
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
84 Chs

Chapter 44 : Knight vs Laxus

The next morning...

After successfully eliminating the evil threat again and completing their mission, Knight and his companions were preparing to leave Karna Island. Village chief Moka and many villagers gathered to see them off.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Knight, Ms. Erza, and Ms. Juvia!" Moka expressed his gratitude, bowing deeply. "Bobo, make sure to escort our benefactors safely to Hargeon port."

The village chief held onto Knight's hand with appreciation. This time, Knight hadn't charged a single coin, offering his services completely free of charge, which only heightened the villagers' respect for him.

"You won't have any more trouble," Knight reassured them with a wave. "The evil won't return again. Rest easy."

The group was about to board their boat when the boatman, Bobo, hesitated with a puzzled look on his face.

"Um, Mr. Knight," he began, "there were four of you when you arrived, but only three are heading back. Isn't someone missing?"

Knight, Erza, and Juvia froze, as if struck by lightning.

"Where's Laxus?" Erza asked in shock.

They had spent the night in the village, but it hadn't dawned on anyone that they hadn't seen Laxus since.

"Maybe he got lost," Juvia suggested, genuinely concerned. "He didn't seem to know the way to the village."

"I'll go find him," Knight said, already levitating off the ground. Since he had brought Laxus along, it was his responsibility to ensure they didn't leave him behind.

Fortunately, Karna Island wasn't too large, so finding someone wouldn't be difficult. Knight rose several hundred meters above the island, surveying the landscape through his Six Eyes ability. He saw everything—the fawns playing in the woods, monkeys jumping from tree to tree, snakes hidden in the undergrowth, and birds cleaning their feathers on tree branches. It was only a matter of time before he spotted Laxus near a rocky reef on the west coast, sleeping soundly by a smoldering campfire with fish bones scattered nearby.

"Found him," Knight muttered before flying off in that direction.

Juvia, seeing Knight take off, hurriedly shouted, "Wait for me, Lord Knight!" She quickly followed, with Erza not far behind. Before leaving, Erza turned to the villagers and apologized.

"I'm sorry, please wait for a moment. We'll find our companion soon."

The villagers exchanged glances, scratching their heads.

The village chief, banging his cane on the ground, rallied them. "Well, what are you waiting for? Our benefactor is missing! Let's go help find him!"

The villagers sprang into action, some of them using magic to sprout devil wings and take to the sky for a better view.

On the west coast, Knight descended from above. Laxus, resting against a reef, was in a deep sleep. Knight also noticed someone else: Leon, sitting on a far-off rock, staring out at the sea like a man lost in thought, with his three companions standing quietly behind him.

A soft voice echoed next to Knight, and Uru appeared, her translucent form gradually becoming visible.

"Do you want to say hello?" she asked, glancing toward Leon.

"No," Knight replied quietly. "It would be more complicated if he knew your current state."

Uru smiled, watching her former disciple from afar. "He's just confused right now. He'll be back to himself soon."

Knight nodded, not wanting to disturb Leon, and walked toward Laxus. Sensing someone approaching, Laxus instantly awoke.

"Oh, it's you. For a second, I thought some wild beast was sneaking up on me."

"Why are you sleeping out here?" Knight asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's cool here," Laxus replied nonchalantly, standing up and dusting off his pants. He was clearly lost, though he refused to admit it.

Knight let it slide and said, "The mission's over. Time to head back."

"The mission's over?" Laxus blinked, slightly surprised. He realized he hadn't contributed much beyond electrocuting a giant rat. But that wasn't what mattered to him now.

Grinning, magic flaring around him like a Super Saiyan, Laxus said, "In that case, we had an agreement, didn't we? Time for you to fight me seriously!"

Knight paused mid-step, turning back. "Here?"

"Right here!" Laxus shouted, launching himself forward. "Thunder Fist!"

Lightning crackled around Laxus's fist as it raced toward Knight. The air sizzled with electricity before the punch even connected.

Knight crossed his arms in defense, magic flowing to shield the impact point.


A burst of light followed the impact, sending sparks everywhere.

From a distance, Leon and his group looked on in bewilderment. "Are they… companions?" one asked. "Are they fighting each other?"

Even Leon, lost in thought moments earlier, couldn't help but turn his attention to the clash.

Knight was pushed back several meters by Laxus's punch, his feet dragging through the sand. Laxus grinned.

"Come on, Knight. Don't tell me this is all you've got. Was beating Erza just a fluke?"

Knight chuckled. "I was testing your elemental magic. Lightning's no joke—it numbed my arm a little."

Through his Six Eyes, Knight could sense that Laxus's magic power was considerably stronger than Erza's, easily in the five-star range.

"Well, how about experiencing it again?" Laxus smirked.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crackled above Knight's head.

"Thunder Attract!"


The lightning struck the ground, creating an explosion of sand that momentarily obscured the view. But Laxus, sensing something was off, frowned.

"Where did he go?"

Knight had dodged the lightning faster than Laxus could track.

"You're faster than I expected," Laxus admitted with a laugh. "This is more like it!"

Before he could finish, Knight reappeared in front of him, using space-time magic.

"Did you think I took your punch just to test your magic?" Knight teased.

He kicked Laxus in the abdomen, sending him flying backward, smashing through the reef. Laxus rolled across the sand like a ragdoll, stopping only after tumbling several times.

Juvia and Erza arrived just in time to witness the fight. Seeing Laxus get kicked across the beach, they both sighed in relief.

"At least it wasn't Knight," Erza remarked.

Knight ignored the onlookers, floating several meters above the ground.

"Your chance of winning is less than one in ten thousand," he called out to Laxus. "Why don't you try your strongest magic?"

Laxus stood up, dusting off the sand, and grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Super Magic: Fairy Law!"


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