
Chapter 85: Old Yang the Rascal

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"No problem, after all, this towel is yours," Zhao Yang said with a laugh.

At that, Zhang Yao couldn't help but laugh, turning her head to give Zhao Yang a white look, her fair cheeks reddening again.

Zhang Yao's wet clothes from last night had not dried yet, so she used a hairdryer to dry them before changing Zhao Yang into them. The two tidied up briefly and then went downstairs for breakfast.

While eating, Zhao Yang called Yang Wei.

"Hey, brother, why did you hang up after only a couple of words earlier? I didn't dare to call you back, afraid I'd disturb your morning routine. You've got me all anxious here," Yang Wei said in a rush.

"What's there to rush for? It was only six o'clock then, still sleep time," Zhao Yang completely ignored Yang Wei's mention of the "morning routine."

"Sleep time? Oh—," Yang Wei purposely drew out the sound, clearly communicating an "I got it" implication.

That old Yang, he really is a tease...