
Chapter 35 Yang Wei lets out a long sigh!

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Among those present besides Zhao Yang, there were a total of seven people. Yang Wei was relatively less well-off, while the other six were all influential figures in the county, importantly holding wealth in their hands, with even the poorest among them having a fortune not less than forty or fifty million.

A few people looked at each other, and Big Zhou heh'd once, saying, "Don't even mention thirty percent, even fifteen percent I, Big Zhou, would be in!"

"Yeah, no matter how much the cut, we're in!" the others said in unison.

"Look at that, as soon as it comes to making money, your eyes are shining brighter than light bulbs!" Yu Xiaowei mocked.

"That's right, we have to be self-reliant, not like you with a good daddy, right, my brothers." Big Zhou laughed with a sinister heh heh.