
Chapter 3

Seems like I would never really get what I want in life.

I wanted drama and got a one-shot tragedy.

As soon as I reached home, my phone started ringing. I didn't bother to pick it up, probably because the only ones that call me are customer care. So I took my time and got fresh, had some instant noodles for dinner, along with some anime repeats.

But when I checked my phone, I had to give myself the biggest face-palm in life.

It was my mother who had called, and I had seen her call after two hours.

To say that my relationship with my mother was bad would be an understatement. It was disastrous and I take complete blame for that. If only I had not been so stubborn, we would have been fine. Probably pretty close too.

So when I called her back it was no doubt that I felt like calling an ambulance first. Just in case of a heart attack.


"Eh, umm......mom? You called?", I stuttered.

Why isn't my mouth cooperating?

"Yes. I called", she replied sternly. "I called you two hours earlier. Why didn't you answer then? What were you doing?"


"Keep your excuses to yourself. I don't want to listen. I want you to pick up your things from my house. I believe you are settled in that apartment by now?"

"Yes", I squeaked.

"So when will you come? I hope you remember I don't stay at home all the time. I have work."

"I...ah...I'll come on the weekend."

"So you will come tomorrow?"


Is tomorrow the weekend? Why didn't I buy a bloody calendar? Wait… I have a phone. Why didn’t I check the phone?!

"It's Saturday tomorrow. Don't tell me you have forgotten the days?", she scolded.

"No...no...um...I remember. It's Friday today so obviously, it will be Saturday tomorrow. Eh...yeah...yeah...I'll come tomorrow to pick up the things. At what time should I come?", I asked.

"Come at noon and don't forget. Understand?", she said in a stern voice.

"No...I mean yes I understand. I won't forget."


With that, she cut the call and I could finally breathe.

"Well, that went well", I murmured to myself.

Great. Now I had to spend the weekend running around and cleaning rooms.

Bloody. Great.