
A Holiday Sounds Nice


While Chance was still muttering under his breath while digging into his plate using his bare hands, a wet noise could be heard landing on the end of the table, next to Loki. As the foreign noise attracted the attention of the trio, they looked over but only saw the back of a woman as she swaggered away in the direction of the food counter.




While their attention was still focused on the back of the woman, the sound repeated. Followed by the wet squelch of saliva on the end of the table, another figure walked off in the same direction as the woman without so much as a glance backwards. This process repeated another six times as the entire entourage of pompous workers which had stirred up trouble from day one, made their way through the hall.

As though it was a ritual, as each of them passed by the table which Chance, Loki and Rykar were seated, they would spit exaggeratedly on the end of the table without looking directly at any of them. The gloppy balls of spit would land on the table the brothers were eating at but didn't directly hit any of them, however the intent behind the action was clear.

Watching the group make their way to the counter before ordering their meals with bright smiles plastered on their faces, Rykar's eyes once again froze over, yet he kept an amiable smile on his lips. The expression was strangely contradictory, like a battle of wills was taking place between his upper and lower face.

"Trash with nothing better to do." Chance swore at them before going back to his meal at a much slower pace than previously. Although he was trying to down play their actions, it could easily be seen that his mood had also taken a turn for the worse.

Loki was the only one that had no change in expression. As he saw the second glob of spit land, he already began to turn his face back to his food with a straight face as he continued eating at a steady pace. Calm and collected like the surface of a lake, as always.

"Rykar, chill out. They are just wasting their energy." Loki said a few words in a poor attempt to pacify his brother. Knowing that his words wouldn't have much of an effect, he tried to let his temperament and actions serve as a guide for his hot-headed sibling.

"Why did the manager die?" Rykar asked suddenly. The question caused Chance and Loki to pause for a moment. Rather than accepting that Rykar had killed a man, Loki had long since tried to simply bury the occasion without looking back on it. Just like many other experiences he had been through, he hoped that not talking about it would help it to go away in time.

"He died because he was doing evil things. He was abusing his power. He was being greedy." Chance replied with slow words, highlighting the evils of the man without touching on Rykar's participation.

"Hmm, and who killed him?" Rykar asked again without agreeing or disagreeing with the previous answer.

"You did." This time, it was Loki who answered while Chance faltered, unsure of whether to answer the question. Loki looked straight into Rykar's cold face and stated directly, "You slit his throat."

Rykar still wore a mixture of emotions on his face as he heard his brothers reply. Although his brows flinched slightly, his eyes never wavered, maintaining their clear and cold look.

"Both your answers are right, but not all the way. The man died because he decided to do the bidding of that woman and her groupies. He could have carried on doing what he was supposed to, but ultimately, she caused him to go on to his death. In the end, his death falls to no one but himself, which was the end of his cycle. All the bad he has and will have done, came back on to him at that moment.

So, to answer the first question, he died because of that woman. To the second question, he was the one who killed himself. I simply helped him to complete his cycle." Rykar finished confidently.

As Rykar and Loki heard his explanation, they both felt their backs crawl as they looked upon Rykar in a new light. It was only now that they understood what he had meant when he mentioned the "Cycle" after getting out of isolation. Loki never realised how he had taken their mothers words to such an extreme.

However, that wasn't the reason for the sense of discomfort between Loki and Chance. That stemmed from the revelation of how seriously the death of the manager had impacted on Rykar psychologically.

This "Cycle" which he had delved into, had become the perfect defence mechanism. It worked to distance himself from his own actions while placing the blame on others, allowing him to act on impulse with a flawless justification.

They both came to understand that Rykar felt absolutely no guilt or remorse in his actions despite them being carried out in self-defence.

Both of them were left speechless as they looked at his smiling face. All this time, they had felt that Rykar's eyes were filled with anger whenever they frosted over, but now they weren't sure what they were looking at. It was as though Rykar really was hiding a demon inside himself. A demon that found the perfect chance to manifest itself during his period of isolation, when his physical and mental state was at rock bottom.

In the space of seven shifts and three days of isolation, a completely new side to Rykar had emerged and developed without his brother noticing a thing.

"All this working in the fields lately is pretty tiring. A holiday sounds nice. Luckily… it seems that their cycles are about to come to an end." Rykar stretched his arms under the mindful gazes of the other two. "Guards! I found people stealing essence fruits!"

Hearing Rykar call out, the six closest guards in the room came over quickly as though they were afraid to miss out on such a big present. "Who is it, point them out now. I hope you understand its three days in isolation for a false claim." The nearest guard reminded him solemnly as he looked around the room.

There was still around five minutes before the shifts would formally end, so besides all of the food staff and guards, there were only around twenty or thirty workers enjoying an early dinner. Although the numbers were meagre, every single pair of eyes were glued to the source of the voice like flies to sh*t.

Without answering the guards question he Rykar looked over the group of seven while still smiling. Soon, everyone within the room had their eyes facing these new targets with either hopeful or sympathetic looks. Either they would be found innocent and manage to pace Rykar in isolation once again, or these tyrants would finally face the punishment that they had long deserved.

Rykar slowly rose up from his seat, his long inky hair tumbling down past his waist as he twisted his hips as though stretching for a marathon. He then slowly began to walk in the direction of the group, which were still holding their plates while gob smacked.

Even Loki and Chance were shocked as to this latest development, but after a moment of contemplation, the situation dawned on Loki as he watched on in horror. "Rykar! Are you sure!? Is this just an accidental misunderstanding?" He called out to his brother while trying to give him a way of reversing the situation before it became impossible to turn back.

Rykar stopped for just a second, looking at Loki's pleading expression, before laughing out loud and continuing towards the group. At this point, Loki's shout had woken them up from their reverie, causing them to chuckle amongst themselves while raining curses down onto Rykar.

"Who do you think you're accusing?! Shut up brat! Watch as your brother sentences himself to isolation." The pompous lady shouted towards Loki as she looked at Rykar with ridicule in her eyes. This kid had just invited disaster onto himself in a childish strop, how could she pass up this opportunity to cause this ugly demon even more misery.

"Haha, didn't you learn your lesson the first time?"

"You really must have been raised by animals to throw out such lies."


The remarks came one after the other, however Rykar still maintained a slow and steady pace which caused the tension to slowly fade away. The slow pace was taken for uncertainty and weakness, however only Rykar understood that this was valuable time which he utilised in order to adjust his focus and mental state.

As he reached the front of the group, the woman took initiative and strode forward to greet him. "Go ahead, where is the fruit then you unwanted little brat?" She ridiculed with scorn on her face.

"What's your name?" Rykar asked. Whenever his pictured this woman's face, he realised that all he associated her with was anger, pain and annoyance. Up until this day, he hadn't asked her or anyone else her name.

"… Elizabeth, not that you deserve to know." Elizabeth replied after a slight pause. Truthfully, the question had thrown her off guard and left her dumbfounded. She had expected almost any possible retort but such a simple question, such as her name, had left he lost for words for a moment.

"Elizabeth… Elizabeth." Rykar repeated the unfamiliar name a few times before he pronounced it right. "So, Elizabeth. Do you know how much pain you've caused those around you? How much pain you've caused me?" He continued to ask.

At this point, it wasn't just Elizabeth who was stunned. Everyone in the hall, including Chance and Loki, had been listening intently and had heard Rykars blunt and direct question. Everyone had expected a brutal and violent confrontation, or at least a harsh verbal conflict! Even the guards had been prepared to move at a moment's notice if needs be.

"Does it matter?" While Elizabeth's mind was still slightly dazed, she simply answered on reflex. From this reply, Rykar seriously understood that she didn't care for how her actions affected those around her. The pain she inflicted on others was insignificant in comparison to her whims.


Rykar had no response to her words as he let out a sigh. Despite the questions, they were merely due to curiosity. Nothing would have changed the fate of Elizabeth and her group at this point.

With slow and deliberate movements, Rykar took a step forwards and extended his hand into the pocket on her left-hand side. As Elizabeth was still thinking about the questions and answers that had just taken place, she was slow to react. By the time she noticed Rykar's movements, his hand was already buried deep into her pocket!

As she jumped backward in reflex, Rykar's hand was pulled from her pocket. The only issue to this was that, unlike the empty hand which had entered the pocket, Rykar's fingers were not clasping onto a shining silver bead.

Everyone's breath caught in their throats in that instant. The only noise which could be heard clearly was the weak sigh which left Loki's Lungs before he got up and made his way towards the exit, refusing to watch the rest of Rykar's performance.

As Elizabeth's legs buckled from underneath her, she slid to her knees while no longer having any grip on reality. It was as though her heart had turned into a rock, crushing her organs from within her chest with an unbearable pressure.

With eyes still focused on the bead which had long since been dropped onto the floor like a worthless item, no one in the room paid attention as Rykar used light steps to weave in between each and every member of the group.

Every person he passed by, an empty hand would thrust into their pocket.

Every person he passed by, a silver light would flash as his hand left their pocket.

Every person he passed by, a glittering essence fruit would be left discarded at their feet.

It feels like I'm making my own little Frankenstein's monster >:D

R.I.P Elizabeth


Too soon?

Delliiriiumcreators' thoughts