
Preliminary Part 2

[Author notes]

So I'm not gonna lie kinda forgot about Karin in my story. I will be adding her here.

So thank you kaguya_ otsutsuki for reminding me about Karin

[end of notes]

Karin wake up in a room with some medical equipment. she was pretty drain of chakra from the forest of death she fine, with a few injuries. When she wakes up some doctors check on her to see if she is ok.

Karin memory was fussy but start to remember what happened, she was attacked by a bear wait what happened.

Karin asked the doctors got here and they said that a kid with a crow mask got you here, before heading to the preliminary exams.

Karin remember the kid before entering the forest, everyone looked at him before since he was alone. She was confused and she asked if she could watch the exams.

The docters agreed and went with her there.

[ Back to Diego and Fuu mindscape]

<<Ch..Ch..Chomei what are you doing here did you get seal inside here>> The fox said

<< Kurama what are you doing here did you get seal inside Fuu>> Chomei asked

Diego was the in the background looking at these to big beasts, although Kurama was the one behind bars not Chomei.

<< Kurama your name is Kurama >> Diego laughed as he thought his name would be darker.

Kurama gave a little blush and said

<< Don't you dare laugh if these bars weren't here I tear you into pieces>> Kurama said yelling.

Diego was about to speak more when something was pulling him out of his mindscape....

<< Crow please get on the ground floor and prepare to fight crow.. crow, you have 10 seconds or your disqualified 10..9..8>> Hayate said

Diego being brought back to reality quickly tried going over the bars, his foot clips the bar and he falls on his face.

Some people laugh but some didn't as when Diego was in his mindscape, time was spend up and Lee fought Gara .

Some people think about Gara crushing Lee leg.

The Match will begin

<< Crow you will fight Dosu and Choji, if Dosu and Choji win they will be passed if the lose there out >> Hayate said.

People above were thinking this unfair. Kurenai think Kakashi decision is stupid to put Diego in alone

<< Im suprize he has made it this far he was the worse in his class, but he must be drained and after that fall he can probably barley move. He was all alone from the start Kakashi what was he thinking>> Kurenai said out loud .

<< Well he must have some reason still I think is as far as he goes >> Asuma said

Back to Diego the match has begun. Choji charges with his human bolder , Diego fall to the side as if he were drunk . Diego doged Choji but Dosu comes and jumps at Diego. Diego falls backwards and Dosu goes over him into choji.

People looking at this fight and think he pretty lucky but Crow is not very good.

Choji expands his hands and get ready to punch Diego but Diego just falls again dodging his hit again. Dosu comes at Diego and punchs Diego several.

People are thinking he must be finnished he got punched like 50 times but only the jonin noticed that Diego moved slightly so the punches didn't him.

Diego was getting bored so he used his lightning style and body flicker to both Dosu and Choji zapping them with lightning making there eyes go white and blacking out.

Diego was the final match and it seemed that he would go into the final matches.

The Hiruzen announced the preliminary are over and the ones who passed have one month to train.

Diego left the arena as fast as he could so he could meet up with team 7. Some people were shock at what happened , Kurenai the most since she thought he was last place how did he take out two people in an instant.

While Diego was waiting he saw Fuu and went up to her. He tap her shoulder and said they should talk about what happened today some time.

Fuu was confused as she didn't know who he was but tried thinking about it.

Diego left when he saw team 7 and questioned if they got into the final exam.

<< Ohh ya we did me and Sasuke made too bad Sakura got a tie>> Naruto said

Sakura heard this and punched Naruto into a wall.

<< Any strong looking person in the matches>> Diego asked

<< There were two that seems like a challenge one was this guy names Gara he gives off creepy mood. But there was another he had a crow mask and he was alone throughout the chunin exams.>> Sasuke said

<< Wow that seems like a hassle well let hope you do well , but let go get some ichiraku ramen Kakashi paying >> Diego said