
Eyes of Destiny

Meet Valeri John Castro, a man who stands out from the crowd - but not in a good way. He has always felt weak and freakish, cursed by his odd appearance. Yet he never let that stop him from seeing the bright side of life. Until one day, his life takes a drastic turn when he encounters a Norse god - Valkyrie, the chooser of the slain and the maiden warrior. She drags him into a battle between life and death, where he must fight alongside her to save the world and Valhalla from impending doom. Will he rise to the challenge and discover his true destiny, or will he crumble under the weight of fate? Choice Over his Destiny Or Destiny Over his Choice ************ All The Name Place, Characters are fictional only. All the gods and goddesses are truly inspired from Norse Mythology.

alexsaintz · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 18: Lost

I woke up amidst the crashing waves. It felt like music to my ears, such a delightful sound to listen to.

Through our connected consciousness, Valkyrie spoke to me again.

"Valeri, get up," she gently urged, and I slowly opened my eyes.

My eyes widened at what I saw. I wasn't sure if my vision was inverted, but the mesmerizing sea of water was above my eyes, astonishing me. I gradually sat up and observed the surroundings. My eyes widened even more as I found myself in a place filled with water, vibrant shades of blue all around. There were no trees, just water as far as the eye could see. Everywhere I looked, there were unique creatures - fish with flower-like faces, and even a fish with a unicorn appearance but with the tail of a fish. I couldn't help but be amazed and enchanted by this sight.

Is this for real?

"Valeri, we need to leave," she said with a hint of concern in her voice.

Only then did I realize that Freyr and the other Einherjar were nowhere to be seen. I grew anxious.

"Valkyrie, where are we? Where is Freyr and the other Einherjar? My father?" I nervously asked.

"Use your ability, Valeri," Valkyrie commanded, and I promptly obeyed.

I closed my eyes and focused. Soon, I could see images, but they were blurry due to my difficulty concentrating, feeling pain in my side.

"Don't force yourself, Valeri, if you can't do it," she advised, but I still tried despite the pain.

"Valeri, we need to find an exit. I don't want to linger here," she insisted.

"Why? Did you do something in this place?"

Suddenly, the water's depths opened up, and a mermaid emerged. She was naked but adorned with a crown, strikingly beautiful. I was surprised yet fascinated by seeing an actual mermaid. Although it wasn't beyond my expectations about mermaids, it was still astonishing to witness their existence.

"Hello, my beloved Valkyrie," she greeted us.

"Valkyrie, is what I'm seeing real? A mermaid? I mean, is this really happening? Who is she? How do you know her?" I asked Valkyrie in my mind.

"That's the reason, Valeri, why I wanted to leave earlier. She is Njord, the ruler here in Vanaheim, the realm of waters. In Midgard, she is known as the god of water," Valkyrie explained.

"Oh, I remember her now. I read about her once," I replied.

"But why do you want to leave quickly, Valkyrie? She seems nice. However, did you do something to them?" I asked Valkyrie further.

"Come, Valkyrie. Aren't you glad to see me?" the mermaid, Njord, interjected, introduced by Valkyrie.

"It's not like that, Njord. I just have other priorities at the moment," Valkyrie replied.

"Valkyrie? Are you not pleased to see me after 700 years?" I was astonished at what she said. Wow, it's quite something to joke about 700 years. I wonder what it feels like to live forever.

"Why don't you enter our humble abode first?"

Suddenly, our bodies were enveloped in a shimmering bubble, and we began to descend from our previous position. At first, I thought we were simply descending into the water. As we descended, I saw various strange beings living in this place. There were fish with bird-like heads, some resembling dogs, and many others that were truly fascinating.

I became even more amazed. I didn't know such a place existed.

"Welcome back, Valkyrie, to Vanaheim," I heard the mermaid say.

Vanaheim? I knew that, Valkyrie already explained it but I couldn't help but wonder. Since Valkyrie already read my question in my mind, she answered.

"Like what I've said It is one of the Nine Realms, and it's ruled by Njord, considered the god of water," Valkyrie explained to me.

That explains it. Now I understand why everything around here is water.

"I just want to understand, Valkyrie, what is your connection to Njord?" I asked further.

"It's a long story, Valeri, but I believe you'll find out soon," she replied.

"I see," I responded, deciding not to ask further as Valkyrie tends to answer cryptically, and it's starting to overwhelm my brain cells.

Meanwhile, She transformed and landed first on the ground. I couldn't help but be amazed by what I saw. My gosh! Is this for real? It's bigger than the White House. So beautiful and vast. It seemed like we were enclosed in a gigantic dome. When I looked up, I saw beautiful fish swimming above, as if I were watching a huge aquarium.

"Valkyrie? Are you alright?" It was only then that I realized Njord was talking to me.

"Uh, y-yes, I'm fine," I replied hesitantly, still captivated by what I was seeing while walking into her house. Wait, what is this? A house made of seashells?

Wow, that's amazing. I became even more amazed by what I saw.

I noticed the symbols of water and wind carved on the palace door. Upon entering, we encountered guards, humanoid beings with fish heads. I was astonished.

Njord told us to stop.

"That's far enough," she said, halting us, but she continued walking towards her throne. There was a long staircase, seemingly taller than the 5th floor of Berklin University, where I studied.

I think she took about twenty minutes before she reached her throne and sat down. I observed each of her steps intently.

Then she asked us again.

"Valkyrie, what do you desire?" she sweetly asked with a smile.

"I want to leave," Valkyrie straightforwardly answered.

Njord smiled and shook her head. She looked at us, waiting for our response.


"Do you know that you can't just leave here, unless... you're still alive?" Her words sent shivers down my spine.