
F*ck Yeah! I’m The Villain

Walking across the street 23 year old Bai An saw an injured kitten limping across the road as a huge vehicle sped towards it. Her animal lover instincts kicked in and she pushed the kitty away just in time it's body landing on an old torn up mattress. However Bai An herself was not as lucky with no one wanting to risk their lives to save hers she quickly fell victim to Truck Sama. "At least I did a good deed" was her final thought before her mind gave into the darkness. Waking up she sees her self floating in the air, everything around her is pitch black as her mind races wild with idiotic thougts. "What the-..." all of a sudden a ball of light appears out of nowhere. "WELCOME MY DEAR CHILD TO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRITS" A fat man bellowed his bald head shining brightly with vigor as if saying " look at me, look at me see how smooth I am I know u wanna touch it." Bai An laughs at her ridiculous thoughts before bringing her attention back to the piece of blubber in front of her. The fat man whose name she learned is Jun Qiang told her that he's from the committee of gods who decided that her death was too early so they decided that she would be Reincarnated into one of their worlds. Which one she doesn't know but she's a little excited because from the novels she's read before the protagonist always gets sent to a world that's a game they already played in their past life and they have a ton of cheats so she's hyped up. Jun Qiang then wishes her good luck as she feels her spirit being sucked into a vortex. "Awwwww YEAHHHHHH" she screams but it comes out as a baby's wail instead as her arms flail around her eyesight blurry.

queenk091 · แฟนตาซี
119 Chs

Chapter 8

A wise girl knows

Her limits,

A smart girl knows

She has none.

~ Marilyn Monroe

Speechless! I am completely and utterly speechless. My scarlet eyes wide in horror while tiny and plump rose lips open and shut.

"Darling, close your mouth I don't want you choking on any disgusting flies." Daddy admonishes.

Ha that's a good one. With my bad luck I could simply be breathing in oxygen, and then BOOM! Starts choking on air.

"Official Yang what makes you think that We would sell Our only beloved daughter into an affectionless marriage."

Hey you forgot to mention that I'm the favorite child also. No? Okay, just thought I'd put that out there. Carry on.

"Your maj-....." The poor man didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence before daddy interrupts him.

"Hold It! We are not finished speaking. Thank you." Daddy clears his throat before continuing;

"Our precious jewel's marriage selection will not be a subject We have any control over. She shall marry a suitor whom she deems fit to spend the rest of their life with her. Their shall also be zero outside mistresses, concubines, second wives and all of the others." Daddy stops, takes in a deep breathe and beckons the eunuch over.

" All of you kneel and hear Our imperial decree! My daughter princess Melia, should she marry a man who dares dabble in polygamy shall have the right to exterminate that man's entire family. All nine generations."

Fear breaks out into hall as sweat clings to the backs of nobles. Their throat partched and in desperate need of water.

"Now where was Us? Oh yes! Official Yang, taking into account of Our close friendship with your King, We will introduce Our daughter to your male heir at her aknowledgemnt banquet a week from now. We will also discuss with your kingdom schedualized play dates to see if the two are compatible and can get along with each other. Tis all We can do for you."

I can't help but applaud daddy. He is a very intelligent person. To be honest I do not mind the marriage, that is if it's to the character I think it's to.

Sebastian Vel Goro Risco. That man is the only capture target able to withstand against the might of the powerful and well known female lead's HALO. Earlier on in the game it was briefly written that he and the villainess had an engagement, though they never met each other before. Later, when her Father died it was said that the evil stepmother cancelled it and compromised to give it to her own daughter instead.

The handsome prince refused saying that she was of lowly birth and her status is not special enough to be a proper match to his royal title.

He also had a chance encounter with the young heroine before any of the drama happened.

The green tea bitch was stuck in a dilema when one of her many enemies hired a group of ruffians to defile her in a dark alley. Now don't ask me how she got there in the first place because I dont know. Too naive for her own good I guess. Luckily she ran into the prince who had a compassionate heart and saved the damsel who was in distress. Ever since that night, she had been plagued with dreams regarding her mysterious hero and often fantasized about whether they'd have the chance to meet again.

After she found out that he's the fiancè to her barbarous older sister she demanded that the engament be switched to her instead. Fortunately the prince saw through the vile mother daughter pair's ways and showed contempt for their pathetic scheme. His actions left the black hearted female lead in sorrow but luckily she had the other capture targets who swiftly took her mind off of the charming man.

"Thank you, your grace." The official then went and sat down at his post with a dignified air.

After that the nobles then came up one by one and relayed in detail of everything going on in their districts. Who's in jail, if their were droughts/famen. Any epidemics going around that needed doctors to cure the infected and etc. you name it they got it.

I found court to be a very interesting experience, one I'd like to visit often, testing some of the fields I had studied in University X. Examples being accounting, business, agriculture and some other stuff. What!? I was a very curious individual back in my previous life, don't judge me.

When the long and torturous discussion came to a close, daddy and I shared our thoughts on the reports.

"Dada, official Gang's calculations seemed off to me. The monthly income of Mountain Breeze village only added up to around five thousand silver taels a year when there are more than six hundred occupants in that district. Each family pays four copper coins for tax yet the average is so low." I complain. Injustice fills my entire being as I sense something fishy going on.

My gums feel a bit sore. Its like they have a heart beat. An endless rhythm of pain pulsating in my mouth.

I was so focused on my toothless mouth that I don't even notice daddy's shell shocked appearance.

"So young and yet you already know how to add and subtract. My GOSH. You really are a genius!!!!"

Rolling my eyes I look at my father incredulously.

"Of course I am Dada. Da people in dat pace awedy say dat I am a once in a lifetime pro-igee. Gimme sum cretit will you."

"Sorry Mel, I am just astounded that my daughter. The one who holds my blood would be so smart. But, it is expected, I mean Ha. You are my daughter after all. The Huang family's blood is running through your very veins."

Daddy looks at me with pride and I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Hmph, yet people say I'm the one who's vain and thich faced. Have you met my father!?
