
Time goes fast

When they were leaving, her brother winked at me and apologized one more time. As my brother planned we could visit shopping center and he said we can do online one later.

-So now Arcade?

-Yes. But before that we need to eat.


-Wait a minute, I have already booked place for us.


-At your cafe

-But why there?

-You don't want me to go there?

-It's not that? Just, we can go somewhere else? You know my coworkers is here...So

-That means you are ashamed of me?


-Than let's go


He is unpredictable...

We arrived and had a lunch. After that we went to arcade and amusement park. I had my fun.

-Brother, let's book a hotel


When he was booking hotel, I was wondering around and bumped into person.


-oh foreign language...Ah Sorry!!!

-Кто ты?

-i don't get it?

-Кто ты?-my Lil brother started to camunicate with him

-Проста турист.

-Не похоже

-Не моя вина

-Что тебе нужно?

-Просто. Он очень мылый. Как модели.

-Закрой рот!

-Ладно. Но я хочу его телефон номер


-Then I'm going to ask from him directly. -He spoke with beautiful Russian accent. I might fall in love with his accent....-Hey Mr I'm tourist in here, but designer in my country. When I saw you I found perfect to you to be in my some designed clothes. In that purpose I'm going to ask for your number.

If he talked little but more, I might actually fell down. Why I don't have a voice like that?! I'm so jealous!!! And he asked me to be his model!!! My dream job!

- My brother is busy...

-Yes! Give me your phone. I will save my number!

-My pleasure, Mr..?

- Call me Felix! Actually my name is Kim, but in school, they call me Felix! And I want my name, if you are going to tell public, shouldn't be apparent. I want to known as a Felix. So I can have my social accounts with my own name!

-Ok Mr Felix. I will call you Felix at work hours. I will call you when I have done today's business .

-Ok take your time!!

- He left. Why you are looking at me like that? You know it's my dream job!

- It doesn't mean you can give away your number to strangers!

-Oh come on! I saw him on the journal. He is really famous Russian designer!


-Come on, instead why don't we have dinner? I'm hungry!!!

-ugh. We will talk after dinner

Oh my God! My brother surley make great husband!!! After lunch he lectured me to not give my number away. And we went to see fireworks after that. Then ate as much as we can streetfoods. We come back at hotel at 11 p.m and take a shower. I went to sleep when he entered the shower.