
F*ck Humans Are A Bunch Of Psychos!

What the hell?! At first, we were wiping the floor with those four-limbed mammalians! But what is this situation?! What the hell is the human fleet doing in our capital solar system?! The emperor thought as he watched the live video feed of a human battleship ram his empires fleets cruiser after the battleship's canons melted down from firing nonstop from the start of the battle. Only to hear his anxious ministers report. What?! The humans are orbital dropping their ground forces and beginning orbital bombardment during a fleet battle?! What the f*ck are they nuts?!? P.S. This book is inspired by The Strongest Interstellar Commander its a great book I suggest reading it.

50 Chs


I grabbed the emergency parachute and while putting it on walked to the opened-up ramp in the gunships back making the master chief's eyes almost pop out from his sockets.


Before the master chief could finish his word I jumped out.


"Comamnder the gunship changed its trajectory!"

The officer watching the holographic radar reported as he did the commander heaved a sigh of relief only to brake out in cold sweat again upon hearing the senors officer's next words.

"But Im still detecting a human-sized object rapidly approaching the parliament!"


As I slowly descended towards the White houses heli pad square which was already crowded with the secret police in exoskeleton armor which was the old goods from the marines and a detachment of a company of marines in power armor who were the best of the best.

As I finally landed and took off my parachute the commander walked up to me.

"Admiral... you... you really crossed the line this time! Please leave immediately or I will be forced to arrest you for treason!"

The commander who was already giving Dracula enough face by not packing him up and sending him straight to a military prison on the spot for his stunt said.

"F*ck off!"

I barked as my right eye started crackling with purple lightning which scarred the f*ck out of the commander but he still did his duty as a soldier, after all maybe the admiral was an imposter sent to kill the president!

"Subdue the admiral at one!"

The commander barked making the secret police and marines leap at me.

"I said F*CK OFF!"

I roared as I activated my psionic power and broke everyone's exoskeletons and power armors gears causing them to awkwardly fall face down on the ground.


Natasha was busy reading another set of documents only to hear her doors get slammed open as she did she raised her head only for her mouth to open wide open as she saw Dracula charge in.

I jumped over Nat's table and pushed her chair against her window.


I slammed my palm against the window causing it to crack as I lowered down my face to Nats to the point our noses were almost touching.

"Nat if you really don't have any feelings for me that are more than we currently share then tell me now, If you really don't then after I destroy the empire I'll leave you alone and you will never hear from me ever again."

I said as I stared at Nat's emerald eyes looking for any sign of falsehood with my right one crackling with purple lightning that once again was slowly turning black.

"Drac... I... I... really only see you as my little brother, you're... you're feelings I... I can't return them back to you, it's just not possible, I'm already seeing someone"

Natasha who was terrified of the current unstable Drac but still gathered the courage and said it.

Hearing Nat's words I couldn't help but feel my glued back heart by her shatter into countless pieces again.


I roared as my emotions went completely wild causing my psionic power to once again go out of control.

The windows glass completely cracked and shattered while everything even things that were fixed to the ground started floating in the air as black lighting started coursing through my body.


I roared once again as my right sclera turned completely pitch black with black arteries and veins becoming visible to the naked eye all over under my skin while I actually subconsciously started choking Nat with my psionic power.


"Drac I... I... I... can't... breathe... you're... killing... me!"

Natasha said through difficulty as she clawed at her throat trying to tear apart the invisible and intangible force choking her but no matter how she clawed or begged my mind didn't seem to register it.

As all the memories of Dracula life with Nat flashed before his eyes, she was the one that brought him back from the abyss but at the same time, she is the reason why he is sinking back into it again.

And it was driving Dracula mad to the point that he was actually trying to kill the one person he truly loved and cared about in this world and Nat saying that she was seeing someone else didn't help at all.

Because Dracula was an extremely twisted existence that had two sides to him one was loving and caring he would even kill himself for the one he cared for and loved no questions asked.

And the other one was the current him a prideful, greedy, lustful, envious, gluttonous, wrathful, and sloth incarnate that was just one step away from falling down the abyss and never coming back from it.


I turned around to face the one who called out to me only to see Aurora who came over to visit her mother standing in front of me who was visibly scarred to death but still stood in front of me not moving an inch back.


Dracula said but in Aurora's ears, it sounded like a beast was speaking instead of Dracula.

"Drac, look you're killing her you're killing Nat!"

Aurora said as gently as possible because she already had experience of dealing with Dracula losing his shit but never like this before but it seemed to work.

As I turned around and saw the almost purple Nat my mind finally registered what I was doing.


I roared as I forcefully suppressed my rampaging psionic power as I did everything that was floating fell down while the force choking Nat finally disappeared.

"Nat... I'm... so..."

I started apologizing after I understood what I had done only to see the horrified look on Nat's face which felt like someone smashing my already shattered heart's pieces into even smaller ones.

As I did I walked out of the room completely ignoring everyone until I met the commander who after finally getting out from his power armor thanks to the help of the parliament staff stormed straight towards the president's office together with the secret police and marines.

Without saying anything I extended my hands.

Seeing this the commander couldn't help but sigh as he motioned for the secret police to handcuff me.


"Mam, are you alright did... did the admiral try to kill you?"

The commander asked after entering Nat's trashed office after seeing the strangling marks on her neck who was currently being comforted by Aurora.

"Im... Im fine... block all the information on what happened here today, erase it all this never happened, do you understand?"

Natasha ordered after somewhat calming down after all she almost died so it took a while for her to calm down.

"Understood mam!"

The commander answered while performing a salute, just as he was about to exit the office he stopped as he wanted to ask what to do with Dracula but decided not to, for now he will do it according to protocol as for later let the bigwigs figure it out.

"Unnie what... what did you say to make him like that?

Aurora asked Nat after seeing the commander leave as she addressed her as older sister after all her mother was the prime minister so they got to know each other for the past ten years.

After all after ten years it's quite awkward to call her mam then they're practically sisters.

"I... forget it, but what is wrong with him I... I... never saw this side of his, did... did the war change him or is it because of what Reed did to him to save him?"

Natasha with tears running down her cheeks couldn't help but ask as she looked at Aurora for answers.

"What you're telling me he never showed this side of his to you not even a glimpse?!"

Aurora couldn't help but exclaim because it was just too weird, she thought for sure that Nat had seen his occasional loss of control at least once but the woman who had lived with him for entire 8 years was saying that she didn't.

"Aurora what do you mean? You're saying that it's not your first time seeing this side of his?!"

The shocked Natasha couldn't help but exclaim.

"Yeah, unnie in the academy he would lose it from time to time but never to this degree, I thought you knew about it"

Aurora answered not hiding it at all.

"Tell me everything you know about this side of his"

Nat said as she narrowed her eyes completely forgetting the pain of her burning neck, the more she heard the more horrified she became until she couldn't help but hear Dracula's words repeat themselves in her mind over and over again.

Why do you think I'm doing it?! I'm doing it for you! For god's sake Nat! For all I care humanity can go extinct, but you! You must live! Just the thought of you dying or being harmed in any way is driving me mad! I can't even f*cking sleep at night without waking up in cold sweat with my entire body shaking from just the thought of you dying!

"F*ck I shouldn't have rejected him like that!"

Nat muttered to herself as she covered her face with her hands.

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