Reborn into Fairy Tail, Guiliano Augiliar is a S-Class Mage and Dragon Slayer from Cait Shelter who voluntarily leaves the Nirvana Guild for Fairy Tail. Join him as he grapples with the pain of being the oldest Dragon Slayer Alive and forced to become honest with himself and everyone else about exactly who he is, what is, and what he represents. He is...A Dragon Demigod, the biological Son of one of the Five Great Dragon Gods, born around the same time as Zeref and learned at the feet kf his parent and ths other dragon gods. Aurhor's note: just because he has all these magic powers doesn't mean shit. I know it might seem OTT or OP, but at the start of this Story he's only mastered three Dragon Slayer Magics and one or two non-Dragon Slayer Magics. The goal is to have him steadily awaken and Master his various abilities.
I've a poll available to my patrons who are both paid and free members on Patreon.
So far seventeen people have voted. I want more people to vote. Your voting on potential Wizard Saints.
Everyone on the list in the poll is S-Class I think, so let your voices be heard there. You don't have to become a paid member to vote, just join for free and vote there. When chapter 7 is done I'll keep the poll open for another 30 odd days before ending it. Here's the direct link to the poll: