
Eyes like Crimson (Burn in the Passion)

Eijirou chuckled an almost evil sound. He lost every hint of sunshine, making way for a much darker aura. His hands danced across Katsuki’s shoulders, his fingers tightening almost dangerously. A shiver ran down Katsuki’s body, his hands tightening and releasing as he simply stared into Eijirou’s eyes. He was sending a silent warning, then retracted his hands and placed one on his own hip. “Strip.” Katsuki blinked. A bolt of electricity jolted down from his head right down to his cock. Eijirou’s words were absolute, especially behind these closed doors. “No.” Or, sex. They have sex. Note: Please ask before reposting my work!

FrozenFrederick · สมจริง
1 Chs

Eyes like Crimson (Burn in the Passion)

Eijirou's eyes were crimson, that was no secret. They sparkled as he laughed, they glistened gorgeously in the sun, they captured Katsuki's attention and never let it go. And, in the rare moments, they reflected tears of all kinds. Katsuki's favorite was Eijirou's tears of happiness, where he was so overwhelmed by simple gestures that he couldn't hold his emotions back.

Such as right then, as Katsuki knelt to a single knee in the kitchen, ignoring the dinner waiting to be cooked on the stove. In his hands, he held a black velvet box with a sparkling silver ring placed ever so carefully inside.

Katsuki opened his mouth to speak his mind, the thoughts he had been putting into words in front of the mirror for so long. He had forced himself to believe he actually had the guts to do this, then he would smack the counter and shout at his weakness.

He denied to all his co-workers that he had practiced this. No, of course he hadn't. He would never stoop to the level of hyping himself up. Who the hell does he think he is?!

"Goddammit, shitty hair, stop crying," Katsuki scoffed, a pang of emotion springing to his own face, his cheeks flushing hot.

Eijirou brought an unsteady hand to his eyes, haphazardly wiping at his cheeks. His thumbs were wet with tears, yet his eyes were just as bright as before. Perhaps even brighter.

"You're such an idiot," he huffed out, his lips curling into a beautiful smile. Katsuki felt his heart lift as he raised himself to his feet at the sight of Eijirou's swift nod. "Of course I'll- goddammit, you're so manly, Katsuki. You beat me to it." He reached into the pocket of his hoodie, past the zips that kept a similar black box safe inside.

Katsuki watched with wide-eyed curiosity as Eijirou opened to reveal a ring, clad with tiny sparkling diamonds surrounding a red gem. The red haired man outstretched his hand to grasp onto Katsuki's, his calloused fingers gentle with Katsuki, like they've always been. Fingertips hardened from endless fighting and warfare stroked the scars scratched along Katsuki's hands, ranging from tiny nicks to long scratches beyond his wrists.

"Yours first, love," Eijirou whispered, offering up his left hand as the ring box rested in his right. Katsuki almost felt rushed as he took up Eijirou's hand, then slipped the ring onto the correct finger. He nearly lost his mind as Eijirou did the same to his own left hand, yet finished the gesture with a solid kiss to the tip of the ring.

The lovesick glaze filtered over Eijirou's stare, his lips still forming a sloppy smile as he threaded his fingers through Katsuki's spiked hair, untangling the knots with practiced excellence.

And for a brief moment, everything was perfect.

Katsuki reluctantly placed all his trust in Eijirou as the latter took a step closer, with hands outstretched, a firm embrace closing the distance. Warm lips slotted against Katsuki's, strong hands grasping at his head, his waist. His eyes scrunched shut, an odd voice whispering in his ear, to give in, to let his walls down just this once.

A skilled tongue slid past Katsuki's defenses, and he felt Eijirou's lips curl into a smile. The hand on his waist tightened, pulling the hem of his shirt taught and up, revealing a small strip of skin. Stunned by the sudden rush of cold air on his back, not to mention fingers making their own trail across his skin, Katsuki's eyes shot open, his grip on Eijirou's shoulders tightening.

Eijirou took advantage of these few seconds of surprise, that cheeky man.

As Katsuki broke the kiss a moment to breathe, Eijirou brushed a few stray locks of hair back behind his ear, and cupped his face.

"You were making dinner?" Eijirou asked, failing miserably at hiding his eager grin. He was almost vibrating with anticipation, his new ring landing cold against the skin just above the hem of Katsuki's shorts.

Katsuki narrowed his glare, his face flaring red hot. He placed a solid hand flat on Eijirou's chest, then shoved him towards the hallway. His hand curled into a fist, balling up the other man's shirt as he did so. He yanked Eijirou down to his level, his teeth bared menacingly. "Do not change this fucking subject, shitty hair."

"Aww," Eijirou cooed, yet was silenced by a harsh yank to his shirt. He zipped his lips closed, but the motion did not wipe away that sly smile.

Katsuki did not let that expression go unnoticed, as he threw an accusing finger up to Eijirou's nose. "Shut. Up."

Eijirou raised his hands in surrender, forcing his lips to fold together tightly, the smile disappearing off his face. That mischievous glint in his eyes, however, did not fade so easily. It was a burning desire, a familiar sensation that Katsuki had felt too many times to count. Eijirou was that special flame in his heart, more powerful than any Quirk could ever hope to be. He was the only person to make Katsuki feel this way, desperate for attention and scrabbling for it like a fool.

The red haired man's hands caught on the doorway as Katsuki shoved him towards their room down the hallway. Dinner was forgotten, it was not important. As soon as the door clicked shut, that same smirk appeared on Eijirou's face, a flicker of pride at the sight of Katsuki's uncontrollable fluster.

"Are you going to be a brat tonight?" Eijirou whispered, his head cocking to the side, inching closer until their lips touched. Katsuki glared holes through Eijirou's head, but the violence flaming in his eyes was squashed as soon as fingers ghosted over the exposed skin of his back.

Words were caught in Katsuki's throat, desperacy evident in his muffled attempts at forming audible words. Eijirou giggled, a heavenly sound that was far too rare. Yet, that playful demeanor made way for a flicker of dominance, one that Katsuki had only seen in the most powerful of heroes on the field.

He knew far better than to disobey.

"Are you going to be a brat, Katsuki?" Eijirou repeated, a much more stern tone overtaking his voice.

"Who the hell are you to order me around?" Katsuki snapped, crossing his arms as Eijirou guided him towards the edge of the bed.

He knew what would happen if he were to disobey, but that would not stop him from biting the bullet.

Eijirou chuckled an almost evil sound. He lost every hint of sunshine, making way for a much darker aura. His hands danced across Katsuki's shoulders, his fingers tightening almost dangerously. A shiver ran down Katsuki's body, his hands tightening and releasing as he simply stared into Eijirou's eyes. He was sending a silent warning, then retracted his hands and placed one on his own hip.


Katsuki blinked. A bolt of electricity jolted down from his head right down to his cock. Eijirou's words were absolute, especially behind these closed doors.

"No." His feet were planted firm on the carpet, his hands settling on tight fists. He snatched Eijirou's shirt again, jerking him around as he sneered. "I'm not letting myself fall under your order."

"Oh? Is that so?" Eijirou grasped onto Katsuki's wrist, then leaned in close to his ear, biting the shell as another warning. "Listen to me, Katsuki," he sang sweetly, sending even more shivers down Katsuki's rigid body. His hands landed on the other man's waist, then pushed underneath his shirt to explore warm skin.

Katsuki relished the soft touches, until they left him completely as Eijirou stepped just out of reach. He sat on the edge of the bed, arms crossed and one leg resting atop the other. His chin was tilted upwards, a shadow casted over the top half of his face.

"Do I need to repeat myself again?" he demanded, finally taking this insolent behavior seriously.

Katsuki's hands fiddled with the edge of his shirt, then pulled it over his head almost frantically. He could feel the trail of Eijirou's gaze across his entire body, feeling flustered and embarrassed. He was pinned beneath Eijirou's entire being, just his aura was enough to make Katsuki squirm.

His hands landed on the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his thumbs hooked onto both articles of clothing. "I don't know why I'm doing this…" Katsuki grumbled, then clamped his mouth shut as he felt a sharp exhale brush his skin. Instead of further argument, he shimmied his shorts and boxers down, allowing his cock to breach the open air. He bit the inside of his lip as his sensitive skin felt a rush of cold air.

"Good job, darling," Eijirou cooed, then opened his arms wide and beckoned Katsuki over. His leg slid off the other, both feet placed firm on the floor.

Katsuki approached him, his hands clasped in front of himself, hiding his rising erection from Eijirou's piercing gaze.

Strong hands landed themselves on Katsuki's waist, finding their place instantly on his hips. Eijirou pulled him down onto his leg, Katsuki's cock resting against the red haired man's thigh. The nude man's face was pulled into a tight expression, his cheeks flared deep red, his eyes avoiding Eijirou's own.

"Look at me." A pointer and thumb brought Katsuki's head up by his chin, then rubbed at his bottom lip and graced him with a gentle kiss.

However, Katsuki was forced to break the kiss as Eijirou began to stroke his cock; the sensation sudden and startling That same cheeky smile returned to Eijirou's lips as Katsuki released a meek moan. He slapped a hand over his mouth at the sound, panicked and flustered.

Eijirou simply laughed.

He grabbed Katsuki by the wrists, then pinned his hands down by his hips. "Don't block those noises, Katsuki."

"You are so…" Katsuki mumbled out between shaky moans. "So fucking dead."

A quick scoff from the still-clothed man, then words eluded Katsuki's mind as the stroking sped up. Eijirou's fingers latched around the nude man's cock, sliding across his skin, spreading small beads of precum along the shaft.

Heat pooled in Katsuki's stomach as he allowed himself to moan openly, a hint of fear creeping into his mind at the thought of disobeying Eijirou again. He clenched his teeth as pleasure clouded his brain, yet the sensation and pressure on his cock was snatched away from him.

"What the fuck!" he barked, startling himself with the sudden snap.

Eijirou shook his finger no, and Katsuki shut up real quick.

"Will you not be a little brat, if I let you cum?" Eijirou sounded almost genuine. His fingernails dug into Katsuki's wrist, just enough to get his point across.

Katsuki glowered at him, his shoulders shaking at the lost pleasure. He remained silent, hoping Eijirou would take pity-

He didn't need no fucking pity!

Katsuki acted before thinking, his hands shoving Eijirou flat onto his back by the shoulders. He trapped him beneath him, overshadowing his body with a firm glare.

"You are not in charge here."

Eijirou grinned maliciously, then cupped Katsuki's cheek lovingly. "Then, who is in charge, Katsuki?" He radiated a familiar feeling of condescending nature as he easily interchanged the positions, slamming Katsuki onto the mattress and taking his rightful place on top. "You've been a real pain."

Stunned by the sudden alter in positions, Katsuki stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Eijirou's dominance was evident as he sat up on his knees, holding the nude man down with a single hand, a hard glare, and a sly smirk.

"Just for your attitude," he reached towards the nightstand, then fumbled around in the drawer until he found the familiar bottle of lube, and brought it to light. Katsuki's blood ran cold as Eijirou spoke his next words ever so smoothly. "You're going to finger yourself open for me."

He unscrewed the cap, his expression remaining the same even as he spread some over the length of Katsuki's fingers, coating them all the way to the knuckle. He was teasing him, with gentle grazes to his desperate cock, needy for attention and friction. Katsuki almost whined at the lack of contact, the touch so close yet so far.

"Go on, aren't you so desperate for contact, Katsuki?" Eijirou teased gently, poking fun at the other man's crimson cheeks.

"I hate you," Katsuki hissed.

"And yet you put this ring on my finger," he held the silver band up to the sky, knowing it would have glistened in the light if there was any in the room. He returned that hand to Katsuki's skin, kneading the dips and curves of his ass. "Go on," he urged, dangerously close to Katsuki's ear once again.

With a stifled whimper, Katsuki tried his best to growl in protest. However, he finally did as he was told.

He reached around behind himself, but stopped as soon as Eijirou tutted and shook his head. "On your stomach, Katsuki. Let me watch."

"You have got to be-" He cut off the impulsive words, then scooted forwards and turned to rest his chest on the bed, his ass up in the air towards Eijirou's prying eyes.

One finger went in first, sliding in and out of his asshole easily with the help of the lube. There was only a slight burn, until the muscle was easily stretched around the single digit. Katsuki knew from previous times however, that one finger would not be enough to prepare himself for Eijirou's thick cock.

Contrary to his kind and gentle aura beyond the bedroom, Eijirou was a fucking monster in the sheets. He ravaged the room and marked what was his with harsh bites and deep purple bruises.

Katsuki was getting hard all over again just thinking about it, imaging those sharp fingernails digging into his skin as he gave into submission-

He would never submit.

Yet, he continued doing as Eijirou ordered.

"Add another, you know what to do."

The burn returned as Katsuki slid his fingers in and out of his asshole, becoming accustomed to the routine of stretching out and slipping another inside.

Finally, after having scissored three fingers apart and releasing a drawn-out moan, Eijirou patted Katsuki's cheek, and he dropped his tired hand to the bed. He attempted to turn his head, but Eijirou pressed him back into the mattress.

"No peeking yet, Katsuki."

The nude man heard the shuffle of clothing, then the bed creaked and Eijirou's hands were on him again. A gentle pressure was applied to his stretched out hole, then Katsuki's knees gave out as he was struck with the brutal force he had been waiting for.

The monster he knew in the sheets had come out of the condescending, teasing shell, and pure desperation clouded Katsuki's mind. He couldn't think anymore, and his arms collapsed onto the bed, causing him to fall face first back into the pillows.

Eijirou tugged Katsuki upwards, pressing the head of his cock only a little deeper into the latter's clenching hole. It stretched wide open for him, taking every single flutter of a thrust. Katsuki's hands were shaking in the open air, unable to grasp anything for support as all his weight was forced onto his knees.

"Please, Ei," he babbled, his words verging on nonsensical gibberish.

"Use your words," Eijirou whispered, bracing himself on the bed as well. He was half-holding Katsuki a few inches off his lap, a few inches away from having the entire cock stuffed into his ass.

Katsuki barked a swift insult, his face flaring red and head itching to turn and face him. "Let me- please!"

"Let you what?" he asked, then allowed Katsuki to relax a single inch. Eijirou's own cock was begging and urging the action to be repeated again and again. "I don't know what you want-"

"Fuck me!" Katsuki's voice exploded from his throat, which was rewarded with a swift kiss and a new tiny bruise.

"There you go," Eijirou muttered against his nape, then slammed Katsuki down, the entire length of his cock sliding in like a warm knife in smooth butter.

Katsuki nearly screamed in the overwhelming pleasure, and he erupted in short, broken moans as Eijirou bounced him on his lap, his cock settling in perfectly. "Are you satisfied yet, Katsuki?" Eijirou punctuated those words with a swift bite to the side of Katuski's neck, relishing the already fucked-out expression on his face.

His cheeks were red, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. His lips were drawn up in a poor attempt of a snarl, demands flooding his glare through the sheer hate of being dominated. "Oh, if you hate it that much I can-"

"Don't you fucking dare," Katsuki forced through his trembling lips, which Eijirou captured in a sloppy kiss. He turned Katsuki's head towards him, allowing for a better, more connected kiss. His tongue roamed freely through the expanse of Katsuki's mouth.

However, Katuski yelped suddenly into the kiss, as Eijirou's fingers twisted his nipples simultaneously, yet another layer of pleasure. One hand remained on his chest whilst the other wrapped around his aching cock, red and leaking. All the while, Eijirou was bouncing Katsuki on his cock, raising him up only to slam him back down.

Katsuki was moaning wildly, the ability to form audible words had long since left him. His hands were clenching to fists in the sheets, scrambling for purchase on any sort of support in this world full of fuzzy frames and unforgiving pleasure.

Eijirou's hand retreated from his cock for a moment, giving Katsuki only a split second to breathe before it was back, sliding something over the tip and securing it on the shaft.

Despite being barely able to see through the tears, Katsuki vaguely remembered the feel of this particular item from once or twice before.

Eijirou could not be serious.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, then whined as the stimulation left both his cock and his nipple. Eijirou's hands landed on his hips, then lifted Katsuki up off his cock, only to urge him to turn around. Once he complied to being shifted, Katsuki only had a moment to lament the loss before it returned, stronger and much more brutal than before.

He could see Eijirou's wicked grin now as he was shoved back-first onto the mattress. He was only slightly disappointed that he wasn't being allowed to ride this glorious man, then the realization of the restriction on his own cock slapped him across the face once again.

Heat was pooling in the blonde's stomach, shoving down into his cock, only to be denied release.

Eijirou towered above Katsuki, his usual cheeky smirk reappearing as he took in the situation. "You're in a bit of a predicament here," he pointed out with a tiny kiss to Katsuki's cheek. "But I won't let you cum until I do."

The blonde man growled at the words, but a tap to his nose signaled a warning, and he shrank back against the mattress. All he was able to do was hold out until Eijirou had had his fun. But the pressure was too much on Katsuki's dick, he didn't know how much longer he could hold out. His eyes were full of spilled tears, all from the pleasure.

Eijirou was on his knees, legs spread to support his weight on the mattress. He heaved Katsuki's hips up, and slammed right up against his prostate, eliciting a harsh scream that left Eijirou's ears ringing. A familiar feeling of triumph overpowered the red haired man, and he began to really lay into Katsuki.

Skin slapped against skin as Eijirou picked up the pace, chasing his own climax and release as Katsuki's moans reached a new octave of desperation.

Warmth flooded Katsuki's mind, a rush of pleasure filling him to the absolute brim, right up against his prostate. Yet, his own release did not follow suit.

He blinked his eyes open, hands scrabbling to grasp onto Eijirou's arms, his nails scratching sweaty skin.

"You said- you said," he panted out, glaring as best he could as he felt Eijirou pull out. "You bastard, Ei, you-"

"Shh," Eijirou cooed, cradling Katsuki in his arms like a fragile baby. He held him close to his bare chest, taking his leisurely time trailing ghostly lines across Katsuki's chest. "I never said which time I would cum, Katsuki."

That glint in Eijirou's beautiful, crimson irises had never looked so evil.

And just like that, Eijirou scooped the writhing man into his arms, and started towards the bathroom door on the other end of the room.

"But before that, how about a shower, love?"