
Bridge builder

Team 7 has been doing alot of D rank missions over the last month. Having four people in there squad really help especially with the mission of finding the cat since they have done it 6 times.

Diego was gonna head home when he saw a clothing shop and decided it time to buy new clothing. He goes into the shop wandering around looking at different things and wonder what he should get. Then Diego spots something that looks cool so he buys it and head home.

The next day Team 7 arives to get a new mission. Diego outfit looks like yato's cloths from Noragami expect instead of a bandanna it a mask that cover his mouth like Kakashi.

When team 7 walks into the building for there mission the hokage was gonna give them another

D-rank mission when naurto started to whine.

<<Gramps can we please doing something other than a D-rank. They are to boring>> Naruto said

The hokage explained that these missions help the village but seeing that they are a 5 man squad a C-rank should be fine.

<< Alright Naruto since you are a 5 man squad I'll give you a C-rank escort mission>> Hiruzen said

The group was a lot happier about this as it would be there first time leaving the Village. Diego thought it been nice but thought it would cut down on his mangekyou training, since he didn't wanna show the others. Diego thought that he would just practice his fuinjutsu since he probably just needed a week before mastery over the art.

While Diego was thinking a man walked in with a drink in his hand.

<< Hmm so these are the ninja that shall be escorting me, I thought I asked for real ninja not some kids especially the short one there>> The man said

Measuring all there heights the shortest one is Diego sadly, Diego stands at 4'8 one inch shorter than naruto very sad for him. Kakashi explaines to the man he will be fine especially since he is a jonin.

<< Fine fine you will be fine then my name is Tazuna I'm a bridge builder for my country and that why I need a escort>> Tazuna said

Kakashi order everyone to get packed as we leave in an hour. Everyone left except Diego.

<< Don't you need to go pack for food and stuff or were you not paying attention pip squeak>> Tazuna said

<< I'm actually already packed and have all my things so I'm good thank for asking drunken breath>> Diego replied calmly.

Diego decided to sleep since waiting an hour doing nothing would be to troublesome. While Diego fell asleep under a tree he found somewhere near the exit to the village, a blonde girl with a pony tail and had a flower pot in hand accidentally drop it and it landed right in Diego no no square. Diego woke up with massive amouts of pain thinking that he was gonna die.

<< oh I'm so..so...so..so..so sorry I did not mean to do that really>> flower girl said.

Diego looked up to see the blonde girl it was Ino. Diego never looked at Ino in class so this is the first time he actually took a look at her. Diego activate his sharingan for a quick second that ino wouldn't have noticed. Diego looked and saw that she did have bright blue eyes and not many curves but you know there starting to develop. Diego takes a look at his heart and see it starting to rise, he is very confused by this since it never done that before when looking at a girl.

<< Hello.. are you there I hope I didn't break him>> Ino said waving her hand in his face.

Diego doesn't think she recognized him with his mask covering his face, and his hair did grow out longer.( his hair by the end of next month will look like Madara)

Diego said it was okay. Ino feeling like she should repay him offered to go and get lunch.

<< I would like to go get lunch with you but I'm about head on a mission with my squad maybe when I get back we can>> Diego said

Ino was a little confused as she didn't see his head band but maybe he just didn't have it on. Ino agreed and made her way back to her shop. Diego still feel a little hurt from the flower pot stretch a little and he saw his team coming.

<< Ok we are about to head out do you have everything you need>> Kakashi asked

Everyone nodded and went on there way out the village. Naruto was the most excited and jumped around everywhere. Diego asked Naruto a question.

<< He so Naruto I have a question about your shadow clones do you remember like what they remember when they go poof>> Diego said

Naruto never really thought about it but responded with a yes. Diego thought about that and thought maybe he should get the shadow clone and try out an idea he has for it.

[Few hours later]

Team 7 and Tazuna were walking when they passed by a puddle, The group thought nothing of it since it was just a pudding expect Kakashi and Diego. Diego activate his base sharingan and looked at the pudding and it seem to have chakra on it so he was on guard.

a few minutes later two figures jumped out of the water and sliced Kakashi. Sakura was scared but went back to defend Tazuna. Sasuke kick one of the guys ass and The other guys was about to attack Naruto with his blade that had poison but right before he could strike, Diego activate his mangekyou and put that ninja in a genjutsu and the ninja just stopped in front of Naruto who was frozen.

Kakashi appeared impressed but under that look of impressed he was very surprised to see a weird pattern and Diego sharingan and more surprised he had a sharingan active , but questions for later. Kakashi apologized to Naruto for not acting sooner expecting him not to freeze so good thing Diego was here.

Kakashi interrogate both the ninja and Tazuna. Which Tazuna came clean. The group decided to keep going .

[ Few hours later]

Team 7 and Tazuna were on a boat and they were about to dock. Tazuna convinced the team to stay and defend him while he made the bridge. While they were walking to Tazuna house Diego sense something and throw his shuriken at it. What came out was a white rabbit. Diego was more on edge since a white rabbit would only appear in the snow not here.

<< Look what you did you almost killed a rabbit , you know your useless Diego but don't try to be useful and fail>> Sakura yelled

Kakashi yelled get down, but Diego was two slow with his reaction and saw a sword coming at him. Kakashi was about to pull him down to the ground when slice it went clean through Diego and blood spilled. Team 7 looked horrified while the sword hit the tree. Someone land on the tree.

<<So sad someone so young died so early>> the mystery man said.....