
Extreme Wealth with Infinite Upgrades

Lu Fan thought life would be favorable after graduation but it was all his fantasy. Wishful thinking. He was beaten so badly that he did not dare go back home and show how much of a failure he had become. With the mentality of giving it one last try, he opened a repair shop. That was when his golden finger activated. From then on, he can upgrade anything infinitely.

mobisa · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


Lu Fan rubbed his hands together to try to generate some heat. It was already winter and the temperature was chilling. But even in such conditions, he still had to get up early and come to the shop to start tinkering with parts, trying to salvage whatever he could from these old engines.

His fingers were already pale and the white of his hand was scalded. It was alright still at the moment, but once he started heating up his hands, that is when the true torture started.

As for using gloves and whatnot, it was impossible. He needed as much delicate control as possible and he could not afford to pay for further damages if something happened just because he wore gloves.

It was better to suffer joint pains later when he went back home.

"Brat Lu, what are you doing over there, how many smoke breaks can there be in a single day?"

"Yeah, yeah I'll get right back to it."

Just thinking that he now had to start dealing with oil-quenched parts that were left overnight made him grimace.

He was very unwilling, but what could he do?

His degree that the whole village had contributed to educating him felt like a burden. He could not find it in himself to even go back home, fearing that they'd ask about his situation.

It is almost a year since he went back home. His parents had been urging him, but he could only use the excuse that he was busy with work and would come home for New Year.

Time was running out and his situation was getting worse. His health was also the same.

He had to soak in steaming water for an hour to make his chest stop aching. He did not even have enough money to go to a proper hospital for a decent check-up.

It was not until it got too dark to see that he got off work. It could not be helped.

He did not dare turn on the lights to work overtime, lest he be charged for the electricity bill.

It was really difficult.

Buy instant noodles along the way, as you go home. He could only have a proper meal once in a while. He was still saving up to open his small shop.

"I have to talk to Mr. Wang about leasing the shop."

Lu Fab could only call at this time. He was so busy during the day that he forgot.

He had saved up some money and he wanted to open a small repair shop. At least at that time, he did not have to bow his head and be scolded like a son.

The economy was bad and he could not have graduated at a worse time. People were finally allowed to go outside but they still had to maintain a one-meter distance.

Lu Fan wondered whether this rule would increase the percentage of bachelors this year. At least he was sure that he would not marry for the next… who knows how long.

But he had to try. His Electronic Engineering Certificate was collecting mold and rust and with his poor results, it was a miracle he met the cut-off point.

It was really bitter. He thought that just because he liked taking apart radios and the like, he was meant for Engineering. The whole village hyped it too, giving him some misplaced chicken blood that did not even push him past the first semester.

"Mr. Wang, since the stall has been prepared, I will pay the deposit directly. As for the rent for the next three months, let's wait for a while, who knows, maybe I'll close down soon like the previous tenant."

Lu Fan could only try to joke like this. He had to fool Mr. Wang or if he said he did not have that kind of money with him, Mr. Wang would not lease the place.

The situation was bad for everyone and he could take advantage of it now. If he waited for things to get back to the way they were, he might not even find a stall to rent.

Lu Fan finished arranging everything by the time he got home.

His small room looked desolate. He had not paid the bills for a while now and could only use a small heater for everything. This was life.

After a busy time, he prepared his bath water and got into the cramped tub. Soak for an hour or two until his skin got soggy.

After that eat some noodles and meditate until you fall asleep. This was the formula for living a hard life. He could not play the status game, or the money game, he could only play the spiritual game and memorize the Tao Te Ching.

Not overly religious but enough to keep the mind clean and spirits high. Sleep in the same position till morning. Moving too much and you might fall.

Lu Fan woke up early in the morning. He ignored everything around him and dressed as warmly as he could. Wear a dozen shirts and pad the jacket. He started off to his new stall.

There was no option.

His boss had a habit of sleeping in and he could use these early hours to sort things out.

The stall was nothing big. It was hidden in an alley and you could hardly see it. The broken neon light was the only indicator but it was enough.

Such a store naturally had its targeted customer. Not to mention the previous owner had the same business. He closed the shop after getting the virus and the place was cleaned by professionals not long ago.

Lu Fan got the stall because nobody wanted such a place. Even Mr. Wang wanted to be done with it as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would have sold all the hardware inside before thinking of leasing the place to someone else.

Lu Fan opened the shatter and was greeted with the strong smell of disinfectant. It made him frown, but he still got in.

He had to be brave to make some yuan. At this point, a virus was the least of his worries.

Looking at the soldering station that still had a phone sitting on it, Lu Fan could only shake his head.

Just fix it.

After moving some things out of the way and familiarizing himself with the tools, he got down to it.