
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
93 Chs

Weiss and Blake

"Ah, Sorry!" Ruby apologized to the girl she had run into.

"Sorry? Do you have any idea how much damage you could've caused?" Weiss yelled at Ruby.

"Calm down princess, it was an honest mistake." Yang spoke up for her sister.

"Calm down? This is dust! Mined and purified from the Schnee quarry! Do you have any idea how much this is worth?" Weiss spoke while opening a case to show the dust residing inside.

"Do me a favor and don't yell at my friends please? It was an honest mistake." Gojo spoke up. Weiss looked at him for a second, ready to continue yelling but after seeing who it was, scoffed and was about to leave. That was when Ruby sneezed.

Gojo sprang into action immediately, he got in front of Ruby and the rest of the group to take the explosion. Unfortunately, that didn't include Weiss.

While Gojo's whole group was completely fine and clean, Weiss was very much pissed and unclean. She was completely black, much alike a cartoon character that just got exploded.

"Unbelievable! This is exactly what I was talking about!" She complained. Weiss continued to scold Ruby which no one could even complain about nor stop. Although sneezing was a basic human need at times, the fact that she didn't look away and sneeze or anything similar disincentivized anyone from stopping Weiss' rant.

Just when Gojo was about to leave out of boredom, a hot black-haired girl with the most bountiful ass he'd ever seen interfered with the rant.

He didn't pay attention to her words as his full attention was on her ass, but he was soon brought out of his trance with a slap on the head from Rumi.

By the time he'd returned to himself, their small group was walking away.

"I'll catch up soon." Gojo spoke as he stayed to talk with Weiss. The black-haired girl had already left the scene which made him somewhat sad.

"Need some help?" He spoke while pointing to the luggage she was holding.

"I can do it myself." She replied and continued walking.

"You can, however, you'll need to have a quick shower to get rid of the dust all over you. Want someone to watch your stuff?" He asked.

"And why would I trust you with my luggage?" She questioned.

"Well, I know your mother, that's more than anyone else here can say." He answered.

"...I guess." She passed her luggage to him and stormed off into the shower, not without quickly turning around and rummaging through one of the suitcases first though. She pulled out the exact same outfit which she was already wearing and brough it in with her.

"White, huh?" Gojo smiled.

"I'll kill you." She threatened as she walked into the women's showers.

Gojo got a wide variety of looks as he sat down next the entrance to the women's bathrooms. Some being the women that were attracted to his look, some were disgusted by his being next to their bathroom. Most men already hated him seeing that he was waiting for a girl that was in the bathroom, with her luggage and all.

"How much did she pay you to sit there and wait with her luggage?" The black-haired girl asked Gojo.

"Nothing, I'm just a gentleman." Gojo puffed out his chest.

"..." She wasn't impressed.

"You don't like her? What's up?" He asked.

"What's to like? Her family profits off of the suffering of Faunus! And she flaunts it around like a badge!" She complained.

"Huh, I didn't know that. My name's Gojo." He extended a hand towards her.

"Blake." She didn't give him a handshake.


"...That's it? You don't care about Faunus either?" Blake looked like all hope had been lost. Ever since coming here it seems she's seen nothing but bad relations between human and Faunus.

"I just don't think I should judge someone on what their family is responsible for. It's not like she'd be able to influence it in the slightest yet. She might just be waiting for the right time, or maybe she has an unfavorable view of Faunus because they judge her based on her family's actions." Gojo spoke.

In his eyes, racism was only dangerous in the hands of adults. Children, were children, they could still be changed and molded into better people, however, it's far more difficult to change an adult.

"..." Blake thought on it for a second.

"Well, most people don't care anyway since it doesn't affect them. I assume it affects you?" He smiled while petting her hair, feeling her ears while pushing her bow-tie out of the way. Nothing could escape the sight of Six Eyes. Thankfully, basically everyone was getting ready for the principal's speech, so there wasn't anyone around to see.

"You knew?" Her expression went from one of contemplation and a bit of anger to fear and surprise in an instant.

"Of course, I knew, I've been dating two Faunus for months and living with three for my whole life. I'd be ashamed if I couldn't identify one." He laughed. Blake's expression eased as she realized that there was little chance, he was racist since he lived with Faunus his whole life.

"You again?" A voice came from the entrance to the bathrooms.

"Calm down, Weiss. There isn't a need to fight. You might get put on the same team after all." Gojo laughed.

"I'd rather die than be on her team." Weiss scoffed.

"The feeling's mutual." Blake replied. Despite Gojo's words, Blake didn't change her hate towards the Schnees. A couple of words can't change people's lives immediately.

"Well, c'mon cuties, we have to get to the auditorium." He smiled and pulled them by their hands. He used Limitless to pull their luggage along with him.

(A.N. I no longer want to use the word cutie to describe women after that Netflix disaster... They have ruined a great nickname.)

Both of the girls he was pulling along with him had very different thoughts.

'Cutie?' Weiss slightly blushed. She had never been given a nickname beyond 'ice queen' or 'ice princess', so she got a bit caught off guard with what he had called her.

'What semblance is that? Telekinesis?' Blake was thinking on his semblance that was effortlessly pulling along their luggage. You don't often see a semblance that people use over-casually.

They soon arrived at the auditorium and sat down just as Ozpin began speaking.

Although, that wasn't what Gojo was thinking about. The trio met up with Gojo's group again and they say together. However, Yoruichi and Yang had taken the seats adjacent to him, they pulled his hand onto their seats before they sat down. He now had a handful of ass from both Yoruichi and Yang.

He wasn't shy about feeling them up. Rumi took notice and took a mental note to do something similar later.

Blake also took notice.

'He said he had two Faunus girlfriends; does he have more human girlfriends?' She asked herself. Her mind soon drifted to the books she frequented. The vast amount she read allowed her to think of thousands of different ways he would try to seduce her. As well as the vast amount of ways he'd make love to her.

Little did she know, she was currently poisoning her mind. No doubt he wanted to seduce her, but it would be much more difficult if she didn't take every future interaction they had as him trying to get closer to her.

Yang and Yoruichi weren't able to focus on the speech when their pussies were drooling because of Gojo's hands pleasing them. They wouldn't be able to cum through solely getting groped, but they came close.

The speech was soon concluded. Yang and Yoruichi reluctantly stood up, separating themselves form Gojo's hands.

Everybody had a shower with the exception of Weiss who already had one.

Gojo exited the shower without a shirt on. Why would he hide his amazing physique that he didn't earn? Basically, every girl there had their eyes glued to Gojo's figure.

Yang could be seen drooling in the corner and even Ruby blushed a bit. Weiss tried to hide the fact that she was checking him out and Blake's mind was moving at a thousand miles an hour, thinking of all the erotic novels she'd read.

He walked up to them, he heard Yoruichi and Rumi speaking to Yang and Ruby, who weren't paying attention anymore.

"These pajamas are so annoying; I can't stand being in these." Yoruichi complained. She's probably never wore clothes while sleeping in her life, so her frustration makes sense. Seeing that they weren't paying attention, both Yoruichi and Rumi did a 180 to see Gojo without a shirt on.

"It makes sense you find the clothes annoying when you usually walk around the house without clothes on." Gojo commented. This brought Yang and Ruby out of their trance.

"Perving on our boyfriend now, are you?" Rumi smiled while hugging Gojo who had just sat down.

"Yes, I am. You expect me not to when he doesn't have a shirt on?" Yang smiled.

"Yang! We shouldn't be watching!" Ruby tried to cover her sister's eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, go make that black-haired girl your friend. She saved you, remember?" Yang wanted to get rid of Ruby as soon as possible so she could dirty talk with her friend's boyfriend as much as she wanted.

"But she's scary!" Ruby complained.

"C'mon, I'll even start the conversation for you!" Yang pulled her over to Blake, spoke for a second and returned.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Yoruichi smiled.

"As much as I love her, she needs to stop relying on me." Yang spoke.

"And you just wanted to flirt with Gojo." Rumi commented.

"Maybe." Yang smiled. Her eyes lowered towards Gojo's shorts which did a terrible job in hiding his dick. He was far too big to be wearing shorts. Even when flaccid, Yang could see the outline of it through the shorts.

"Yang." Gojo commanded her attention.

"Yeah?" She looked into his eyes rather than to his dick.

"Yoruichi has already said that I only fuck my women." He spoke. Yang nodded.

"And you want me to fuck you?" He asked. Yang nodded.

"So, you'll be mine for the foreseeable future?" Gojo asked.

"I thought the answer was obvious." She laughed.

"However, there is one little problem with that." Yang tilted her head, waiting for him to continue his words.

"I want you to be my woman in more than just name. I'll use the next week to completely seduce you. And if I'm completely certain that you're infatuated with me, I'll show you the night of your life." Gojo spoke while holding her chin.

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

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