
4.5 Ludicrous

"The true form of the Tower of Heaven has finally been completed. A big lacrima!" Jellal exclaimed with a wide grin.

"You tricked us?" Erza questioned.

"You were really cute back there, Erza."

Karina glanced beside her and noticed another figure of Jellal. He had the same mark on his eye, hair color, everything. It was as if it was his twin.. Karina had figured out why Jellal seemed confident, he still had tricks up his sleeve.

But that's to be expected.

"Siegrain!" Erza said with anger laced in her tone. "Why are you here?"

"This isn't the first time we've met, Erza." Siegrain said before turning to Karina. "You too, Kali. Or should I say, Karina?"

"Don't speak of my name as if you know who I am." Karina spat.

"I don't know who you are right now, but I promise you that I'll eventually figure out what exactly you are, and your abilities as well. The fact that you're able to use a variety of magic spells intrigues me about you." Siegrain said.

"Keep dreaming, you don't know anything, and you will never know anything about me." Karina said. "But as for you, I know exactly who you are."

"Then why don't you tell me?" Siegrain asked.

"You have plenty of tricks, but those tricks are useless when they're easily seen through. You see, with these eyes, it isn't hard to tell that you are just a clone. Why don't you admit it already, Jellal?" Karina said.

"Jellal? Karina, what do you mean he's a clone?" Erza asked.

"Don't ask me, let him show you." Karina replied before nodding at Jellal.

In front of the two, both Siegrain and Jellal laughed before combining into one. Yes, Siegrain was just a hologram all along and Jellal was the real figure.

"Is this real…?' Erza muttered.

"Of course it's real Erza, you heard it from Karina herself. With Siegrain, I was able to infiltrate the Magic Council and manipulate them into following my plans. Everything went according to Zeref's plan for resurrection." Jellal said.

"You fiend! How many people have you deceived for that?!" Erza exclaimed.

Jellal grinned, "A lot of people, but the same could be said for your friend over there. Have you never questioned it? The source of her power."

"Don't change the topic! I'll ask her later for that, as for right now, I have to stop you." Erza said before dashing at Jellal.

"Unfortunately for you, my power has returned!" Jellal exclaimed.

"Tsk, Karina! Don't step into this battle, this is between me and him!" Erza yelled.

Karina took a few steps back and watched the battle unfold in front of her. She wouldn't interfere unless something bad was going to happen to Erza. Kali, the human version of her, definitely wouldn't be happy about that.

The fight had first started equally, but as time went on, Karina could see Erza's magic power depleting while Jellal's magic power was still the same. Erza had grown tired and Jellal had the upper hand. Suddenly, Jellal casted a dangerous spell, and directed it at Erza.

But something unexpected happened, the curse magic that was about to hit Erza actually hit someone else. If she recalled correctly, his name was Simon. She could have repelled the curse but he had come out of nowhere.



Karina couldn't hear the conversation the two had, but seeing Erza's saddened expression, and Jellal's wicked grin. She could tell what had happened.

"Jellal, you won't be able to finish this plan of yours! You will die!" Erza yelled.

"I will die? Don't kid me!" Jellal laughed. "I am the chosen one! The only one who can sense Zeref's presence is me! Zeref and I will create a kingdom together!"

"Shut up."

Karina appeared behind Jellal and kicked him into a block of lacrima. It was finally time for her to step in or else Kali would be mad and throw a fit again. Everytime the human stepped into her realm, it was always to pick a fight she could never win.

"All this talk about the chosen one and Zeref's reincarnation is just stupid. Tell me, do you really believe that the one who whispered into your ear claiming to be Zeref is really him?" Karina asked.

"Of course I believe it's him, he would never lie to me!" Jellal replied.

"Is that so? Then what if I told you that he was alive?"


The shocked expression on Jellal's face made Karina chuckle. The person in front of her was clueless. He thought he was the one in control, but in reality, he had been standing on the palms of someone else the entire time.

"But that's a conversation for another time. It's over Jellal, say goodbye."

"Before I die, I'll make sure to bring you along with me!"

Within the seconds he was still conscious, he had casted a magic spell that would cause the Tower of Heaven to explode. All the magic power and Etherion within this tower would explode meaning everyone in the tower would be killed.

"If I fuse with it, I can stop it from exploding." Erza said. "I can save you, Karina. Or Kali, whoever you are!"

"There's no need to save me. It doesn't matter if I am Karina or Kali. At the end of the day, I would still save you." Karina said.

She mentally cringed at herself for the cheesy line she had just spoken just now. But at least Erza wouldn't harbor ill feelings for the devil side of her. That was all that mattered.

"Then how are you going to stop it from exploding?"

"Of course, I'm just going to destroy the entire thing."

Karina raised her hand in the sky after wrapping one of Erza's arms around her shoulder.

"Void Magic, Shattered Heaven."

After Karina said these words, a huge amount of magic pressure appeared. It was so powerful that it had overlapped the magic power the Tower of Heaven was emitting.

The people at the Magic Council could sense it too, something had happened. Everyone watched with their eyes widened when a black orb the size of a meteorite descended from the sky.

It could've been mistaken for a mini black hole.

Before the Tower of Heaven could explode, the black orb struck the tower, and completely obliterated it without leaving any traces. Years of planning and work had all disappeared for the greater good.

And someone else had also disappeared in order for someone to return.

Erza noticed the change in demeanor from the person that was supporting her. There weren't any physical changes except the horns were gone now and her expression seemed troubled.

"Kali? Are you back?" Erza asked.

"Uh..yeah." Kali weakly replied.

"When we get back, explain everything to me."
