
Eyes of Destiny

Meet Valeri John Castro, a man who stands out from the crowd - but not in a good way. He has always felt weak and freakish, cursed by his odd appearance. Yet he never let that stop him from seeing the bright side of life. Until one day, his life takes a drastic turn when he encounters a Norse god - Valkyrie, the chooser of the slain and the maiden warrior. She drags him into a battle between life and death, where he must fight alongside her to save the world and Valhalla from impending doom. Will he rise to the challenge and discover his true destiny, or will he crumble under the weight of fate? Choice Over his Destiny Or Destiny Over his Choice ************ All The Name Place, Characters are fictional only. All the gods and goddesses are truly inspired from Norse Mythology.

alexsaintz · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 22: Deja vu

I couldn't comprehend it, but I could hear the sound of my father's favorite song titled "The Love Song" by Valeri John Moore, which was also loved by my Mom. They even named me after it. Yes, to be honest, it's one of my favorite songs too. It's just so enjoyable to listen to. Moments later, I found myself in the corner of somewhere unfamiliar. Huh? Who is that girl over there? She looks somewhat familiar.


She held someone's hand, another man. They seemed to be joyfully laughing amidst the lush surroundings, sitting together on the shoreline.


Then suddenly, out of nowhere...

"Valeri John Castro? Mr. Valeri John Castro?" I found myself in... the campus? Is this real? Sir Alvis? Erena? Dave? Deniece? What the heck is happening here? Is this for real?

"Last call, Mr. Valeri John Castro?" I was unsure, but at that moment, I blurted out, "Present, sir."

"Oh? I was about to mark you absent," Mr. Alvis said, beaming with a smile.

Something is peculiar about this scene. I can't explain it.

This is exactly the same scene as the first day of school.

What is happening? I can't understand it.

I know I have something to do here, but I just can't remember it.

I didn't even notice the sweat trickling down my forehead because my main concern is, why am I here again?

"I-I'm sorry, sir," I stammered, and he simply smiled.

After he called out all my classmates' names, I'm still confused. A moment ago, I knew the reason why I am here, and suddenly, I just can't remember it. But one thing I know... 

Something's not right.

"Hey? Valeri, right?" I turned to the woman who whispered just behind me. She was beautiful and seemed kind. Who is she? I know her. I can only remember her name from earlier.

"I'm Erena. And you?" I was left speechless by her question.

"You are?" She asked gently once again.

"Ha? Va-Valeri?" I answered, once again, seemingly out of the blue.

"Valeri? Wow, what a unique name for a guy," she said.

"Yeah, I-I guess you're right," I replied, feeling uneasy as I kept looking around.

"To be honest, you're so cute," she complimented me.

I widened my eyes at her words. I didn't know why, but I knew something was off about what she said.

Cute? Wait? I looked at the window of our school and saw my reflection.

Both blue eyes.

Black hair.

Fair skin.

I stared at myself.

I didn't know if what I was seeing was correct.

I felt confused.

Suddenly, I started feeling a little dizzy.

Then I was left speechless once again.

Everything seemed so confusing.

And then, I lost consciousness.



I slowly opened my eyes and found myself lying on the school clinic bed. What the heck am I doing here?

"Oh? You're awake already." I didn't respond to what she said; instead, I just stared blankly.

Why do I have this feeling? Why do I feel... confused? Suddenly...

"Oh, you're up? That's good." A woman answered. I know her, but I can't remember.

"Are you Filipino?" I asked, the first thing that came out of my mouth.

She smiled, as if amused by my question. "That's the first thing you ask, huh?" she said while still smiling.

I didn't respond, I just looked at her instead.

"Well, by the way, you hit your head hard on the desk, which caused panic among your classmates, including Mr. Goodman, our professor," she explained while flashing her beautiful smile.

"R-really? Did I cause trouble?" I stuttered in my response.

"Huh? No, not at all. Don't worry, the most important thing is that you're okay. By the way, I'm Savannah Deniece Borromeo, half-American, half-Filipino," she replied, introducing herself. Well, that explains it. It's just not obvious because she looks really American, I mean the gorgeous type, you know.

Honestly, she was a delight to gaze upon because she was incredibly beautiful. Moreover, there was something unique about the way I felt around her. It's as if I already know her, like an instant connection that brings an overwhelming sense of ease, even though we just met. I noticed the doctor observing us, perhaps curious about the words we were exchanging, which he couldn't understand. We fell silent for a moment.

"I guess you're already fine," the nurse greeted us.

Deniece and I exchanged glances, then burst into laughter simultaneously.

"He probably thinks we're aliens or something, haha," she added while trying to hold back her laughter, and I did the same.

"Feeling better now?" the school nurse asked me with a smile.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, ma'am. I believe I'm feeling better now," I reiterated.

"Okay, I guess you can go now." Deniece and I exchanged glances again, and she motioned for us to leave. I promptly stood up from the bed.

"Thank you once again, ma'am, for your hospitality," I said as I finally stood up.

After that, Deniece and I exited the clinic together.

"You're good at speaking Filipino? I didn't notice," I commented as we walked down the hallway of the campus's second floor.

"Funny, right?" she chuckled.

"Both of my parents grew up in the Philippines, but they're pure Americans," she added.

"Ahh, that explains it. That's why you're fluent in Tagalog, and you don't have any American accent at all," I remarked.

"Haha, yeah, I got used to it," she laughed.

Though I'm still confused, I feel like I'm missing something.