
Fairy Tail: The Dragon's Sin

SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE MANGA TO SEVEN DEADLY SINS, FAIRY TAIL, OR FAIRY TAIL 100 YEARS QUEST, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. ======= After a fierce clash with Cath Palug, Cath decided to test the limits of Chaos on Meliodas and as a result, Meliodas is drastically weakened and is sent into a different unknown world. Stuck in this new world, Meliodas has to adapt to this new environment, regain his power, and find a way back to Britannia. This is sort of an AU. It follows Fairy Tail canon but has a lot of extra things in between that I try to keep lore friendly but would never have happened in the main story. If you want to support the story, donate to our Patreon! patreon.com/Shayzero follow @shayminnerdform on twitter You won't get chapters ahead of time on Patreon, but you will get access to various concept art, sketches, polls, and notes of our planning process.

ShayZero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
230 Chs

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Early in the afternoon, Meliodas took a step in the guild hall. As he walked through the entrance, he felt something different about the guild. The guild, like normal, was filled with people and had an upbeat atmosphere, the room filled with chatter and laughter. But the guild was louder than normal today than most days. Meliodas thought nothing of it initially and walked towards the bar. As he approached the bar, he noticed Mirajane wiping the wooden surface of the bar clean with a white rag.

"Yo Mira!" Meliodas greeted as he approached. Mirajane looked up from her task and smiled. Meliodas hopped up on one of the wooden stools, planting his butt firmly into the red cushion.

"Meliodas, welcome back!" Mirajane greeted back. She stopped wiping the counter as Meliodas sat down. She discarded the rag and reached down underneath the bar table, pulling out a large wooden mug and placing it on the table. Mirajane quickly turned around and faced the shelf behind her where she grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured it into the mug.

"Thanks!" Meliodas said enthusiastically before gulping down the drink. "Ahhhh! Magnolia Berry Ale!" Meliodas said as he placed the mug down and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"So where did you wander off too? You sort of disappeared for a few days but we heard from Gajeel yesterday that he ran into you during his mission?" Mirajane asked.

"Oh yeah. I went to find the Legendary Blacksmith, Musica." Meliodas replied. As he drank his ale, he started recounting the events of the last few days.

"Well, lets see after I found him, He ignored me for a while, then eventually he told me to do some chores, then I found his ore, and he forged my sword.

Mira was stunned for a brief moment at Meliodas's "unique" way of telling a story, but she quickly recovered and laughed.

"That sounds exciting! It's amazing that he personally crafted you a sword. You should definitely show it to Erza. She just came back from vacation along with Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy." Mirajane said. She pointed across the hall to a table at the other side. Meliodas turned his head and saw the scarlet haired young woman sitting down, eating what appeared to be a strawberry cake.

"Oh no wonder the guild is louder than normal since those guys are back. And good thing she's here. I've been planning to learn requip magic from her." Meliodas said.

"Well Erza is certainly the best to learn from." Mirajane replied. "Now, if you would excuse me I have to get ready for an event that is coming up soon."

"Sure thing! Thanks for the drink Mira!" Meliodas said. 'An event?' Meliodas pondered for a moment. He shrugged the thought and walked towards Erza's table across the hall. There he saw Erza peacefully eating her cake with Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Cana, Gajeel, and a blue haired girl Meliodas did not recognize.

"Yo Meliodas!" Gray greeted as he saw him approaching.

"Yo!" Meliodas greeted back before looking at the blue haired girl sitting next to Lucy. "I don't think we've met?"

"This is Juvia." Erza said. "She joined the guild recently along with Gajeel." Erza pointed at Gajeel who was sitting at the other side of the table and faced the other way.

"I'm Meliodas! Nice to meet ya." Meliodas greeted amicably.

"Nice to meet you as well. Please treat Juvia well." Juvia responded.

"Hey Meliodas take a seat! The main event is going to start soon." Cana said, pushing a large empty barrel of booze that was on the seat next to her down The barrel hit the ground with a thud as it landed on its side and began to roll away.

"Thanks!" Meliodas said as he sat down next to Cana. "So what's this main event you're talking about?" Meliodas asked.

"In about fifteen minutes, Mirajane is going to sing." Cana answered. She reached underneath the table and with two hands, pulled out a large wooden barrel underneath. She opened the top and began drinking.

"That sounds interesting…" Meliodas said as his attention was diverted by Cana opening another barrel of booze.

"Meliodas, I heard Wakaba saying you could drink as much as me. Want to test that out?" Cana asked with a smirk on her face. She reached under the table and pulled out another barrel of booze, handing it over to Meliodas. 'How many of those does she have?' Meliodas thought to himself.

"Sure, I'm always down for a drink!" Meliodas replied with a grin. He popped the top of the barrel off and began chugging it.

"He's not seriously going to drink that whole barrel is he?" Lucy questioned with a surprised look on her face. The barrel was larger than Meliodas's body. It was a sight to behold to see someone with such a small stature drinking that much liquid, let alone alcohol at once.

"Aye! Meliodas is always either on a mission or at the bar drinking. He'll drink it no problem!" Happy cheered. In no time at all, Meliodas and Cana both drank their barrels and placed them firmly down on the ground.

"Not bad! Let's get another drink after the show!" Cana said, her face noticeably red. Meliodas responded with a grin and gave her a thumbs up.

"Cana, I can understand...but Meliodas seriously drank that entire barrel?!" Lucy exclaimed in shock, looking at Meliodas's small stature. "He doesn't even look drunk!"

Suddenly the lights in the hall went dim. The large stage at the front of the guild hall lit up and the giant red curtains that covered it slowly began to open.

"It's dark!" Natsu shouted. He stood up from his seat and began blowing a small flame from his mouth, illuminating the table they were sitting at.

"Don't be making your own lights!" Cana yelled.

Meliodas ignored the commotion around him and looked at the stage. The red curtains fully opened and Mirajane was sitting down on one of the barstools holding a guitar. The guitar had a unique fairy tail design, with the head stock being shaped like a wing and the body having "Fairy Tail" printed on it. Instead of her usual attire, Mirajane wore a tight fitting leopard printed dress that greatly accentuated her figure. All of the lights that were focused on the stage narrowed down to a single spotlight that shined on Mirajane. Everyone in the guild hall began to cheer for her.



"Mira I love you!"

"Mira we've been waiting!"

The room suddenly fell silent as she began singing.

"I'll scream out a love. That will never stop ringing, Taking everything in where I stand, For that's where our light lies-"

Mirajane continued her song as the crowd listened, enamored by her voice. Meliodas silently listened as he observed and listened to the lyrics. As the song went on, something clicked in his head about the song. 'I don't know why, but this song is strangely familiar…'

"What a pretty song!" Lucy commented.

"Strange, I haven't heard Mirajane sing this one before." Cana said. "But I like it!"

As Mirajane finished, the crowd cheered and Meliodas clapped, yet he couldn't figure out why that song felt so familiar despite it being the first time he'd heard it. Meliodas shrugged the thought and waited eagerly for the next one when suddenly, Natsu stood on top of the table. He leaned down forward until his face was up in front of Gajeel and glared at him.

"The hell did you step on my foot for?!" Natsu yelled angrily at Gajeel. Gajeel looked away quickly, with a large smirk on his face.

"Shut up! Mira is still going to sing!" A voice from the crowd yelled. A large wooden mug soared across the guild hall hitting Natsu straight in the face. As the mug fell to the ground, there was a red mug shaped mark on Natsu's face, which was brimming with rage. Out of anger, Natsu flipped the table they were sitting at. The drinks and food on the table went flying as the table was launched up into the air. Erza managed to grab her unfinished slice of strawberry cake off the table in time as the table went flying through the air.

"Natsu you jerk! Cut that out!" Gray yelled and stood up abruptly from his seat, hitting Erza's shoulder in the process. The force of Gray bumping against Erza's shoulder caused her to let go of her plate. Erza watched in horror as her precious strawberry cake fell to the ground, with the plate shattering on the stone floor. Erza stared at her mushed cake with a defeated look on her face as Elfman approached the group from behind.

"Listen wimps! A real man would-"

"Shut the hell up!" Erza yelled. Her defeated face was instantly replaced with one filled with rage as she wound her leg back and spun around. Elfman could not react as her foot sunk into his face, sending him flying across the room.

"I suppose it's time to rock out!" Mirajane yelled on the microphone. In a puff of smoke she instantly changed her outfit into a leather top and dress with fishnet stockings, with the acoustic guitar she was using being replaced by an electric one.

As Mirajane began playing rock music, everyone in the room got up from their seats and began fighting each other. Tables were thrown across the hall. Glass shattered on the ground and mugs were constantly flying back and forth in the air.

"Meliodas!" Natsu yelled. "Don't think I forgot about our fight last time!"

"Sure I'll take you on!" Meliodas grinned as Natsu began taking a deep breath.

"Fire Dragon's-"

"Don't do THAT in here!" Makarov yelled from across the hall at Natsu but it was too late.


A wide stream of flames was exhaled out of Natsu's mouth. Other guild members ducked down out of the way as the fire went towards Meliodas. Meliodas smiled and put his hand on the handle of Mel Force. 'Time to test this out.'

"Don't worry Master." Erza said, approaching Makarov. "Meliodas can nullify it and-" Erza stopped mid sentence as she saw Meliodas pull out his sword. Her eyes began to twinkle, like a child in a candy shop as she saw the signature symbol of Musica on his blade.

"Full Counter!"

Meliodas redirected the blast of fire upwards as he swung his blade, creating a massive explosion that blew off half of the roof as a large pillar of flames exited the hole.

"Woah! That's cool!" Natsu exclaimed as he looked up at the hole in the roof, with traces of flames still burning where the blast exited from.

"M-m-m-" Erza stuttered as she looked at Meliodas's sword. "MUSICA?!!!"

"THE ROOF!!!! W-whyyyyy! Only one more day!" Makarov cried as he got on his knees with an expression of despair on his face. "The reporter is coming tomorrow! Erza please I need you to stop them and-" Makarov looked up and saw Erza was no longer there next to him and was already next to Meliodas.

'Wow it really works! My full counter was a lot stronger than normal!' Meliodas thought as he looked at his blade. Suddenly two hands grabbed his hand that was holding his blade. Meliodas looked up and saw Erza staring at him with starstruck eyes.

"T-that sword...that mark...did you get that from Musica?!" Erza asked. Meliodas was somewhat taken back by this uncharacteristic change in Erza's personality.

"Oh yeah, I was going to show you this. I spent the last few days finding Musica and getting him to craft me this sword." Meliodas replied.

"I can't believe he crafted it for you personally?! His swords are legendary. I have a few in my collection but those are just ones he sold at any regular shop. To get one personally made is unheard of. Could I hold it?" Erza asked, still grasping Meliodas's hand.

"Sure?" Meliodas replied as he loosened his grip on Mel Force. Erza immediately grabbed the sword. Her eyes sparkled as she held it in her hands. Meliodas raised his eyebrows as he noticed her hands shaking.

"I-its beautiful. The sharpness of the blade! The smooth polish! The intricate engravings!" Erza commented as she held the sword. She gave the sword a few practice swings in the open space in front of her. "It's so light yet sturdy!"

"You okay Erza?" Meliodas asked, snapping Erza out of her daze. Erza cleared her throat and handed Meliodas the sword again as she regained her serious composure again.

"Yes I'm fine." Erza responded as if nothing had happened. "Musica is a renowned blacksmith who I dream one day will craft me a custom sword. By the way, what did he name the sword?"

"Mel Force." Meliodas replied.

"A fitting name." Erza replied, with a hint of envy in her voice.

"I mean if you want, I can introduce you to him. We're on pretty good terms. And although I haven't sparred you, I hear you're a renowned sword user. If you impress him, he'll definitely craft you one." Meliodas said.

"You really think so?" Erza's eyes lit up.

"Yup!" Meliodas replied. "I can introduce you both, but in return do you think you could teach me requip magic?"

"Of course! It's a very convenient magic not just in battle, but out of it too! I could teach you right now in fact. And while we're at it...maybe you could tell me more about your meeting with Musica?" Erza insisted.

"Haha sure!" Meliodas replied as he and Erza walked out of the chaotic guild hall ducking past the various silverware and furniture that were flying across the room.

"W-wait Erza! I need you to calm down the-" Makarov's words were heard on deaf ears as Erza and Meliodas walked out of the guild hall.

The new song Mirajane is singing is an Easter egg. Interesting 4th wall break. Can you guess where the song is from? Hint: It's not one from any of Mashima's works.

ShayZerocreators' thoughts