looks at the pair as they lie unconscious, thinking how he hated poison. 

He also had an innate dislike for those who used poison and the way those eyes took a shiny look after killing someone with poison, how he hated all of it.

Taipei looks back as he climbs to the top of the wall, to see that Yangsa had not moved from the place he stands as he is looking at the pair.

It is obvious to Taipei that he was suffering from the pain of watching the dying children from the poison.

Choi Young stood tall facing the strong wind, watching the sun set, feeling uneasy in his heart. By the time the sun sets he knows that he cannot wait for Taiwan to come any longer.

Choi Young knows that child is one who will protect his name no matter what and the desire to go back, to see what has happened to him rose in his throat to then swallow it back down as he has promised to protect someone else first.

The boat that arrives being driven by the boatman who approaches the wharf, who pulls it alongside to hop out and tie it up as Eun-soo, who stares at it remembering the seasickness that the last time she had suffered from when she was onboard a boat.

Choi Young notices her staring at the boat that is being held waiting for her to mount, "This ship will not rock too much."

Eun-soo glares at him resenting how he feels sorry for her, to then refute, "I rode a horse, but it's only a boat. It's not like it has four lilies. It's no problem. It's all on the boat."

The look of her glaring face makes, Choi Young feel anxious at the sight and makes his heart slowly relax, that she has still got that fight in her that she had when he first encountered her.

It made him almost burst out laughing at his change in perspective from finding her resistance a pain to being relieved that her traumatic experience has not lost it.

She remember how she had fought the uneasiness that comes with the idea of riding a horse and weighing up the option of staying a prisoner at Buwon-gun's house. 

She is remembers how fighting the uneasiness was easier to gather her courage to look at the horse that looks to tall for her to climb, let alone ride.

She sees a rock not far that she can use to help her get on the horse. She then stands on the rock as Choi Young follows to bring the horse closer.

He watches as she stands on the rock, while the horse moves a little nervously at what the figure is doing beside it.

Choi Young calms him as she grabs the saddle to then attempt to get in the saddle. It takes her a couple of times, but she manages to do it clumsly to hold the neck of the horse lying forward from the waist up, falling flat on his face while her legs are on either side of the horse.

Choi Young comes beside the horse as he says, "Don't lie down. Stretch your back and sit up." Eun-soo says, "No, I do not want." Choi Young challenges her, "Are you going to keep lying down like that?"

Eun-soo starts to talk to the horse cajolingly, "Stop. Baby, please do not move... I will sit up, but if you move, I will fall so, please stop moving a little." 

The horse seems to still a little as there is no way a living horse cannot move, and it takes her a while to get used to straighten up and sit upon the horse.

Choi Young encourages her quietly, "Trust me, if you fall, I will take it." Eun-soo looks at him, "Can you do that? It won't hurt you."

Eun-soo knows he means what he says, and nods in acceptance, "All right." She then asks, "What should I do now?"

Choi Young adjusts the stirrups and hands her the reins and gets on the other horse and teachings her with verbal instructions which accompanies a demonstration of what to do.

Eun-soo, who was upset to be yelling, soon focused on what he was saying, to kick the horse in the stomach, as he instructed as she holds the reins tightly as the horse started moving.

Choi Young moved the other horse Scarlet to walk beside Joo Hong anxious that he would be there to catch her if she fell, to adjust the reins that she holds.

Eun-soo looks at him in surprise as she smiles at him as her hair billows around her as she suddenly laughs loudly saying, "Look at me. Look at this. I am riding and I love it. What should I do if the horse I am riding suddenly starts to run?"

She says this worried that she is finding if difficult to stay sitting straight in the saddle, without hunching over and clutching its neck.

She finds every step the horse takes a step, feels like every bone in her body is screaming in pain that starts from the hips, let alone the awkward angle her legs are bent to sit astride the horse.

Eun-soo clicks her tongue in annoyance, at the memory of the man beside her on his knees, after she had seen all that blood, knowing that she should not have run.

It is human nature that even if the stop sign flashes red lights, it will always ends, with you having to go there to find out why that road was off-limits and it is still like that now.

Although we theoretically concluded that this should not be done, Eun-soo is looking at the man, as he is following along, which makes her heart break.

Eun-soo mentally shrugs her shoulders thinking, 'Well, there's nothing we can do about it.' After trying to convince her that she should go back alone.

The idea is apparently is not something he agrees with, which secretly makes her relieved as, even in Gangnam, where she had lived for nearly ten years, she often got lost.

The boatman docks the boat and Choi Young then leads the horses on the boat. The sight makes Eun-soo groan as she approaches step by step and she was not even on the boat.

Choi Young held out his hand to her. Eun-soo reluctantly looks at the distance between his hand and the boat, measured it, and decided saying, "It is too far."

Choi Young states the obvious. "The boat also moves." Eun-soo then says, "Yes." Choi Young did not question it further and picked her up, to carry her bridal style to he says in a low voice, "Trust me." Eun-soo automatically wraps her arms around his neck to hold on as if to say, "Okay."

Choi Young then boards the boat to gives the money to the boatman who is embarrassed at the intimate scene that he is witnessing at night at that.

The boatman's job is to sail the boat during the day like many other boats do as the come and going also during the day, but during the night like this it is unusual for boats to bother crossing the river.

So, take this boat for instance there are other ships who cross the river and they will be noticed, as the numbers that do are few of those who do it.

The riverboat Choi Young chose was a small flat bottom boat, which is shallow, and the boat is long but narrow.

The long ship looks even more precarious as it is loaded with food, which is furthermore being sailed at dark night.

Eun-soo seems anxious and clings to the mast as if hugging it, while Choi Young sits seeming to watch the rivers surface from afar, but he continues to watch Eun-soo for signs of motion sickness which has not presented yet.

Eun-soo a little while ago she had leaned her head back to look at the clear sky to admire the stars as the boat glides along the river, moving southwest.

The river breeze at night is quite cold, which makes Choi Young take the blanket off the horses back to cover her body, which makes her smile at him brightly, which makes him smile back.

The sight makes Eun-soo hearts lurches, and she quickly looks away to look at the riverbank to see a thatched house which is noticeable because of the light that penetrates the darkness.

The house is round and bright in the darkness which is lit from a lamp on the veranda pillar to see a figure that stands there looking out at the river.

It reminds Eun-soo used to dream of a house like that, is located by the water's edge and fir tree in the front and a fence that is wrapped around it.

The difference between the dream and this scene is that it did not include images of herself dreaming. It was a dream that would come to mind for a moment and then disappear helplessly.

Eun-soo suddenly spoke, and at first Choi Young did not hear it because what she was muffled by the sound of the wind, which makes him look at her and asks, "What?"

Eun-soo points to the house on the riverside and says, "I want to live in a place like that someday. I work hard to make money."

After making a lot of money, buying land and building a house in that place, oh, the house is small. It will be okay if the house is small as it makes it easier to clean as opposed to a big house that is harder to clean and keep clean.

Eun-soo's says, "It will be just a small house, which will have two rooms, one which will be full of comic books, with a small yard which I can plant lettuce and tomatoes in the garden, which I can eat every day and I will have two dogs, which I can play with every day."

The words that Eun-soo utters does not make sense to Choi Young, but she can see from her eyes the thatched house she dreams of and the happiness that is reflected in the way that she laughs as she imagines the two dogs she plays with in her yard.

Choi Young notices the darker shadow that appears on the dark surface of the water, which breaks into the illusion that she has created.

It seems that is a boat following them, that does not even hang back at a respectable distance to avoid detection.

It is a ship that runs in the dark... its purpose is probably to follow and not to come close so that they still need to prepare for the possibility of them to come closer, even if I do not want them to.

I thought it was absurd to refuse out of the blue, but Eun-soo was even more excited, to grasp with all her might.

Visibility is so good that he can see the reflection of the mast right next to the reflection of the silver fir tree that is in front of that thatched house.

Choi Young taps his side with his sword sheath to say quietly, "Stand here next to me." Eun-soo asks, "Why?" as she reluctantly looks away from the sight of the thatched house as Choi Young demands in a low voice, "Here."

The demand makes Eun-soo glares as, "The farther away you are, the more difficult it is to protect you."

Only then did Eun-soo let go of the mast she had been holding on to but was unable to stand up. She knows that when that person speaks once, the way he does if makes her not want to listen and to convince him, why she does not have to do what he wants her to do.

Of course, from her experience in the past with him, she complies with his instruction and there is no more military talk which makes her wonder, 'Does he like to protect? Or is he a professional?'

She had not thought about it enough to answer that question, but she is in awe at how he is concentrating on the boat that is following them, as Choi Young says, "The King must keep his promises, and I must also keep them."

Eun-soo then says, "Hey, that's okay... Is it okay to just roughly protect it, if you risk your life? You have to stand and protect it." Once the ship reaches a certain distance, she maintains her distance.

Choi Young looks at the flag on the boat that follows them in the black shadows with were suspicion. It is difficult to guess their number that it carries as it is because they are curled up to hide their presence.

Choi Young is the only thin shadow standing on the boat. The horses move sensing his uneasiness, while the woman beside him talks to him about a subject that is totally different to the one.

He is contemplating, when she says, "The patient I am going to see now. I mean, the King, that was from before. You must have protected that King too."

Only then he turned around to see that Eun-soo had taken a seat right next to Choi Young. It makes him think 'I am leaving Busan because of this.'

He grabs the other half of the blanket and sits covering himself with it to answer the questions that are asked repeatedly, knowing she will not give up until it happens.

Eun-soo asks, "So you were a bully back then too, right?" Choi Young answers, "Yes." Eun-soo then asks, "How long was he King?" Choi Young then answers, "Two years and three months." Eun-soo asks, "Was he a nasty King too?"

Choi Young hesitates for a moment before answering. "He was a kind King and kind person." Eun-soo asks, "Were you close?" Choi Young answers, "His Majesty the Lord and his subjects are not close friends."

Eunsu glances at Choi Young whose face is visible under the light of the lantern that hangs on the mast that it shines from, to state, "You were close."

Eun-soo makes the statement as she has noticed how his eyes were smiling as he was talking about the King just now.Choi Young says, "Get some sleep." Eun-soo rejects the suggestion by saying, "Let us talk more."

Choi Young states, "As soon as I get off the ship, I will be moving right away, so I will not have time to sleep otherwise, I will." 

Eun-soo says, "We don't know much about each other. Do you know my name?" The question makes him stop, realising that the one that came from Heaven also has a name and it was only now that it was the first time that it must be true. She says, "My name is Eun-soo. Eun-soo Yu."

Choi Young repeats this to himself without realizing it and it makes him wonder how it looks written down. 

Eun-soo wonders how the question seemed to work and it makes her curious to ask without any hesitation, "Are you married? I mean, married."

She had learned in history class that in ancient times, people got married, the teacher had even showed pictures of paintings done of the couple in their wedding attire that persisted in modern times which evolve as a wedding photo.

So, she persists for no reason with, "You did it, right?" His answer takes her by surprise when he answers, "I did not." Eun-soo is flawed and asks, "You did not do it?"

For some reason, Eun-soo felt relieved and ashamed of herself for feeling relieved, to cover her mouth with the blanket to hide the smile on her face to say, "I will sleep first."

I cannot stand watching Eun-soo trying to make herself comfortable as she lies down on the deck. Choi Young rolled up the straw mat that was on the boat and placed it under Eun-soo's head, which makes her face comes as a result to come closer to each other.

Eun-soo asked him, "If, I ask to see the wound, will you say no?" Choi Young answers, "It is difficult."Eun-soo tries to persuade him, "All I have to do is see the area where the surgery was performed is clean."

Choi Young says, "Go to sleep." Eun-soo asks, "Do you not have a fever?" Choi Young then says, "It does not fly."

Choi Young's answer was true, Eun-soo looked at his face reflected in the lamp light to see him look closely to notice how he became awkward, straightened up and sat down.

Eun-soo then pulls the blanket over his face, to then speaks softly to say, "Choi Young, please sleep too." Choi Young then says, "Yes." Eun-soo then says, "Good night." Choi Young says, "Sleep well."

The atmosphere became quiet with only the sound of the water as it hits the side of the boat, combined with the creaking sound of the wood and the fluttering of the flag in the wind as it flaps from the mast it flys from under the scattered stars in the sky.

Choi Young thinks how he has left without permission and now people of unknown number and purpose are following them on the dark river and his beloved child is not returning and he is at peace.

Choi Young takes a deep breath to catch his breath and continues to concentrate as he takes deep breath, after deep breath and pays attention to his danjeon. 

It seems to be at 10% he notices how thin and staggered his inhalation is and he exhales so quietly that it does not reveal the effort he uses to do it.

Ado's true spirit gathers clearly and moves along the road with ease, as he remains conscious, despite not being able to rest since he started his mind is clear as he remains awake.

It seems like it's been a long time since he has felt so clear like this after waking up.

He has always conscious, despite part of the time was spent as if he was asleep, he listens to Eun-soo breathing is even and that has deepened to indicate that she is sleeping peacefully. He has asked her to trust him, and she said yes.

It is hard for him to normally believe a person without any hesitation, but he does believe this person without any hesitation and that belief makes Choi Young so happy that his heart aches. He is determined not to do anything that violates that trust.

Choi Young will protect her until the day, she leaves, and, on that day, he will personally send her away, so he must live until that day.

Choi Young suddenly remembers what she gave him and searches the sleeves of his arms, on his outerwear. 

He finds what he is looking for to hold it in his hand as he takes it out to look at the medicine bottle that she had handed to him.

He wonders, 'Did she say take two at a time?' He opens the bottle and takes out two white round things to then put it in his mouth and chew it. The sourness fills his mouth is like any other medicine they take when sick.

The bitter taste spread throughout my mouth, salvaging the remaining parts of Choi Young, it makes him aware of everything that has not shone for a long time as it remained musty.

The colours that appear on the horizon before the sun starts to infiltrate the sky indicates it is dawn. Choi Young feels his new awareness of things is like that as it makes him aware of the corners that even he didn't know about

The King asks, "How is the child?" as Andochi returns from his visit from Jeonuisi, answers, "The don't think it will be life-threatening. The child who was with Taiwan and Dougie a child who grew and studied medicinal herbs by eating them had some immunity to the poison. Jang Bin is treating them although Taiwan suffered a neck injury and was unable to speak, he was also immune to the full effects of the poison. Unfortunately, the poison was so strong that the moment it was released it had made them suffocate."

He also had almost suffocated, but after spitting it out, he felt fine and soon as the two infiltrators had left, he opened Taiwan's mouth to get rid of the bubbles that bloked his airway.

Yangsa's poison paralyzers all organs in the human body, by first, making it so that the person targeted from not being able to breathe properly.

Jang Bin had arrived just in time to regain the lung function in Taiwan who was paralyzed by using a needle, to be given an antidote, where he was barely able to recover his breath, saving his life but still had to regain consciousness.

The King's face is serious as he asks, "Did you say that the Heavenly tool that Uiseon brought was taken away?"

Jang Bin answers, "As soon as the child comes to his senses, we will find out the reason." The King knows that without the kid regaining consciousness they will not know why he was sent back for the Heavenly Tools, "Yes."

It's late at night and the King is thinking of leaving the courtyard where the night wind blows.is suffering from. While Andochi is upset that the King skipped dinner again.

As the King looked at the trees in the dark garden, he suddenly saw a light which makes him call out, "Andochi." The Eunuch answers, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The King asks him, "If I give in to you... I will listen well. If I do... then will it be more helpful to the well-being of my people like this? Andochi wants to ask him but does not dare to, "Why don't you fight and try to win?"

Instead Andochi just listens as he ruminates, "If you are on his side and not on my side, the leader and the leader will save your life, there will be no more threats. Yet it is such a courageous thing to Uiseon behind you. You can take the fold and spend your days shouting."

Andochi couldn't answer this time either, as he is a witness to everything that has transpired so far and he is surprised at what the King is revealing when he says, " If it is not for my people that I will fight now. Is it for my physical health? Is that so?"

Andochi quickly bends down, bowing his head, to hear movement behind him, so he moves to the side of the room still bowing, waiting his Kings command. The group that entered has made all the surrounding guards also bow their heads in greeting.

The group is the Kings biological mother, Hong, who is accompanied with only one of her husband's two concubine and the King, who has not been seen once since the new King returned to the country.

They stood neatly and this was the sight the King sees when he turns around, taking him by surprise and making him speechless.

The sight of his mother whom he had not seen in ten years, only to return where he had on his return been to visit her every morning since then but had not been successful in meeting her.

The King cannot honestly believe it for a moment that she stands now right in front of him. He notices that she looked much older than she was, the sight makes him feel resentful at how much time he has lost with her.

He feels choked up at how she was a truly beautiful mother, that even his father, King Chungsuk's had said her was so pretty, that it was as a plum blossom, had changed to look like a dried out plum blossom, which is now covered with wrinkles.

In their ten years of separation his mother had become an old woman. The realisation makes the King to finally come to his senses, to bow silently at his parents.

The old Queen looks around and everyone diligently steps back to retreat at a distance where they could not hear the mother and son's conversation.

The King remember how he used to sing to her when he was young and composes himself as he does not want his voice to shake with the nervousness he feels to then say, "Mother."

However, the old Queen's voice was so calm that it caused a stir, as it put the King to shame as she announces, "I came here because I had a request from His Majesty the Lord."

The King feels his heart twinge in pain at the overly formal expression on her face that she has, it makes him want to cry out to her 'Mother. Why do you have such an unfamiliar face. It is me your son Ki.'

His mother then says, firmly and formally, "This sinful body has produced two sons. The older one when he became king, made me feel guilty every time I hear about his evil deeds. They were so bad that I could not stand it and tried to die several times, but it was not at all possible. Do you know what your brother did?"

The King is thinking, Mother It has been 10 years since the last met, but it is the first time he wants to ask, why her words are like that?

Even though he was shouting in his heart, the King showed courtesy, to remain calm as he answers, "I heard something."

The old Queen then says, "You've probably heard two or three out of a hundred. My father's wife, uh. Rape the concubines who should be called money and steal other people's women and subjects. Her daughter was kicked out for swearing and crying in fear. They kill people by beating them to death, and when they go out hunting, they play people instead of animals. I hit it and killed it."

The old Queen's voice was just quiet, but the King feels like he was going crazy, as the first meeting with his mother is coming to this, as she continues, "Anyone who spoke the truth was surely killed, and a new palace was built. It was said that dozens of children had to be buried under the cornerstone of the palace. The country was shaken as mothers tried to hide their children."

The King remains quiet even though he wants to ask 'Mother. Why are you like this?' His silence encourages her to continue, "My eldest son, Your Majesty's older brother. The twenty-eighth king of this country. When he died, the people of Goryeo were happy and stayed up all night singing. I called. I bowed to the Buddha and complained inwardly. Yes. Now my younger son is king again. Why are you taking me away now?"

Now the King no longer calls his mother even in his heart as she continues, "I heard you speak a little while ago about the well-being of the people. But the King of Yuan kicked out his Majesty's nephew and my grandson, Prince Gyeongchang, who had become the King. The one who gave birth to the child left him there and starved.

The well-being of the people spoken of by the One who caused them to die. West I'm not sure. Even when your brother was king, Lord, I did that foot.

The King asks in a dry voice, "I do all this for the well-being of my people. That's why I do it. What do you want to say? What do I understand? Should I do it?".

The contrast is still calm as she answered with a voice, "I would like you to stop visiting me every morning, Your Highness. Every time I hear a message that God is coming, I get so scared that I can't stand it. I earnestly beg you to please consider that I do not exist and please let this ending go to someone who does not have one. Please consider it as such."

The old Queen puts her hands together and lowers her head, but does not lift it, waiting for him to answer.

The King looks at the top of his mother's head noticing how her hair is almost white as she stands head lowered waiting for his response.

The King feels sorrow at his mother's plea and after a while, he suppresses his sorrow to answer her quietly, but steadily, "I will not go. I will... I will... I will wait until you call me, before I will call you, again."

Disclaimer. Please be aware I did use some of the dialogue and scenes to assist me in the writing of this story, to help with the flow and transition of this story, as in the back of my head the scenes from the kDrama where in my head.

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