

A/N Please go back and read the previous 2 chapters, there have been quite a few number of changes

Adrian: It's not that I want a pirate crew, I just want a group of individuals who.... I guess think of each other as family, and have each others back, and of course they need to be powerful

Mira: Hehehe, sounds like you have that already here in Fairy Tail... but I understand what you mean, I could've joined any guild, and I actually almost did at one point, but then I built fairy tail, something with my own hands, and with my friends of course. So I wish you all the best, besides when you do bring them here, it'll just make Fairy Tail even stronger, and we'll be even more famous

Adrian: Yeah thanks Mavis, you know I plan on going to a lot of different places... I may just even pick up a Fairy on the way

Mira: Adrian!!!!!!!! Yeah your the greatest friend I could've ever asked for. It's a promise okay, you'll bring a fairy here ok, OKAY!!!

Adrian: Okay okay. Hey Mavis

Mavis: What is it?

Adrian: There's this girl called Cana Alberona, she's the daughter of Gildarts, although she doesn't seem like much, she is extremely talented and i believe that she'll be an excellent person to wield Fairy Glitter

Mavis: Oh you think so.... hmmm, okay I'll give it to her when she arrives

Both Mavis and Adrian could feel that even though everyone was fighting, Cana was still trying her best to make it to the grave, and was actually almost here

As she was walking up the steps to the grave, Cana found Adrian sitting on the ground, infront of the grave and cursed inside

'Damn i knew it wasn't gonna be this easy'

Adrian: Congratulations Cana, you made it, well done, but why do you look a bit sad

Cana: Sigh... well thats because your here...

Adrian: Wow... i thought we were friends... sob sob... i can't believe this...

Cana: Wait no! i didn't mean it like that, i just meant that now I'll have to face you... I've come so close only to fail

Adrian: What makes you think that?

Cana: Well your sitting there waiting for me aren't you

Adrian: Cana.... the world doesn't revolve around you okay, i enjoy the scenery here, and I'm sitting in quite a comfortable spot, you can do whatever you want

Cana seemed a bit embarrassed, so she quickly apoligised and wlaked towards the gravestone, which began to shine very very brightly.... like holy crap, it's not even neccessary for it to be that bright

Placing her hand on the stone which burns her slightly upon contact, and leaves a mark on her right arm, confusing her so she quickly looked towards Adrian, who was now standing up and facing her

Cana: I-I don't understand, did i pass??

Cana was really nervous, as she desperatly wanted to pass, so she asked Adrian pleadingly

Adrian: Hehe, you've done more than that Cana, you've been recognised by the first master, who has given you one of the three great fairy spells, the whole reason for why Grimoire Heart attacked is for that mark on your arm, the mark of 'Fairy Glitter'. Congratulations Cana, you are now Fairy Tails 6th S class member

Cana placed her hand on her mouth and had tears pouring down her face, as she was waiting for this moment for 12 long years, and had finally come. But before she could start celebrating, her help Lucy card began to shine, and realised what she had done

Cana: I didn't mean to abandon her.... i need to help her, right now

Adrian: Go for it Cana, don't let anyone get in your way... don't let anyone stop you from helping your friends

Cana: Right!

Cana started running to Lucy, who was currently being protected by Gildarts. Unlike the story Cana didn't end up being saved by Gildarts, instead she used Fairy Glitter as Bluenote was distracted by Gildarts, and killed him in the process

Thanks to Adrian completely fusing his energy together, he unlocked his own type of sage mode, which enables him to feel everyone around him, just like the byakugan, but without the pupiless eyes

A few minutes later Adrian could feel Zeref's power being released once more, killing Zancrow. Adrian could then feel Laxus's energy colliding with Hades, and Natsu absorbing Laxus's lightning and defeating Hades

Adrian: Well Mavis... seems like its time for me leave

Mavis suddenly materialised infront of him and looked a bit sad, but before she could say anything Adrian hugged her

Adrian: Don't cry, or else you won't be able to see the fairy's right

Mavis: .... R-right

Mavis hugged him tightly for a while, before reluctantly letting him go, and watched him as he walked off towards the camp, where everyone currently was

When he arrived he found Cana and Gildarts hugging, and saw Lucy and the gang watching from the bushes. As he walked towards everyone, they suddenly remembered that he was on the island the whole time, but never showed himself, which pissed Gajeel off

Gajeel: Hey asshole, where the hell were you this whole time!?

Makarov on the other hand didn't believe Adrian would hide away, and noticed the serious look on his face, so he asked the young man infront of him calmly

Makarov: Adrian my boy, what happened?

Adrian: To answer your question Gajeel... I've been preparing...

Gildarts: For what Adrian?

Adrian slowly pointed a finger into the air, in a certain direction, where a massive black dragon could be seen, heading straight for them

Adrian: The Dragon King..... Acnologia

Everyone felt their minds shatter from the name. Gildarts and the Master especially, as they rubbed their eyes and looked at the dragon again who roared at the members of Fairy Tail

Makarov: Everyone run while i hold him off!

Everyone: Right!

Everyone then took off, but while they were running away they had tears in their eyes. Looking back they saw that their master had fallen

Refusing to run, they all turned back and charged at him, sending waves of magic at the dragon

Makarov: No you fools run, Gildarts take them away!

Gildarts: Sorry old man, but even i don't plan on running

As they kept on attacking the dragon until they were all exhausted, they all stopped to see how much damage they had done, but unfortunately they didn't do anything to him

Erza: How is this possible!

Gildarts: Not even a scratch...

Acnologia: ROAR!!!

Adrian began to walk closer towards acnologia, causing everyone to watch him as he threw off his coat and kept walking towards the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse

Adrian: My turn...

Adrian's body released every single ounce of power he had stored within him, sending everyone rolling backwards. Adrian then proceeded to release his gravity seal, boosting his powers even more. However he didn't activate his kaio ken, as he didn't want to destroy the Island

Jumping forwards at super speed, Adrian knee'd the dragon in the chin, preventing it from blasting everyone to straight to hell

Adrian continued to pound the dragon (A/N Not that way you weirdo's) in the face, before he flew right above it


The giant black humanoid sent his arm down on his back, and collided into some trees

Laxus: What the hell is that!?

Gildarts: So... he really was hiding this much power

Gajeel: This is unreal

Freed: I don't think there's anyone in Fiore who could rival Adrian right now

Adrian, then began to rain down blows on the dragon, causing it to spit a large amount of blood onto the floor. Believing Acnologia to be down (Not really, but Adrian had to put on a show) he released the Sussano

Angered by the fact that he was being bested by a child, Acnologia slammed his wing into Adrian, sending him flying backwards

Everyone: Adrian!

Acnologia took this chance to dive forwards towards the closest human- Lucy, and tried to take a bit out of her. Everyone saw this and cried out her name, but they knew that they wouldn't make it in time

Gildarts tried to force himself forward, as did the master and Natsu. Lucy stood there absolutely terrified

Suddenly, as Acnologia had his mouth open, a pair of hands grabbed his upper and bottom mouth, and slowed him down, by digging his feet into the ground to stop him from going any further

'Fuck he's stronger than i thought' Adrian was thinking in his mind and he was struggling to move Acnologia

'Damn i don't have a choice, I'll have to do this'

Adrian pulled back his left hand, which sent the dragon mouth downwards onto his right arm, and ripped it right off

Adrian: Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!!

Everyone was stunned after seeing Adrian lose his arm, and watched as Acnologia started to laugh eerily at him

As Acnologia had his arm in his mouth Adrian glared at him, before charging a hell of a lot of energy in his left arm and sent it straight at Acnologia, sending him up into the air

Collapsing onto the ground he felt the master and Gildarts grab each side of his body, as he couldn't stand up anymore, from the massive amount of blood loss

Looking up saw everyone smile at him with tears, and before he knew it, he had a few tears coming out himself

Master: You've done great my boy

Gildarts: Yes you have

Everyone started to nod at him, before they silently created a circle, with Mira holding his left hand tightly, and Gildarts, who placed a hand on his right shoulder

Acnologia who's in the air, see's this and releases a breath attack straight at them

'System, you ready?'

[Yes host, which world would you like me to send you to?]

'Send us to'


A/N Okay so there's lots of things that have happened, I've changed the past 2-3 chapters, because I couldn't think of a way for Erza to be with him, with the way I wanted the story to go

I am sorry for doing that to the people who wanted Erza, but I realised that the plan I had wasn't solid enough to go with. So I had to change it, much to the dismay of a lot of you.

I've read many fanfics where the authors give the mc something amazing, but then don't know how to progress, so they just drop it, which is something I don't want to do

Yes I wanted him to have a harem at one point, but then I realised it won't work so I had to change it. So no, he won't have a harem at any point, and yes the next chapter will be in a whole new world

I don't plan on screwing up like this again, but you need to understand, this is a fanfic, I do this for fun, and I know I won't be able to satisfy everyone, and if you don't want to continue reading, then fair enough, but for those that do carry on, thanks, and I hope you enjoy what I have coming

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

AdilNationcreators' thoughts